
Top 10: Trophy/Achievement Whore Games - It's A Gaming World

Here it is; It’s A Gaming World’s Top 10: Fun Platinums or Achievements. Since every game this generation has achievements and trophies, we have complied a list of the games that are a blast to play on your way to those rewards. These games don’t feel like you are listening to fingernails on a chalk board. Instead, these games make you feel like you are sitting at the beach with a cold beer in your hand and Jimmy Buffett playing on the radio next to you.

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Fobia4716d ago

well that was a little dissapointing

perdie4716d ago

Shouldn't this list be made up of true trophy whore games? You know the ones where you would only have trophies from if your a trophy whore.

Games like Hannah Montana, Up, and other incredibly easy (and really shouldn't be games) movie games and or just utter crap.

Yeah this list title should be changed to a title like "Games You Would Never Replay if They Didn't Have Trophies"

saladthieves4716d ago

I'm a bit of a trophy whore. Games that you probably MUST platinum as a trophy whore are:

Assassin's Creed II
Batman Arkham Asylum
Prince of Persia the forgotten sands (probably one of the easiest games to platinum)

Fobia4707d ago

The point was for games that have a fun trophy list. Games that have fun trophies to make a trophy whore out of anyone who plays them.

IGW_Fobia4716d ago

I don't even really like this list...

NoobJobz4716d ago (Edited 4716d ago )

Cars 2 is an easy 1000/platinum and it is actually a pretty good game surprisingly.


PC vs Console - Do developers do this on purpose?

PC fanboys on the left and console fanboys on the right. Alright, take a seat and listen up. Developers want you to fight it out. Don't believe me, my opinions will make you see the light. The whole thing seems to obvious to me.

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brown0094590d ago

I think that MW3 screwed the PC out of Elite because they have had pirated copies of MW3 already. Good read though.

NYC_Gamer4590d ago (Edited 4590d ago )

the game could also be downloaded on the 360 as we speak so doubt that is the reason

T9004590d ago (Edited 4590d ago )

"However, nobody can disagree that the money you spend on a console vs a PC puts the console in the lead for cash vs. what you get."

I would completely disagree with this comment on the article. I think console gaming is rather expensive due to high prices of games.

A PC that significantly outperforms a console can be had for 500usd. Hence the difference between console and PC is a mere 200usd. Less in the 360's case because you need to pay to go online on a yearly basis. However once you account how cheap games on the PC are and how much more a PC can do vs a console, the PC easily wins the cost effect arguement.

Sure you can build a 2000usd PC and then argue PC gaming is expensive, however by that time you are comparing a ferrari to a kia and then complaining about price.

The only reason call of duty elite is limited to console is because these are 2 different crowds, Activition knows they can milk the console crowd this way, however they wont be getting much of a response from PC gamers. As it is the console gamers that buy DLC maps by the truck loads anyways, Console gamers most of them anyways dont know such stuff can be made for free, its just that developers are being greedy and not shipping games mod options, however since most console gamers are ok with it, its a gold mine for pubs like activision.

dangert124590d ago (Edited 4590d ago )

Not long ago, I would of told you PC gaming is overrated,

IMO the reason PC steps all over console gaming Is 99% of the PC counter parts are cheaper then console version and allow you to have mods were the console version does not though It cost more.

PC has a much bigger library
Communities last longer and seem more dedicated, amd are also alot friendlier then console communities.

Only thing I'd go to consoles for Is the exclusives like my Ps3 hardly gets used now but I want
Uncharted 3 etc but cos Pc gaming has such amazing offers I can wait for It to go down In price on ps3 with ease

Oh and the fact PC games tend to give you more value for money, better visual presentation player counts et

DBLDeathDealer4589d ago (Edited 4589d ago )

T-900 - Great comments, just want to say a few things. "The only reason call of duty elite is limited to console is because these are 2 different crowds, Activition knows they can milk the console crowd this way, however they wont be getting much of a response from PC gamers"

You say it right here. This is the whole problem in my opinion. Sure, there is two different systems but we are one crowd. We are all gamers. There is no reason that the Elite should not be released on both.

