
Gears of War (PC) Review: "A Welcome Reminder Of How Much Better PC Gaming Can Be"

The PC version of Gears of War is a welcome reminder of how much better PC gaming can be, and that it can do big, stupid action way better than the consoles that took stupid to the masses. And the extra levels that won't be released on Xbox because it can't handle them? Well, that's just funny.

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razer6041d ago

PC has the advantage on constantly updating technology to have better experiences but consoles made this game what it is also the extra dev time helped this game to be better than the console version. What an unfair fight and for PC nerds to use it as some rally cry of why PC gaming is so much better is lame.

As a personal preference I can't stand K+M and I'd rather not game at all then play games on the PC's with their constant software and hardware problems.

Anego Montoya FTMFW6041d ago

"As a personal preference I can't stand K+M and I'd rather not game at all then play games on the PC's with their constant software and hardware problems"

me too.

i love console controllers.

fermcr6041d ago (Edited 6041d ago )

well actually... i hate console controllers. I prefer keyboard and mouse.

as for this... "As a personal preference I can't stand K+M and I'd rather not game at all then play games on the PC's with their constant software and hardware problems"

What software and hardware problems are you talking about??? ...the biggest problem with the PC is between the Keyboard and the chair :)

MK_Red6041d ago

I actually love both. Mouse+Keyboard and console controller both have their unique advantages and fun factors.

projectile6041d ago

You can't sit laid back in your couch with your K+M. And i don't know how many use the pc in combination with tv/projector with full surrond sound.
One or two of the reasons why I like consoles better.

TheSadTruth6041d ago

hmm, I may pirate this to see how good it is, no way they are taking my money twice for the same game

on a separate note, I wonder how multiplayer on the pc will work.. a "charged" sniper shot on the console will instantly knock a player down if you hit them in the body.. if it still functions like that on the PC that it will be very overpowered because it is insanely easy to hit someone ANYWHERE with a mouse, especially a game with slow movement speed like GoW.

Also I hope they made it so strafing doesn't reduce the accuracy of your shots, and they all still land in the reticule. I'm not talking about hip strafe shooting either, I mean when you aim and try to strafe at the same time and it auto misses.

tplarkin76041d ago

It's ok to point out that the controls work well on the PC, but the reviewer stated that the KB/Mouse is always better.

Using a KB/Mouse for an FPS is no different than using a light gun 1 ft away from the screen. So, by "better" they mean "so accurate that it's like cheating".

dantesparda6041d ago

"What an unfair fight and for PC nerds to use it as some rally cry of why PC gaming is so much better is lame."

No Lame" is that excuse. Lame is all the 360 fanboys trying to make the 360 out to be much better than the PS3 when the differences between most of their versions is even less than this. Lame is you whining cuz you cant stand the fact. Accept it kid!

And "PC nerds"? Like all you fanboys (on all sides) aint just "console nerds"!

skagrerrrr6040d ago (Edited 6040d ago )

those who actually disagreed are just crybaby fanatics or they don't have PCs to begin with or their PC are crap.

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PS360PCROCKS6041d ago

"well that's just funny" what a jackass

Azures6041d ago

Well you can't deny that consoles are becoming more and more like PCs. And less hardware problems? The 360s lifespan tends to say otherwise, I just witnessed my friend's machine rrod the other day.

Amplifier6040d ago

"less hardware problems"

I guess overheating doesn't count right?

duarteq6041d ago (Edited 6041d ago )

I think we all know that pc can be a great weapon when we talk about gaming and hardware inovations. But, there is always a But, sometimes is really difficult to get for instance same quality as we do with consoles like PS3 or Xbox360 without giving a lot of money. Yes, i would like to have a quad-core and a 8800 GTS or similar and 4 Gbytes of memory but how much is the cost of that 3 things, comparing to consoles ? Even now the Next-Gen Consoles have higher resolution. so i made an investment of buying a PS3 and i'm well satisfied. I know that if i buy a game for the console it will play fine, ok ok some framerate problems here and there, but are acceptable. If i want to play a PC game with all graphical sets to maximum i really would like to be billionare so that i could buy the best hardware in town.
That's my opinion

