
Perfect 5/5 for Ratchet & Clank PS3 from Empire

The PS3 needs a hero. For every game like Heavenly Sword that demonstrates what the console's capable of, along comes an unmitigated disaster like Lair that shakes our confidence in the new console. But now that Ratchet & Clank are on the scene, Sony's big hunk o' plastic finally has an action adventure worth shouting about.

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shmee6061d ago (Edited 6061d ago )

However it is the second best game on ps3 after UNCHARTED ---game of the millenium

poor XBOTS are all quiet

testerg356061d ago

not quiet.. just like how you make yourself look stupid everytime.

First you complain that all reviewers (ie: IGN, 1UP, ..) are all xbots and don't know what they're talking about, but as soon as a PS3 game gets a great review from them, then BAM.. their word is golden (ie: look at that PES review).

Then you also talk crap when VGCHARTZ shows 360 taking a lead in sales, but yet you post and quote a lot of sales data using VGCHARTZ.

AdolfBinBush6061d ago

game of the century, pushing fanboism to the extreme..

MK_Red6061d ago

These are the same people that gave 6/10 (3/5) to Assassins. Right now, both Ratchet PS3 and Call of Duty 4 have got perfect 10/10 (5/5) from them.

shmee6061d ago

I played at GC this year. It is not fun

However Ratchet is the GOTY 2007 for sure

The PIXAR like GRAPHICS alone ensures that. Uncharted will be the game of the millenium

lonestarmt6061d ago

didn't they later say that AC wasn't a real review??

remix6061d ago

just dont like the idea of ps3 getting TWO tripple AAA titles in its first year. like i said before, i have a 360 but i dont care much for products that break all the time. but being a user of the 360 in its first year and the ps3's first, i have had a much more enjoyable expierence with games in the ps3's first year

resistance1006061d ago

Hey over here in europe we get 2 AAA titles in one day ^_^

Cod4 and R&C out a week friday over here ^_^

Almighty6061d ago (Edited 6061d ago )

Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazi ng!

Did you guys know that the reviews from this website doesn't appear in Gamerankings or Metacritic. Why? Because nobody gives a sh1t about "Empire" and everybody cares of sites, say like Gamespot (7.5/10)

See ya.

remix6061d ago

metacritics is always late getting a review in the rankings. it will be there by tommorrow.

timmyp536061d ago

100-Play Magazine
95-PSM Magazine
93-PSM3 Magazine UK
93-Game Informer
91-Gaming Age
90-Games Radar

FullyLoaded4206061d ago


Nuff said...

No multiplayer, no online = NO replay value..

Just Pass and put away...

I laughed when i got a used copy the second day it came out...LOL

wait..jokes on me..I should have rented it...*sigh*

lonestarmt6061d ago

too bad you don't own bioshock then. That was a very good game, with no multiplayer or online. Sad really, you are going to miss out on so many good games...

you should play warhawk then, its awesome multiplayer online games. Most fun I have had since soccom, actually I like it better than that, but yet something tells me you don't like that game.. is it because no single player??? lol

FullyLoaded4206061d ago

Yeah, I played Bioshock, great game, I agree...but
just like Ratchet and Clank, passed it, then put it away...

i also own Warhawk...Great game indeed...thats a keeper, why? good replay value...

It is what it is people!! I have been playing games since ATARI...
I rate my games by, RENTAL or a KEEPER...simple enough? good!!

and how the hell can u say "I DONT LIKE" these games???
All I said that it was a rental.

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All the Ratchet & Clank PS3 exclusive games can now run on the Playstation 3 emulator, RPCS3

The RPCS3 team has announced that all the Ratchet and Clank games that were released exclusively on Playstation 3 can now run on the latest version of RPCS3. RPCS3 is the best Playstation 3 emulator that is currently under development and its incredible progress has really amazed us.

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Retroman2077d ago (Edited 2077d ago )

No Quest for booty/ into the Nexus??

Oops from the video both is emulated.


Big discounts for PS4, PS3 and Vita digital games on Amazon

Amazon has heavily discounted several PS4, PS3 and Vita digital games. The deals include Final Fantasy XV dropping to $39.49, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction to $9.99, Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time to $9.99, Rise Of The Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration to $30, Titanfall 2 to $29.99, Watch Dogs 2 to $34.99 and more.

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Up to 46 percent off Ratchet & Clank games

Ratchet & Clank PS4 has been discounted to $29.99 while Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time are also on sale for $19.99 each.

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