The other thing is that my statement is true. Yes, PC once you put a couple extra hundreds in there is a better system, but not everyone has the money for that. With PC you are paying for more then just gaming. You have the ability to do alot more. Just trying to figure out why the developers seem to have this divide. Great points though.

JLesinski4590d ago

Could have a point. It always seems that games get "leaked" or "hacked" for PC releases early. I understand there are pirated copies floating around on console too but not nearly to the extent of on PCs

Blackdeath_6634590d ago

people need to understand that pc gaming is a completely different genre (if you can call it that) than console gaming. sure you get certain games wich overlap in both port for example you canplay cod on both or you can play BF3,crisis and assasins creed on both the pc and console. but what pc gaming is about is the other games that cant be as of yet ported to console like starcraft an diablo and dota. the way i personally see it is that pc gamers should not put them selves under the same roof as console gaming cus their different.

brown0094589d ago

Very true. Lots of different games make it, different. So developers treat it different.

Bladesfist4590d ago

Well you cant play the pc pirated version until release day, you can play the console pirated versions today. So i think its worse on console atm

T9004590d ago

Well you would be lucky to find a crack for a PC version of a pirated game even few weeks after release. For console you dont need a crack, once you console is modded all you need to do is download, burn, play.

With PC you actually need to look for a crack that works and make sure its not some virus, hell even when a crack does work there are often chances of the game not working properly, no such thing on console.

xxxAnubisxxx4590d ago

I'm not sure it's a "planned" thing, but there certainly is some merit to the argument. I guess by keeping gamers arguing with each other, it's keeping their game in the spotlight.

DBLDeathDealer4590d ago

Not sure piracy has anything to do with this. It just seems like a no brainer to take time and ensure the game has the same abilities on all systems.

Just seems the developers keep you holding on for more sometimes and they enjoy reading the thrashing that occur in forums across the world. Simply because one system has something the other does not.


A PC does more and it always will. Oh and it's cheaper :)

bumnut4589d ago

It CAN be cheaper, I have £500 worth of graphics cards :)

4589d ago
Rageanitus4589d ago

correction PC does more and always will, and it is more value per a dollar spent.

Its not just that it does more it does things BETTER. Something that console only players fail to realize or acknowledge!

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A Comprehensive Retrospective on Kinect's First Year

Today is November 4th, 2011, which means that the Kinect has been on the market for one full year. In that time, the Kinect library has expanded from 17 titles to over 60 worldwide. Kids and adults have been able to control their Xboxes for a whole year by simply waving their hands. The Kinect, the only video game device that does not require a controller, has caused Xbox 360 consoles to fly off the shelves, allowing the Xbox 360 to dominate the monthly sale charts. It’s been an eventful year for this little innovative piece of technology, and we’re going to take a look back at it in our retrospective history of Kinect’s first year.

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LaurenKB1234590d ago

I have one, use it a little bit - excited about the future...

dirthurts4590d ago

I agree. Not a lot out there right now, but there is certainly some potential there. Especially when used in subtle ways.

darthv724590d ago

after having played it at a costco kiosk. When we go there, they play it every time.

I can say i am a bit intrigued with the use of it and the new dash coming soon.

EVILDEAD3604590d ago (Edited 4590d ago )

Owned mine since day one...

Out of the 3 motion control devices I've bought almost 3 times as many Kinect games as the two otherscombined. And this is coming from someone who loves motion control gaming.

Didnt realize how much I use Kinect for everyday life until the other day. We were watching a movie and when anyone would get up for a quick break, they would yell for the Xbox to 'pause' or yell for it to 'play' or 'rewind' etc.

When a friend who I hadnt talked to in awhile came up on Live we had him join our party and everyone in the poom was talking casually through Kinect.

From everything to games, the dash, to music, movies etc., we seem to naturally use both the controller and Kinect without consciously thinking about it.

It reminded me how back in the day when Tivo introduced pausing Live TV, the DVRs were standard in cable boxes, now we don't even think about it.