**** TO powervr ****
Gostei da cena do em português :P
É apenas a minha opinião, Tb tenho PC e sei que a resoluçao e os jogos serão sempre melhores pois a tecnologia é puxada pelos jogos e o pc é o sistema mais rapido para demonstrar novas capacidades em termos graficos. A Lei de Moore reflecte isso ao nivel tecnologico. Nesse aspecto as consolas serão sempre limitadas. Ainda bem que há mais tugas aqui.

E o teu nick é da velinha PVR lol lembro-me disso perfeitamente.

ulath6666041d ago

Consoles do NOT have the upper hand in resolution.
I cant even remember the last time i played a game on my pc with such a low res as 720p. The standard (read old) 4:3 lcd resolution is 1280x1024 which is higher than most games on either of the two current gen consoles.
And take a look at the article posted on N4G the other day that tells you what to buy to get a comp that manages all the newest games in decent settings for about the same price as a console.

powervr6041d ago

so you think 600 euros (the price for the ps3 you bought) is cheap comparing to some pc's?

obviously an 8800 GTX is not cheap, but inside the ps3 there is an outdated 7xxx GPU, and we already are capable to buy some desktop pc's
below 600 euros with Better gpu's, more memory, better cpu's...
(Even better than xbox 360)

And obviously PC can do everything ...and better...

I have my PC in my living room and mostly I use the xbox 360 controller to play games...

Mouse and keyboard is better ...but...I prefer the ergonomics of the controller in my sofa...

ps3 and even xbox 360 to some extent are already outdated...
that is the problem...

What is more hilarious is sony considering 10 year life span for ps3...
well, for some folks even wii and ps2 is ok...

Now in portuguese...
Duarte um pc barato com dual core está baratissimo a memoria nunca foi tão barata e os discos compras um por menos de 100 euros com n vezes a capacidade da tua ps3...

sincerametne as consolas podem ter os dias contados...pelo menos estas que tentam competir com os pc's...
como pode a ps3 competir com o pc se nem consegue competir com a xbox 360 que continua inferior aos pcs...hum?

só o facto de serem in order cpu's em ambas consolas deveria fazer questionar um pouco as incapacidades das consolas...

mistertwoturbo6041d ago


you have no idea of what the hell you're talking about. and in actuality, nobody is really denying the fact that a $2000 PC will have better graphics than a $279 360, or a $399 PS3.

But that's not the point, it's the games are what matters.

The FACT is the negatives out-weigh the positives for a maxed-out PC:

-Excellent Graphics
-Excellent Frame rates

-Mouse and Keyboard not fit for all games, best for RTS or FPS
-Small Screen size (average computer monitors, not super-geeked out 140' projector guys)
-Lack of compelling titles. Yes, lack of compelling titles. It's not until the PC gets games like Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy 13, Mass Effect, etc. til it makes any difference.

And if even it does get those games, you have to cut off your legs to really enjoy it. I mean the internet touts Crysis as the most advanced graphics ever to date, yet only a handful of people are even going to play it at "true next-gen" max settings. Everybody else still just sits back and play it in current-gen.

So why go out and drop $2000 on a PC setup, when you can just grab a 360 or even PS3, hook it up to a TV, kick back on your bed, and just enjoy playing a game.

Gorgon6040d ago

Mistertwoturbo: Some of the reasons you put there are personal opinions, not facts.

-Mouse and Keyboard not fit for all games, best for RTS or FPS

This is wrong. Console controlers are also not fit for all games, so you can't use this argument against PCs.

-Small Screen size (average computer monitors, not super-geeked out 140' projector guys)

Again a wrong argument. The screen size depends on what you buy, just like the console people. I doubt most console palyers are playing on 60'' screens.

