
Paradox Interactive CEO Fredrik Wester on E3 and More

Paradox Interactive CEO Fredrik Wester talks to The Reticule about E3, digital distribution and more. He feels that there is no need for a conference at E3 focusing on the PC and that the 'one show to rule them all' style isn't working as well as it used to. Wester also talks about plans to expand on Paradox Connect.

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Elven64735d ago

Paradox: A PC gamers best friend.

Great interview!

Chris Evans4734d ago

It is always good to see a developer who cares about the PC like Paradox do, it seems like Valve and Paradox are the only big developers with a true passion for the PC at times.

Jockie4734d ago

Looking forward to King Arthur II and the many many dragons it promises.


15 years ago, Helldivers 2’s core was born in Arrowhead’s Magicka

As Arrowhead Game Studios turns 15, join us in celebrating its past and learn how its first game Magicka influenced Helldivers 2.

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VincentVanBro105d ago

I played Magicka, but I never realized it was the same dev as Helldivers. Makes plenty of sense considering how much friendly fire is in Magicka lol


Paradox & Harebrained Schemes Are Parting Ways Following Weak Sales of Latest Game

Today Paradox Interactive announced that it's parting ways with its subsidiary studio Harebrained Schemes effective January 1, 2024.

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shinoff2183235d ago (Edited 235d ago )

I mean it wasn't that intelligent to begin with, release it exclusive to the system that doesn't buy games. Plus it was on gamepass if I'm not mistaken. It's been a minute since I had mine on cause I just wrapped up chrono cross on ps5 but remember looking forward to checking this out on the Xbox. Try it on xbox if I liked it I would've bought on ps

mjchitown233d ago

dude go somewhere with that hating on xbox crap. you just admit yourself you wasnt buy the game on xbox , you played it on gamepass and buy it on ps5. you sounds dumb . you silent on forspoken and FF16 didnt sale good. and many other games. keep eating that foot in your mouth

shinoff2183233d ago (Edited 233d ago )

Ff16 sold fairly well.

I prefer to buy on the console who isn't openly trying to kill physical media sorry for your feelings. Ms has been trying to kill physical for some time. Nintendo and sony are the ones still working with smaller publishers. So yes I will buy a game preferably on ps when possible. You act like I just admitted to murder lol. Relax

mjchitown233d ago (Edited 233d ago )

lies. the ceo said himself FF16 didnt sale good. stop the cap. and you can buy them games on xbox. so you full of crap. and what you mean Nintendo and sony are the ones still working with publishers.???? what the hell are you talking about dude xbox works with small publishers. you trying to move the goalpost to fix your narrative. so gonna ignored sony ps5 all digital system huh . rumor next nintendo system will be a digital also with two version.

shinoff2183233d ago (Edited 233d ago )

Really xbox works with smaller publishers. I've heard numerous times xboxs minimum print is to high which is why you don't see smaller publishers like limited run games, special reserve etc work with xbox physical releases. I've read as high as 50k meanwhile Sony and Nintendo have had prints of 1k. Some wonder why smaller publisher haven't worked with ms on smaller releases. That's exactly why.

I assume you just don't know wtf your talking about. And again as someone who prefers physical video games why would or why should I give my hard earned money to a company who has since the announcement of xbox one been out to get rid of physical games. Gtfoh

Far as final fantasy 16 it's been stated It sold fine, would of sold more on pc sure, but it wouldnt of sold well on xbox, we know this, thank you ms. Ms admitted to games bot selling well on that platform already. Here's a newsflash to ya though psssss I didn't really like ff16 much anyway. So that's cute of you.

shinoff2183232d ago

To clarify maybe a little I'm talking about smaller publishers that produce physical games. Not just any publisher

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Paradox Is Teasing Something Mysterious That Will Be Revealed Next Week

Paradox Interactive appears to be about to reveal something mysterious next week. It could be a new Civilization-style game, or something else entirely.

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