Who knows if Kinect can gain the momentum it had last year throughout the holiday, but for me between the recent games Kinect Sports: Second Season, Dance Central 2, Motion Sports: Adreniline,Gunsinger,etc. Kinect is better than ever.

New Kinect drinking game of the year..Fruit Ninja tied with Forza 4 Kinect driving verses.


gamingdroid4590d ago (Edited 4590d ago )

Fruit Ninja Kinect is just an awesome game!

... but yeah, I'm a huge Kinect fan and can't wait to get my hands on the new dash as I'm in the beta! :D

Now I'm considering getting one for my mom to help ease her into exercising regularly.

EVILDEAD3604590d ago (Edited 4590d ago )

@ gamingdroid

How is the Beta??

I have the 3 big exercise games. I loved Fitness Evolved so much that I ended up grabbing EA Active (when it went from $100 to $49) and Biggest Loser (love the show)

Fitness evolved is hands down the best exercise game of all time on ANY console...period

gamingdroid4590d ago (Edited 4590d ago )

The beta hasn't been released for me yet, so I'm just trying to be patient.... tick, tick, tick

I heard bad things about EA Active. Is it as bad as people say it is?

On the flip side Fitness Evolved sounds great. Might pick that up... ehermmm, for my mom of course! :D

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tiffac0084590d ago (Edited 4590d ago )

I know 3D is considered a gimmick right now but imagine Kinect + 3D gaming.

I think that would be the closest thing we can get right now to what Robert Downey Jr was doing in Iron Man. :)

alexcosborn4590d ago

Can't wait to see what devs come up with in the future

UltimaEnder4590d ago ShowReplies(3)
Studio-YaMi4590d ago

The device has potential,but am guessing that it will show more on the next xbox,not on this gen,I mean seriously unless it's an on rails shooter or a dance/exercise game,pretty much there is nothing stunning for Kincet.

Hoping that microsoft upper plays the field with core games for this thing rather than just supporting one casual game after the other.

FlashXIII4590d ago

What makes you think Microsoft are suddenly going to have a change of heart and start focusing on core kinect games?

Not having a go and trying not to be biased but I'm still left scratching my head a little at the sheer amount of people out there who still can't see and accept Kinect for what Microsoft wants it to be.

Potential? Yes.. it has a LOT of potential but potential as a core gaming device, so far very little.

Studio-YaMi4590d ago

Well that's why I said that I "hope" that Microsoft focuses on the core audience and stop it with all the shovel ware casual games.

I agree with your comment

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Overall Console Score Rankings - From N64 to PS3

From Toasty Controller...

"- Must have at least 10 reviews on GameRankings.

I found 10 to be a suitable sample size. Some could say it's a small required amount, but I found it suitable when going through the oldest generation of consoles on this list.

- Must be console exclusive or have 3 or more months of timed release.

This is obviously going to be argued about in some way. Going through the list, there are several games that came out mainly a year or so on one console after it already debuted for a different console. The console with the original release of a game, by three months at the very least, will be added to the list for the respective console. Example: GTA San Andreas will be included in the PS2 Top 20, but not the Xbox Top 20, due too original release. Third party titles that were release for multiple consoles within 3 months of each other will not be including into any consoles Top 20, so games like Call of Duty, L.A Noire and so on will not be a factor in any score."

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badboy74284656d ago (Edited 4656d ago )

Why do Articles like this get approved? And I say this because it's been done to def.

Edit: I'll change How to Why.

dark-hollow4656d ago

This won't end will.
Blood will spill....fanboys will die.

darthv724656d ago

I have every one of these systems and they all have great games that make each one individual. I can say i have not been disappointed by any of these platforms.

Durffen4656d ago

Fact and number based thoughts that start reasonable debates? Yeah, these are boring, I want more Top 5 articles.

iamnsuperman4656d ago

No debate should ever be started on the basis on this article. He/she talks way to much about getting stoned as if its cleaver and grown up. Is it relevant to the article and subject matter no so why talk about it. Its like your boasting

Durffen4656d ago

Not boasting, I've just seen much worse content come through on N4G.

