
Xbox Live Indie Game Of The Week: Solar, Sums & Temple Death (Dealspwn.com)

Dealspwn writes: "After Castle Pain received numerous awards and accolades, Magiko Games are back to present another microcosmic masterclass. PLATFORMANCE: Temple Death is a respectful homage to classic platformers from the golden age of 8-Bit http://www.dealspwn.com/wp-... and thanks to its rock solid mechanics and imaginative level design, is set to become an instant hit.

And yes, it’s going to kick your arse."

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Steam Midweek Madness

Joey of The Nerd Cabinet shares the news on the latest Deals on Steam, only a few this week but lets see what we have.

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The 10 Ways Indie Developers Fail to Market Their Game

"No matter what format, what system or what game you are developing for, there are certain things that can doom your game regardless of how good or bad it is from the start. While this article is written with a focus on XBLIG’s, much of these apply to any indie game developer looking to make a dollar off of their game."


Introduce Your Own Chaos Theory With Solar 2 (Review) [Wanderson75.net]

W75's Will Anderson gets his Carl Sagan on with this unique indie title.

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