
GamerLive.TV - Is Tri-Ace's Beyond the Labyrinth the Best Looking 3DS Game Yet?

GamerLive.TV takes a look at screenshots for Beyond the Labyrinth, an upcoming RPG from Tri-Ace. The game does an amazing job at showing off the capabilities of the 3DS. It boasts both a beautiful art style and simply great graphics for the handheld.

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Tri-Ace still uses their old game engine from 2008

The gaming community lately makes jokes about companies making games that look like "PS3" or "PS2" games. While this is such a nasty dig, there may be some truth to this in the case of tri-Ace.

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GoodGuy09369d ago

Sad really. I used to love these guys but man...they just aren't what they used to be.

phallusitator368d ago

According to the this they are exactly what they used to be…

Noskypeno369d ago

The Cod games have been using an engine built in the mid 90s. Nothing wrong with using an old engine if they update it. Bioshock used UE2 and looked better than most UE3 games. Arkham knight used UE3 and looked better than most UE4 games.

Chriswynnetbh369d ago

I would give my left nut for an infinite undiscovery pc port

shinoff2183369d ago

Sh it does suck but I enjoyed star ocean 6 the most out of any game last year. I thought it was solid af start to finish. My favorite game that year.

I'd love for Sony to get ahold of them.

shinoff2183369d ago

To late to edit but I just wanted to add not every game that comes out needs to push a consoles boundaries. Star ocean 6 looked fairly good to me.

shammgod368d ago

Yeah. They definitely squeezed every drop out of that engine for SO6. It was a fun game

nitus10368d ago (Edited 368d ago )

I assume you are talking about "Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness" which I do have and am still playing. IMHO it is a good game but for some reason I still prefer "Star Ocean: The Last Hope" that I played on my PS3.

As a side note I have "Star Ocean: Till the End of Time" (PS2 version) which I played on my first gen PS3 but unfortunatly the Australian version of the PS3 did not have full backwards capability like the US version did. I got so far in the game and hit a bug (advancement to a new area between two mountains) that prevented further play.

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tri-Ace to announce new game at TGS 2018, potentially for the PS4

tri-Ace are teasing a new game announcement for TGS 2018. This year's Tokyo Game Show runs from September 20 to 23.

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Relientk772089d ago

Cool, hopefully a new JRPG from them

core_52089d ago

It´s Resonance of Fate for PS4 , confirmed by german USK

AizenSosuke2089d ago

OMG resistance of Fate + new IP

IamTylerDurden12089d ago

I'm still blown away with Project Awakening, any other PS4 exclusive is just gravy at TGS.

PhoenixUp2089d ago

Most RPGs are released on PS4 nowadays

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Square Enix’s “Secret Teaser Site” Is For a Game by tri-Ace; Star Ocean 5 Characters Appear

A few days ago, Square Enix opened a “secret teaser site” for a new mobile game for iOS and Android, and that site has now been updated with some interesting elements.

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Kashima2787d ago

Where's Valkyrie Profile 3 for console? stop making SO the last 2 games was disappointed.

Kalebninja2786d ago (Edited 2786d ago )

They should just remake Star Ocean: Till The End of Time and call it a day.

peewee110162786d ago

OMG yes... Those damn boss with MILLIONS of HP -.- I had to buy the guide cuz i was so into to find the hidden bosses and what not

Revolt132785d ago

I'd settle for Star Ocean 2 or 3, personally

kmeck5182785d ago (Edited 2785d ago )

til the end of time is my favorite out of the ones I've played. Never played 1 or 2. And i just couldn't get into 4

Rangerman12082785d ago

Damn, I was expecting more news related to Star Ocean 5. Maybe a dlc or a patch.

Instead is just Square Enix's mobile fetish again.