You need to chill quit being a hater. If he wants to smoke and write, let em. Seems articulate enough.

Is anyone really going to talk about being 'grown-up' on a comment board on a video game site?

MRMagoo1234656d ago

@durffen "Is anyone really going to talk about being a grow-up on a comment board on a vedoe game site?" <-------i dont understand your point here, the average age for a gamer is in the 30s.

VINNIEPAZ4656d ago ShowReplies(2)
Gray-Fox-Type04656d ago ShowReplies(1)
4656d ago
TBM4656d ago

Meh this list means nothing for me this gen my order is this for pure gaming entertainment

1 PS3 - huge variety of great games more to my liking
2 360 - by default over the wii lol had a lot of great games at the start
3 Wii - only cared about a few exclusives as it was all about shovelware

My favorite systems of all time goes this

1 PS2 - no doubter
2 SNES - another doubter
3 PS1- a lot of classics
4 NES - same as above
5 Atari- much love to my first ever system
6 PS3 - stated up above
7 XBOX - rpgs that I loved along with splinter cell series
8 Gamecube - got more play then my wii lol, seriously some great games
9 360 - great start this gen but has fallen off for me, overall good preformer
10 Neo-Geo - classics like Baseball 2020 (love this freaking game)

darthv724656d ago

nice you put that in your personal pov. That was a great dedicated arcade/home platform. I have the neogeo cd myself and the games are arcade perfect.

It was an under appreciated platform.

TBM4656d ago


yea the neogeo was a great system, but its only problem was its price console/games other than that awesome system.

and it seems the disagreers must not like the fact that i didnt put the M$ systems any higher or is it the fact that i didnt place a nintendo system at number 1. or is it that ive owned more systems then most which is it?

cobblestone194656d ago (Edited 4656d ago )

Umm... How the fuck is the Ps3 last? Bulls#!%.

It has a WAAAAAAAAY better library than the Wii and the 360 combined.

Take away the console exclusive part and the 360 is in a very distant last place.

And the Wii ahead of the Ps3 is a GD joke.

Virus2014656d ago

But if the Ps3 would have been on top most of the people would have been screaming "F**K YEAH PS3!!!". The only good thing that the Ps3 has is graphics. The online is garbage, the XMB is boring, and multiplatform games play better on the 360. I agree that the PS2 should be on top because it was the best console for it's time (right now I'm playing MGS3 again for the 5th time) but I think the Ps3 deserves to be down where it belongs.

Virus2014656d ago

@cobswii360 Wow and you think that I care if people on this site agree or disagree with me. This site is full of ps3 fanboys and you saying that you're going to wait to get agrees is pretty fucking sad. You probably have to seek the validation of others to feel good about yourself. Get a life.

Skateboard4655d ago

Have you played MGS4 ? I wouldn't call the PS3 the best console ever but, i think its very good and have no problems playing online. What do you want the PSN to do give you a handjob? It plays games online and it's free.

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MrDead4656d ago (Edited 4656d ago )

"If a title is only released on PC and one console, that game will be added to that consoles list" So a PC as a stand alone platform does not exist?

So I own 360 exclusives without owning a 360

MrDead4656d ago (Edited 4656d ago )

Ok I get it so games like Bioshock, Braid, Limbo, Grand Theft Auto IV: Episodes From Liberty City, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Mass Effect 2 are counted to the 360 score as exclusives (PC does not exist) because the PS3 didn't receive these games within 3 months of its original release. I own 360 exclusives on my PS3 and PC?

And games such as Gears of War, Left 4 Dead, Mass Effect are counted as 360 exclusives.... can someone tell me what mulit platform means then?

Edit: Now I know this article is nothing more then a hit generator and flaimbait.

guitar_nerd_234656d ago

PC's don't follow generations though so to add PC would be like pitting 5yrs worth of games against the entire history of gaming.

But in general totally agree it's not exclusive it's on any other platform and timed exclusives are just plain anoying.

Father Time4656d ago (Edited 4656d ago )

Braid and Limbo aren't counted because they are downloadable titles.