-Lack of compelling titles. Yes, lack of compelling titles. It's not until the PC gets games like Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy 13, Mass Effect, etc. til it makes any difference.

Wrong again. Compeling titles depend interely on your personal preferences. I don't care a rat's ass personaly to the games you mentioned, execep Mass Effect (which will end up on the PC any way, just wait). FF 13, MGS 4, HAlO, GoW, etc you can keep them all.

powervr6040d ago

duarte também deves ter reparado que a ps3 pode provocar uma estagnação no mercado dos pc's...

acho até que se não fosse a hegemonia da sony no mercado das consolas, a microsoft nunca teria feito uma consola...
o mercado dos videojogos estava completamente a secar os pc's...

A xbox 360 é uma lufada de ar fresco também para os pc's...
já que os acordos de exclusividade da microsoft geralmente contemplam o vista...

sinceramente se fosse como em portugal só playstation á frente, estariamos mal como consumidores de pc...muito mal mesmo.

Ainda bem que o mundo não é como portugal...
e sinceramente parece que haverá equilibrio...
quer dizer entre a ps3 e a xbox 360 mesmo que em diferentes territorios haja desequilibrio.

como em portugal...onde parece que só existe playstation...
Isso é mau para os consumidores...
digo eu...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 6040d ago
JokesOnYou6041d ago

but I just dont like it much, sure if you have the right set-up it outperforms consoles but console gaming with a controller on a nice tv (HD) is just alot more engaging for me. Gears is still an awesome game to play on my 360.


powervr6041d ago

[quote]but I just dont like it much, sure if you have the right set-up it outperforms consoles but console gaming with a controller on a nice tv (HD) is just alot more engaging for me. Gears is still an awesome game to play on my 360.

JOY [/quote]

well my pc is in my living room connected through hdmi it's an 83 cms LCD ...could be bigger...of course...

And mostly I use my xbox 360 controller to play in my "BIG" 16/9 LCD
So what is the problem?

It's very silent...less noise than with my xbox 360 actually I can't hear my pc, (large fans, low rpms)
And it's in acrilic...
fits excelent in my living room with my audio system.

I actually do not need and dvd player...
I probably will buy an internal bluray or hd-dvd player for my hi def movie viewing...

The best swiss knife I can think off...

snakeater36041d ago

try playing mgs4, ff13 or uncharted on your high end pc lofl...all u get is some stupid fps\s and nerdy rts! hehehehehhe....so much for your swiss knife

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Rumored Gears of War Collection is at the top of my 2024 Xbox wishlist

As the long-rumored Gears of War Collection looks like it may finally materialize on Xbox, the timing could not be better as Gears 6 and movie news swirls.

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1Victor123d ago (Edited 123d ago )

(Insert “It should be multi platform if Microsoft investors wants more money” JK here)
All jokes aside congratulations to all the gears fans it will be a blast I remember having fun on the first one on my 360 elite till got RROD and quit Xbox all together but that’s a story for another day.
Congratulations 🎊 🍾 🎉 🎈 🎉 🙏

Wyesvin123d ago

I'm excited for this just aslong is on the pc also cause I don't have the newest xbox console.

shinoff2183123d ago

I enjoyed the tactical one. I can't remember the actual name but it was fun.


Gears of War Collection allegedly in testing phase for Xbox release

Marcus Fenix and the crew could be back on your screens once more, as the rumored Gears of War Collection is near completion on Xbox.

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VenomUK124d ago

Switch and PS5 owners are gonna love this.

Stuart5756124d ago

Every article, console fanboy trite, all these years later. Let me explain it AGAIN, in simple terms for the fanboys. Sentient human gamers do have their preferred platform, however they will buy and own multiple platforms so they can enjoy the games they want to enjoy. I own and have owned multiple platforms, Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft and now Valve, simply to enjoy a wide range of games across a broad spectrum of platforms. It's great. You don't have to pick a 'team' and cheer them on through thick and thin, dissing the other 'team'. And for you 'VenomUK' to state 'Switch and PS5 owners are gonna love this', proves that you're a bit behind. Learn, enjoy, live, develop, trust and coexist if you can, life is better that way.

