
Ready Up: Child of Eden review

"If it wasn’t the Kate & Milo demonstration that peaked your interest in Kinect it was Child of Eden. Both hinted at a futuristic other worldliness that maybe only Kinect could provide, with its total lack of any peripheral requirement you would be free to be the game. In reality Kinect has been used, thus far, to encourage your kids to jump around the living room until they inevitably smack their head off the coffee table or for you to get drunk and flail your arms about in an attempt at dancing in front of your friends… until you inevitably smack your head off the coffee table. Although fun, it has not been a considerable step forward from what we’ve been doing with our Wiis for years. While Kate & Milo disappeared into the ether just about the time you were handing over over a ton for your shiny new Kinect, Child of Eden has actually come to fruition and, for a short time anyway, actually fulfills your best hopes for Kinect."

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Are video games art? Looking back at... Child of Eden

Jack writes: "“Are video games art?” This is a perennial argument, one with staunch advocates on both sides who are hard to sway. Naysayers, though, can be shown examples of art in video games that are hard to deny – such as the visuals of the sadly overlooked Child of Eden, released for Kinect in 2011."

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GameEnthus Podcast ep336: Rabbid Clarity or Hook Noise

This week Rachel(@RacialRachel) from Twitch.tv/Animorph23 joins Mike(@AssaultSuit) and Aaron(@Ind1fference) to talk about: Toy Story3, Black Mirror, White Bear, Animorph, Dead by Daylight, Left 4 Dead, Fortnite, Gin Blossoms, Black Panther, Simpsons World, Barts House of Weirdness, Simpsons Road Rage, Simpsons Hit n Run, Utomik, Gametap, Batman Arkham Asylum BlackGate, Ty Lawson, Gerald Lawson, Fairchild Channel F, Microsoft, Sega, Kinect, Vanquish, Bayonetta, Sea of Thieves, Tomb Raider, Simon West, Shadow of the Colossus, Get Over It, Super Mario Bros. Movie, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, J’ean Darc, ARMS, Wolfensteins II The New Colossus, Catlateral Damage, Dandara, Hello Neighbor, Knockout League, Bridge Constructor Portal, Child of Eden, Celeste, Crackdown, Timothy VS the Aliens, Jungle Book, Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade, Scramble Spirits, violence in video games, Matilda and more.

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Are the free Xbox Games With Gold titles for December 2017 any good?

Neil writes: "It seems rather strange to be saying this but 2017 is fast coming to a close. Before we start to party the night away and usher in 2018 though, the Xbox Games With Gold scheme has got one last surprise up its sleeve - four free games being gifted to all Xbox One and Xbox 360 players.

But hot on the heels of November’s offerings that delivered so much (or at least three of the four did), can the free titles being given away during the month of December match up to the quality, or are we being sent a few duds that refuse to let us go out with a bang? We take a look at the good, the tempters and the, well, ugly."

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RyanDJ2379d ago

I purchased BTTF on PS3 at the tail end of the system's life. I enjoyed Episode 1 but life went on and I never finished. I'm actually pretty psyched about getting that one.

Prince_TFK2379d ago

You should definitely play Back to The Future. No matter what reviewers say, I really enjoyed this game. The story is awesome and the twist is just heartbreaking.

2379d ago
2379d ago
TheColbertinator2379d ago

Fantastic games. Thank you Microsoft!

Concertoine2379d ago

Child of eden + weed is a good time, trust me

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