
SFX-360: Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing (iPhone, iPad) Review

Brian at SFX-360 says:

"For a time, when it came to kart racing games with loveable video game mascots it was Mario Kart or nothing. Well the times have changed. Just last year, Sega released Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing on all consoles giving the plumber a run for his money. I currently own the Sega racing gem on my Xbox 360 with all the DLC making it a great hit with my family and friends. Now it’s arrived iOS devices and while it’s a bit trimmed down from console versions I can honestly say that the game is still fun.

Now available in the App Store for the iPhone and iPad, Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing brings the console action to your on the go lifestyle. The game is a celebration of everything Sega from the 1980s to today. Being the Sega fan that I am since the old Sega Master System days I would consider this title to be more than just a blast from the past. It’s fast an furious kart racing action that never gets old."


Humble Bundle just released a Sonic the Hedgehog bundle

The Humble Sonic the Hedgehog Bundle 2019 is out now. It features games like Sonic Mania, Sonic and SEGA All-Stars Racing, Sonic Forces, and more!

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Top Ten Underrated Kart Racers

Phil writes, "The kart racer is my preferred type of racing experience. Everything from fantastical racing locales and tracks to item combat is what I like in my racing games. When you have colorful tracks, whimsical characters, and wacky items, you have a game I'll probably enjoy. This top ten list is dedicated to kart racers, but not the ones you'd probably think of first when the words "kart racer" come to mind. No, these games are ones that don't get as much credit, which I think is as great as a flat tire on the final lap. With this list of my ten favorite underrated kart racers, it's my hope that getting the word out on these games might give these games some of the attention that they truly deserve."

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PixelGateUk3062d ago

Crash Team Racing on the Playstation was always my guilty pleasure. Playing as Tiny ^%^

Yi-Long3062d ago

Sonic & Sega All-Star Racing Transformed is great, and I really hope they bring out a new game in that series.

I also liked Modnation Racing, but the DLC-greed kinda ruined it for me.

Saelyn3062d ago

Agreed I loved Sonic & Sega it was really fun which kind of surprised me.

Skate-AK3062d ago

DLC doesn't bother me when there are millions of community creations.

Yi-Long3062d ago

@Skate: it prevented me from buying the game until it was HEAVILY discounted (3 euro new), and I was very interested in creating tracks, but because the kinda levels I wanted to make (Asian & City inspired) were in the DLC, which I never bought, I couldn't be bothered TBH.

I wish they would have just released a complete/GOTY edition, but they never did. I did really like the gameplay and visuals though.

DARKKENT3062d ago

Diddy kong racing was my favourite

Different vehicles and a story mode

Rare was on fire black in the day... Sigh

XisThatKid3061d ago (Edited 3061d ago )

I'm just ganna say I'm playing ModNation Racers on PS3 at very least a weekly with friends. Must play especially for a kart racer that didn't need a pre-existing franchise to be be good

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XanderZane3062d ago

CTR and Sonic SEGA All-Star Racing Tranformed are probably 2 of the best kart racing games I've ever played. Mario Kart is always great. I didn't care much for ModNation Racing. It wasn't deep enough. Never tried the "Road Trip" version though, so maybe that one was better.

TXIDarkAvenger3062d ago

I was really surprised with Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing. It definitely gave me that Mario Kart fix I wanted on PC. I do hope they make another one.

MCTJim3062d ago

Steam had/has all the sonic and sonic racing on sale now for like 3 bucks each, I just bought Sonic CD game for 2 bucks.

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5 Weird Character Based Kart Racing Games for Android and 1 Edutainment on Wheels Game

Carl Williams writes, "Ever since Nintendo released Super Mario Kart on the Super Nintendo, oh so many years ago, companies have tried to copy that specific formula for success with varying results. Sega is one such company that has tried to take their existing stable of characters and create kart racing games with them as the stars (Sonic R on Saturn and more recently two of the games on this list). Even Sony got in on the action with Crash Team Racing on the original Playstation, even the WWE has a kart racing game out (on Playstation 2). This is one of those genres that is pretty much dominated by one or two companies (Nintendo usually doesn’t have all that much to worry about). We feel that the key to success in this genre is the characters, hence this list."

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