Blad3runner00124d ago

Well said.
This is why i never understand fanboying over hardware. This is not like a sports team, its just hardware. Why some people have this mentality to pick a side and stick with it and refuse to look at other platforms, therefore depriving themselves of games that are only available on those platforms. They are suppose to be gamers after all?

FinalFantasyFanatic124d ago

It's practically guaranteed to come to PC as well, if that's the case, I might pick it up after it gets a discount or two.

TheEroica124d ago (Edited 124d ago )

Thank goodness for pro gamer companies like Microsoft.... It's about time we unified platforms where now only corporate suits benefit! Pro gamers all the way. Thanks Microsoft!

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RaidenBlack124d ago

Yup ... bring Gears 2, 3 Judgement as well as Fable II and Halo 5 to PC

phoenixwing124d ago

Online portions would be a bonus.

FinalFantasyFanatic124d ago

I'm really shocked that Halo 5 still isn't on PC yet, almost everything is ported over and that's the only Halo game that hasn't been ported.

Profchaos124d ago

Take it with a grain of salt this leaker has been wrong many Times

The connection has been rumoured in the past so there's some credibility but it's more if it's actually in testing or not

Father__Merrin124d ago

tell u what gears 3 on series x same 360 game but in 4k and 60fps is a dream it looks crystal clear

Sciurus_vulgaris124d ago

The Series X enhanced versions of Gears 3 and Judgement can at times look like Xbox One titles.

Concertoine124d ago

Yeah i got into Gears 3 multiplayer last year. People still play it a lot. Tons of maps and looks great with the 60 FPS.

Brazz124d ago

It would be funny to see Gears of War collection on Nintendo Switch.

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I'll Be Happy With Anything Gears of War, But Nothing Beats A 1-3 Remaster

Huzaifah from eXputer "With a new Gears of War game possible, I'll go ahead and say that the original trilogy was the peak of the series and should get remastered."

Wyesvin129d ago

I wish they would put 2 and 3 on pc

RaidenBlack128d ago

^ this
and judgement as well
Why not Remaster them and release them as Marcus Fenix Collection for PC and Series

phoenixwing128d ago (Edited 128d ago )

I would buy it. I sh1t on microsoft alot but their gears of War series I loved. Some great gameplay and if they would keep up the multiplayer I'd play that too.

CrimsonWing69129d ago

1-3 are incredible with each one being bigger and better than the last. I don’t know what it is, but 4 was super underwhelming to me and 5 was slightly better than 4, but I didn’t feel the same epic feeling I had when going through 1-3. I hope 6 brings that epicness back, but yea like a full remake of 1-3 with current-gen visuals would be *chef’s kiss*.

ocelot07129d ago

I was actually devastated with Gears 1 Remaster on Xbox and PC. From when the OG released in 2006 right up until Gears 2 released a few years later. Me and a small group of friends would play it almost daily.

When the remaster arrived. It was annoying that they changed the way you could find a create games. The PC version was dead on arrival as it didn't release on steam just the crappy windows store so about 7 people (including me) bought it. I think I managed to find about 5 games in the first week of release. After that it was just a ghost town.

Not sure about Xbox version. Didn't actually try it until I got a series s in late 2022. It was completely dead online.

chicken_in_the_corn129d ago

A new game would be best. I don't understand why gamers want to rebuy old games over something new.

Juiceid129d ago

It an excuse to revisit something you loved a long time, and it’s prettier and shinier!

raWfodog128d ago

Yeah, new game is always better in my book but remake/remaster is definitely a good runner-up.

franwex128d ago (Edited 128d ago )

Agreed. The old games are there anyway.

I went back and played them all again in anticipation of Gears 5 with a friend and they hold up really well. In fact, they were more fun than the recent ones in some ways.

neutralgamer1992129d ago

we need all gears of war games on steam please

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