
Fan Claims Battlefield 3 Is Rehash Of Bad Company 2, Gets Schooled By DICE Community Boss

The closer we get to the launch of Battlefield 3 in October, the more we’re getting to know about the game. It’s also becoming more frustrating to handle the plethora of fans who are seeking answers for questions deemed relevant, and although Rendering Architect at DICE Johan Andersson has taken a hiatus from answering those questions, the studio’s community man has not.

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2fk4697d ago

the title kills me a little inside....by far BF3 will demolish BFBC2 in every single aspect....but as always u can't please everybody

DA_SHREDDER4697d ago

so does anyone know if BF3 is gonna be Onlive? They aren't taking it off Steam. Or are they?

saladthieves4697d ago

It would be a terrible move if they did. I know EA wants to promote their Origin store, but they should at least keep it available on Steam. Crysis 2 was removed anyway but when asked who removed it, people were pointing fingers at each other.

Controversy4697d ago

I grow weary of people complaining about BF3. It really is going to be awesome on every console so SHUT UP already and enjoy the fact that a good game is coming out.

AndrewRyan4696d ago

Seems you are a bit slow with news. EA has removed all games from Steam. (and it appears steam removed some as well)

All EA games can now be purchased from EA origin, their new online store, just like steam. You can preorder battlefield 3 here.

shovelface884696d ago (Edited 4696d ago )


What in the flying hell are you talking about? EA has NOT removed all games from steam. The ONLY game that was removed was Crysis 2, and EA is pointing the finger at Valve. I suggest you go look at the steam page before spewing such nonsense.

I haven't the foggiest idea where you could have gotten such incredibly inaccurate information. Two people even agreed with you! Are you all mentally challenged?!

TheREAL-HyDRo1x4696d ago

this wasn't schooling this was ridiculous...

DeadlyFire4696d ago

Well. Its possible that it will goto OnLive. Likely to be on Steam, and Origin.

I wonder the logic behind only 4 player squads. Less people = less communication, but somehow equals a better team effort? I say 6 or 8 player squads are required. Maybe can be patched into the game later though.

miDnIghtEr4696d ago

So where's the schooling? This article title fails as hard as BF3 will in sales vs COD.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4696d ago
Tapioca Cold4697d ago

Tell us O' Mighty One, how is Battlefield 3 going to DEMOLISH BFBC2? You're just on the hype train.

i've learned to wait to play games this gen before I make bold claims.

2fk4697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

@ Tapioca Cold

there is a lot of gameplay of BF3 wise guy...i already know ((((IMO)))) that it's going to be amazing...the only shooter ((((IMO)))) DICE has failed in the shooter genre is Medal of Honor MP...every Battlefield game they made has been really good.....u might have not played many Battlefield games but i have.

Tapioca Cold4697d ago

@ Biggest and 2fk:

You guys are just a few of the people hyping this game waaaaay beyond expectations. Don't worry it happemns all the time. Especially this gen. it seems every sequal is hyped so much that it is obvious it will be a let down since it cannot compete with the hype and expectations guys like you put on games.

Here are just a few games that were hyped beyond belief and then in a day they were being complained about because they weren't exponentially more awesome.

Socom 4
Medal of Honor

Lastly, I bet you're a sniper. I'm right aren't I? I'd own you in BFBC2.

Snipers never win.

2fk4697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

@ Tapioca Cold

whats it 2 u anyways it's NOT like my opinion is a FACT...if i wanna hype a game let me do it then...BF Series is really the only games i hype

In Battlefield i am a sniper, also a engineer, an assault, and a medic...I'm a team player.

ALSO I've been sniping in countless shooter games I'm pretty good ;)

Biggest4697d ago

I didn't hype anything. I gave a link explaining what you questioned. What would make a game better than another game? Take the same game. . . Add great features. . . Improve the engine used to make the game. . . Old game is demolished!

NarooN4697d ago

How is BF3 gonna be awesome?

*Remembers BF2*

Oh yeah, right. Because that game was fucking awesome. BC2 doesn't really have anything to do with the MAIN Battlefield series. BF3 will be more like BF2 or 1942 than it will BC2.

HardCover4696d ago (Edited 4696d ago )

It's so blatant that an 8 year old could figure it out.

Bad Company: Spin off for consoles, sequel released for PC just cause.

BF3: Built from scratch to make use of the best tech available (PC is the main platform, after all). Successor to BATTLEFIELD 2, NOT Bad Company 2. If that doesn't mean anything to you, you should have played BF2 when it was fresh.

Factor in the game play shown and it's even more clear. Seriously, people thinking it's a BC2 rip or a CoD rip have no clue what they're talking about in my opinion.

I'm a fan, so I'm biased. It also means I read developer interviews and have at least a legitimate clue as to what they're aiming for.

3GenGames4696d ago

You don't know who DICE is apparently.

MysticStrummer4696d ago (Edited 4696d ago )

The only demolishing will be done to the buildings in the game. Is it an advance over BF:BC2? Yes. Does it demolish BF:BC2? No. It's funny how you read on N4G that they are two completely different games, yet multiple E3 previews for BF3 said the gameplay was virtually identical to BC2. But, just like people claiming that bad AA makes their eyeballs bleed, someone always has to throw out some major exaggeration and start talking about one game demolishing another.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4696d ago
I_find_it_funny4697d ago

whera are those "fans" when it comes to Cod

palaeomerus4697d ago

Cod is probably my favorite kind of fish. Don't get me wrong, flounder is good too but cod is awesome. It's a shame that cod is over fished. We should probably farm the hell out of cod.

