
Super Easy Mode: Zelda Advert with Robin and Zelda Williams. Was it right to call her Zelda?

Robin Williams is in a brand new advert for Zelda and he has a special little secret for us about his daughter; he has named her Zelda! But is this an amazing homage to nerd culture? Or is it just illogical and stupid?

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Shackdaddy8364712d ago (Edited 4712d ago )

Robin Williams is so cool :)

Gray-Fox-Type04711d ago

I saw this one the advert, pretty cool advert :) and a awesome game! Even though played it along time ago. As for the updated version you can play a hi res zelda similar to Zelda OOT 3DS on the PC or even in a cel shaded wind waker style. Its very cool!

mastershredder4711d ago

Yes. he is cool. Capitalizing off this name however, is not.

Abash4712d ago

Agreed, Mrs. Doubtfire is still one of my favorite films even today

Bull5hifT4712d ago

Isn't it kinda freaky him and his daughter holding hands staring at each other in a dark room, like some freaky Library room...wheres the Mom?, didnt this dude have a weird mind in his 1980's Stand Up Routines hed curse more than a sailor

Swiggins4711d ago

Is it just me or does Robin Williams look like Karl Marx with that beard?

Still Awesome advert is awesome!

4712d ago Replies(1)
zerocrossing4712d ago (Edited 4712d ago )

I wonder if he's preparing for a role as Santa! :D

(On topic)
whats wrong with being called "Zelda"? sounds fine to me.

Xof4712d ago

Nothing is wrong with the name in and of itself.

It's the reasoning BEHIND that choice that people take issue.

To put it another way....

Say one of your friends has a son. He tells you he's going to name the son Luke.

You think, "Congratulations!"

Say one of your friends has a son. He tells you he's going to name the son Luke, after a relative or important friend.

You think, "That's nice. Congratulations!"

Say one of your friends has a son. He tells you he's going to name the son Luke, because Star Wars is like the bestest movie of all time!!!!

You think, "What a ****ing moron."

Get it now?

PureDarkness4711d ago

THIS! Thank you! This is exactly what I was trying to say.

kaveti66164711d ago (Edited 4711d ago )

So what?

You can name your son after a relative because...? Because you liked the relative, right?

Or you can name your son after a book character or a film character because you liked the character.

It's not a big deal.

If the name, Luke, is a good name either way, then it doesn't matter.

Edit: There's a lot of other video games out there that Robin Williams may have loved at the time, and the characters of those games may have had odd names. Williams obviously wasn't stupid enough to name his daughter Peach after the princess in Super Mario.

zerocrossing4711d ago (Edited 4711d ago )

You're probably going to have a good laugh when you hear this but my little brothers name is "Luke" and its partly because of "star wars" My parents are in no way star wars fanatics, I think my dad just liked the name.

But yeah I agree with your point, Naming a child after something you happen to be a huge fanboy of isn't the smartest thing to do, But I don't think it hurts if you happen to hear or see a name you like whilst watching or reading something, and then decide that you mite like to call your son or daughter that name because you like the name itself.

For example if a parent decided to call their daughter Alice after Alice's adventures in wonderland, Because they like the name and the book/movie is a children's classic would that be a bad idea?.

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The Most Iconic Game Weapons Ever

BLG writes, "There are many fantastic and iconic weapons in game history, but some are significantly more memorable than others. When we think of iconic game weapons, these are the top 20 that come to mind."

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phoenixwing116d ago

You forgot one and it's a doozy. The weapon is kindness in undertale. :) defeats countless enemies.


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the anti-Breath of the Wild

Polygon: "To get back to the way Ocarina made us feel, it was necessary to reject almost everything about it."

LG_Fox_Brazil162d ago

Ocarina of Time changed my life forever, such a masterpiece

Zeldafan64162d ago

Hard to believe it's 25 years old already.

Cacabunga161d ago

The feeling this game gave me the first time i had my hands on it is indescribable.. i still get the chill from that day..
botw is like a spin off of the series.. it’s fun but with many flaws and the most important which is Zelda formula isn’t there..

FinalFantasyFanatic161d ago

I can't even remember how many times I played through OoT, I finished that game, and collected everything so many times.

Vits162d ago

I generally agree with the author here. However, if I had to point out a single game as the 'anti-Breath of the Wild,' that would be Majora's Mask. Pretty much everything in that game is interconnected, relies on something that the player must have done previously, is timed, and can be considered a puzzle in itself.

gold_drake161d ago

but still considered the best of the seties.

i would have liked botw to be more like ocarina.

franwex161d ago (Edited 161d ago )

25 years from today whatever Zelda is out people would too be looking fondly at Breath of the Wild.

Ah the more simple times of the 2020s.

babadivad161d ago (Edited 161d ago )

It isn't...


Zelda: Ocarina of Time - A Legend 25 Years in the Making

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time debuted 25 years ago, forever changing the face of video games and becoming a legend of its own.

Number1TailzFan194d ago

I used a guide to beat part of it but some of the rest myself, still enjoyed it regardless. Too bad they didn't stick with this kind of gameplay for the rest of the series as I would prefer it over what they're doing now.

TheBrainZ194d ago

A definitive moment in video game history. Played it countless times, and Zelda was the best reason to own an N64.

FinalFantasyFanatic194d ago

I played through OoT so many times on the 64, then I bought it on the 3DS before the Eshop shut down. I wish we could have a Zelda collection like we did for Mario, I still can't believe that never happened.

Azanar194d ago Show
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