4656d ago Replies(3)
EVO-OM3GA4656d ago (Edited 4656d ago )

I prefered my Dreamcast to my PS2 and same with my XBOX I dunno I just fell out of Love with my PS2. Though i loved FFX and KH1-2 and other titles

Very interesting to say the least:

PS2 - 92.86%
PS1 - 92.12%
DC - 91.08%
N64 - 91.05%
360 - 90.13%
GC - 89.82%
Xbox - 89.74%
Wii - 88.08%
PS3 - 85.48%

Im not saying there factual but I can see the numbers maybe changing in regards to 360 & PS3.

skrug4656d ago

this is the list I got for ps3 following his guideline

the top 20 games,

96.41 - Uncharted 2
94.67 - LBP
93.56 - MGS4
92.38 - LBP2
92.04 - GOW 3
90.53 - MLB 10 the show
90.13 - MLB 11 the show
90.07 - Killzone 2
89.88 - Demon's Souls
89.70 - Uncharted 1
89.60 - MLB 09 the show
89.30 - Heavy Rain
88.59 - Ratchet and clank- TOD
87.85 - R&C - ACiT
87.36 - Valkryia Chronicles
86.71 - Resistance 2
86.52 - Resistance 1
86.50 - MLB 08 the show
86.32 - Killzone 2
86.31 - inFamous
86.23 - Unreal Tournament 3
1794.43/20= 89.72%

*i did not include the collections (GOW collection, Sly collection etc)[it would increase the %]

so unless the author did something different...

RIP_Weazel4656d ago (Edited 4656d ago )

....and took his ball away, cause you naughty boys are saying bad stuff about him and his funny lists.

TheFirstClassic4656d ago

You listed killzone 2 twice, somehow with different numbers.

ScarT4656d ago

One of them is Killzone 3

Matt06114656d ago

There is 21 games on this list. You divided them by 20.

Matt06114656d ago (Edited 4656d ago )

If you take out the 21st game and THEN divide it by 20, it then comes out to 85.4%. Same figure as the article.

cobblestone194656d ago

Okay so here it is, done the right way:

Uncharted 2: 96.41%
LittleBigPlanet: 94.67%
Metal Gear Solid 4: 93.56%
LittleBigPlanet 2: 92.38%
God of War III: 92.04%
MLB 10: The Show: 90.53%
MLB 11: The Show: 90.13%
Killzone 2: 90.07%
Demon's Souls: 89.88%
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune: 89.70%

Equals: 91.93%


Gears of War: 93.89%
Halo 3: 93.53%
Gears of War 2: 93.32%
Forza Motorsport 3: 92.13%
Halo: Reach: 91.71%
Forza Motorsport 2: 89.85%
Project Gotham Racing 3: 88.69%
Fable II: 88.27%
Project Gotham Racing 4: 86.51%
Viva Pinata: 85.39%

Equals: 90.32%

Fez4656d ago

So how did the average turn out to be less than the minimum?

Seriously, I'm confused on how the writer calculated this?

Fez4656d ago

Who the hell is writing this shit. They've now updated the incorrect list to include the 360 twice. And since he didn't list games we can't tell which one is the original xbox.

How the hell can you botch something as simple as double checking numbers using a calculator and then typing out the results, correctly?

Luckily were going back to school soon.

skrug4656d ago (Edited 4656d ago )


You fail at math, there is no way an average can be lower than the lowest number...

and yes i made a typo with killzone 2/3

The number is correct, i used excel to add the numbers, i then went over the list to have the game title in the comment, but i missed 2 games, and forgot to remove the last one on the list here. It is calculated with 20 games. So, ignore UT3.

and going with my list, all the PS3 games are true exclusives.

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dark-hollow4656d ago (Edited 4656d ago )

Ps3 at last? I smell bs.

IM_A_NINJA4656d ago

Dreamcast was awesome! I agree with PS2 and PS1, I loved those when they came out, just goes to show that Sony has lost it's way. Especially in what the American consumer wants.

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