Max_Dissatisfaction4697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

Ah gees its always the same with you people, Killzone 3 single player gets slammed; where were these people when halo released?
Psn gets hacked, shuts down for 25 days, people get mad at sony; where were these people when Live was down for xmas weekend?
BF3 footage disappoints ps3 fans; where were these people when cod was shown?
Why must you always divert criticism to the game/console you don't worship?
You know what the ironic thing is about your moronic question? Its that you really don't have to ask where those fans are because they are in EVERY SINGLE CoD article!
You cannot have a single cod article without some prick or 5 telling us that CoD MW3 is really MW1.3

darthkai4697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

Yeah, Battlefield 3 is obviously a rehash of Bad Company 2, but Modern Warfare 2 was sooo not a five-hour rehash of the first...
Some people have perspectives on reality that absolutely baffle me...

SoapShoes4697d ago

@Max_Dissatisfaction - These people are complainers and therefore will always complain about something. If EA physically put $20 directly into their wallets they would come up with something to complain about. Probably that the bill wasn't fresh and crisp off of the mint or have the audacity to claim EA didn't do enough and they deserved more money. -___-

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4697d ago
BattleAxe4697d ago

IMO the console versions of BF3 will be the same graphical quality and essentially the same gameplay with 24 vs 24. Its the PC version that they've changed things for, and I'm willing to bet that they'll be using the same Frostbite engine that they used for BC2 on consoles. The PS3 deserves more than this.

ghaleon19804696d ago

The PS3 deserves more than this? The game is on 360 too isn't it?

swinesucker4696d ago

No they will not be. Unless your console is somehow going to start doing high res shadows, 1080p, and 60 fps along with 8xAA and max AO. Good god some of you people are so inane.

DrRichtofen4697d ago

What kind of FAN would make that claim? The people who think that obviously arn't Fans and don't know the difference between Battlefield and Battlefield Bad Company, and are pretty much telling everyone "HEY WORLD! WATCH ME MAKE A JACKASS OF MYSELF!".

4697d ago
Legion4696d ago

I didn't see any schooling in that reply from the DICE Boss. He didn't even comment on the squad size or no commander issue. Only saying that 4 classes is all you need with the variety.

joab7774696d ago

Get the fans name and find out how many hours he logged on black Olson this year. My goodness, if u wanna talk about rehashes... I tend to believe more that b3 is a game that woulda released better on next Gen consoles. Unless u have a PC, or unless the wiiU is gonna b used properly, those of us on consoles wont fully realize this tech, this engine until the next cycle. But, bring it on, As i am sure Dicewill continue to work hard w this tech and when they are able to open it up on a720 or a ps4, they will have strong foundationsin place. I'm tired of the bitching. At least they r attempting to push the genre forward. They aren't watering down the PC simply to please us, and it isn't their fault that the consoles are showing their age. Think about how fast technology moves. Its quite a feat that consoles have lasted this long,another thing next Gen must consider as cycles may get shorter and shorter. Eventually, Sony and Microsoft will have to release their own gaming computers and we will b responsible for how much we wanna spend to keepup.

Jezuz4696d ago

I know, would a real fan even ask that stupid question ?

shovelface884696d ago (Edited 4696d ago )

duplicate post* sorry!

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4696d ago
firemassacre4697d ago

what pissis me off is


rabidpancakeburglar4697d ago

Because some people are clearly just born to complain. The people who are complaining will never have had any intention of getting the game.

Dark_king4697d ago

Whats pissin me off is the people complaining being called fans.They just can't be fans,fans would understand that the engine is new.Fans would understand the PS3 version wouldn't look like the high spec PC version.Fans would know and understand these things,I believe these so called fans are fans of another FPS and are trying to down play BF3.For what reason I do not really know maybe the BF3 will kill/destroy/blow away (insert other FPS games name) articles are scaring them.
BF3 is a huge improvement on the series and Dice should be showed the respect they have more then earned

InfiniteJustice4697d ago

People seem to think it's cool to complain about every little thing, especially this gen. We get dozens of articles on N4G day in and day out which basically amount to someone complaining about something. And usually it's making a mountain out of a molehill.

Great example earlier today when someone claimed they would cancel their pre-order of Skyrim because it'll have less menus. These people need to shut up before developers just stop listening to 'fans' all together.

FunkMcnasty4697d ago

Well said! I agree!

My favorite example of chronic internet complaining are all those people that are complaining that consoles are "not maxing out thier power on games 'cuz developers are lazy." Or the few delusional folks that will claim that developers like Crytek and DICE "need to learn how to properly develop for the Ps3 so it will have graphics similar/better than a PC."
As if most of those people complaining would be able to sit down with rendering software and make a better game??


I lol when I read the title because I think there are so many special ed cases with THE KNOW GAMERS. So many cats these days think they know about games but are easily schooled so hats off to Dice for chin checking the youngster...lol.

Dart894697d ago

Sigh anything to complain about.

iNMyFiN4LH0uR4697d ago

sounds very similar to "MW3 is a rehash of MW2" accusation, may ALL ppl need to shut up and play their own games

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Battlefield Needs the Glory Days of BF3 and Bad Company 2 Back

Whether it comes through remakes or a new game with a similar style, DICE should aim to revive the glory days of Battlefield 3 and Bad Company 2.

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masterfox535d ago

hmmm I think there will be no old BF glory days for EA since they are loyal to their greediness and laziness :D

Knightofelemia535d ago

You're asking for a miracle with EA that will never happen unless they can exploit the money making schemes behind it.

MadLad535d ago

We'll see what happens now that Zampella is overlooking the series.

535d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin535d ago

Anyone that wants to plat bf3 you can still go ahead and play it

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Battlefield 3 Reality Mod Release Locked for July 17, Explosive New Trailer Fires Out

Battlefield 3 Reality Mod release is now set for July 17, and we get a brand new release date trailer that brings the action and grounded gunfights.

MadLad661d ago

There's fun to be had here.
