
New Publisher Launched, Set to Debut with Stronghold 3

Today sees the launch of new Texas-based video games publisher 7sixty. Formed to meet the demands of today’s consumers, 7sixty is working with talented developers to provide players with unique and enjoyable experiences on a range of formats, including consoles, home computers, smart phones and tablets. Each title will have a clear digital road-map that aims to expand their longevity, consumer reach and community interaction.

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Phantom Breaker Still Has No Release Date

It's been many months since Phantom Breaker was scheduled to come out and 7sixty has released an explanation as to what the hold up is.

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My Dealings with Excruciatingly Bad Games

John of GAMElitist.com - "I’ve been burned a few times when buying games. It happened more often when I was a kid. There were times where I spent around $20 on a game and ended up playing a slideshow or a very underdeveloped game that only hooked me because of its fantastic box art."

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shodan744293d ago

Great article. The worst game purchase I ever made was that horrible Street Fighter: The Movie game when the PlayStation first launched. It was my first ever console - a leap forward in possibility - and I could have had WipEout, or Tekken. Nope. Shitty, awful Street Fighter: The Movie it was. Uggh.


Stronghold 3: Gold Edition Arrives on Mac

Firefly Studios and 7Sixty have confirmed that the Mac version of Stronghold 3: Gold Edition is now available. The Mac version of Stronghold 3: Gold Edition has been developed by Mac specialists Virtual Programming, it will feature all the content contained in its PC counterpart alongside cross-platform multiplayer with PC users.

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