
PS3 White Knight Story images

Japanese magazine Gemaga has released a few more screenshots of White Knight Story for the PlayStation 3.

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shmee6055d ago

FF13 is the biggest game of this era on any platform . It wont be beaten but WKS wil; come close in terms of total sales.

Japanese analysts are predicting 1m sales on WKS on LAUNCH DAY in JAPAN

Skerj6055d ago

Game certainly did catch my eye with the awesome realistic combat, I hope the story follows suit. Level 5 rocks in the gameplay department but their storytelling leaves much to be desired.

PopEmUp6055d ago

I wish it will arrived 1 month after the Japanese's release

Shaka2K66055d ago

How they have Rogue Galaxy so far the best RPG this year and for hand helds Jeanne d'Arc, this guys are freaking masters at RPGs, this looks mighty sick, i love Level 5 always get my vote.

Koroshiya_Keefu6055d ago

I am excited to see Level-5's potential with utilizing the PS3 technology. Hopefully it does well in Japan to promote a speedier translation for the English speaking PS3 folk of the world!


[Gaming Evolution] White Knight Chronicles: International Edition Review

Castle walls crumble in the flaming night sky- there is chaos, panic, and murder. A black horned knight stalks the princess and all that stands in his way is a young man who works at a winery and his generic customizable friend who happened to get hired on the wrong day… White Knight Chronicles has finally arrived!

The much anticipated White Knight Chronicles has finally been released- not with a bang, but with a whimper. I previously commented on various aspects of the game that deserved note- things that could have been different, but made no such bold statements as "biggest disappointment of 2010" like some reviewers have. I personally believe White Knight Chronicles to be a decent JRPG with a fun and intuitive online system and great potential for future titles. Without further adieu- into the gritty details!

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Tawkn.com Review: White Knight Chronicles

Tayler Bell at Tawkn writes:

"The Power Rangers have finally landed on the PS3 in their brand new, super amazing, fun time, RPG!"