
Wii U: Won’t “Necessarily Dramatically” Outperform Current Consoles

GOS: "Shigeru Miyamoto of Nintendo had a talk with Gamespot at E3 2011 about topics like the 3DS, the new Pikmin, and The Legend of Zelda’s 25th anniversary.

The interview also detailed a delicate balance the company is going for with the Wii U, and Nintendo’s next gen console will not necessarily outperform the current consoles on the market to bring about this balance either.

I was under the impression that the Wii U was suppose to be more powerful than the PS3 and the Xbox 360. That is what the hype was saying at least."

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SugarSoSweet4733d ago

Ridiculous it'll be 6 years newer then the current consoles when it releases it should be more powerful

CrazyForGames4732d ago

it doesn't say it wont be more powerful
if your expecting a ps2 > ps3 jump in power then you deserve to be let down

but it will be more powerful that is a given at this point

4731d ago Replies(1)

Bordeaux President Jean-Louis Triaud Denies Approach For Juventus Midfielder Momo Sissoko

Bordeaux president Jean-Louis Triaud has denied reports suggesting his club are negotiating a move for Juventus midfielder Momo Sissoko.

“We consider him a great player, but it’s the first time I've heard of our interest in him," he said, according to Tuttomercatoweb.


The Average Gamer: Hands-On Thoughts About the Wii U

Debbie Timmins from The Average Gamer tries out the Wii U controller at E3 2011 and then gets a bit carried away playing the Pirate demo, I mean the shield pose demo.

"Most of the technical demos were pretty dry, as you might expect. I have spared you the video footage of me failing to draw a 70° angle, so consider yourself lucky."

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charmer4705d ago

since when have the average gamer gotten their hands on the wiiu or anyone except for nintendo knows what its truly capable of.... the only thing i will say from looking at e3 nintendo has something special on their hands


Mario Kart on Wii U - What Would It Be Like?

MMGN writes: Mario Kart will eventually make its way to Wii U – that’s a given. But what can we expect from Nintendo when it brings its popular kart racing series to its new console? How can the gameplay change? What new features can we expect? With the new Wii U controller there are a ton of exciting possibilities, so let’s get creative and take a look at a few ways Mario Kart can take advantage of the Wii U’s capabilities.

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matey4706d ago

Needs to have real life tracks taken from Nascar/F1/WRC/Fantasy with pit stops in GP mode imagine a pit stop with Wario and team changing ur tyres WOW full body deformation ect still the same Mariokart but alot faster and harder 250cc class with 16 players online WoW a nice garage where u pimp u Kart ect Mariokart would be amazing.

jacksonmichael4706d ago

Real life tracks taken from Nascar? But... I like to be able to turn right... And... I don't live in a trailer...

pcz4706d ago

i think i have grown out of it now. Nintendo needs its own Gran tourismo or forza.

if they want to appeal to the hardcore market they will need to make a new hardcore racer, as the hardcore crowd wont be at all impressed with mario kart.

even as a fun racer, mario kart has lost its way. only mario kart on the snes and n64 were any good, the rest were rubbish. the 3ds looks set to continue the rubbish tradition... driving under water? flying? rubbish!

ChickeyCantor4706d ago

"Nintendo needs its own Gran tourismo or forza. "

I rather have F-zero thank your very much.
GT and Forza are boring. Of course thats just my opinion. I rather see them do a Burnout if F-zero wasn't their franchise.

pcz4706d ago (Edited 4706d ago )

''I rather have F-zero thank your very much. ''

Yeah, f-zero has always been a great franchise, but its still a niche title (futuristic racer.) sony could easily answer f zero with wipeout. ie the f zero experience isnt totally unique. sonys answer to mario kart is mod racers (or crash bandicoot racing lol) But what is nintendos answer to gran tourismo?

wave race and 1080 snowboarding were great because they were decent attempts at a serious racing experience, they need to bring those games back for wiiu. they need to bring a 'real car racing' experience to wiiu. Not just mario kart.

what im talking about is an actual 'hardcore' driving experience, like gran tourismo/forza. Nintendo don't have that and never really have.

If nintendo are serious about winning hearts and minds of so called hardcore gamers, they will need that 'serious driving' title. The hardcore crowd will expect it. Its a fact hard core driving titles like gt and forza are system sellers on their respective consoles, so if nintendo wants to win, it needs one. otherwise those gamers will simply stick with sony/microsoft.

are we really supposed to believe players who love the sophistication of gran tourismo, and slickness of forza, are going to be thrilled with mario kart, or even f zero? come on, get real.

''GT and Forza are boring. ''

thats your opinion, fair enough, but its not the wider opinion as sales figures show. These simulation racers are amongst the most highly anticipated games on those so called hardcore systems. People obviously enjoy them, and they have almost universal critical acclaim.

Nintendo doesn't offer an alternative to the 'niche racing title.' so we dont have any choice but to play mario kart or f zero. What if i want to play a simulation racer? simple- i cant. this is the problem.

Nintendo have realised its lack of fps games and third person action franchises has been a weakness, but it also needs to address this driving game problem, or else people are going to get their fix elsewhere.

Its the same with the fighting genre, instead of getting us street fighter, tekken, mortal kombat etc, they have given us smash bros and punchout. fine, those games are fun, but we need those popular franchises. nintendo realise this and have announced street fighter v tekken for wiiu.

we NEED a serious driving game. mario kart just isnt cutting it anymore.

ChickeyCantor4706d ago

" sony could easily answer f zero with wipeout. "

Absolutely not.
Maybe as futuristic racers, but in gameplay F-zero murders wipeout.

I understand your point, but honestly, I just can't see nintendo make a realistic racer.
F-zero GX was hard, and they should continue in that trend. Its an amazing racer.

Samus HD4706d ago (Edited 4706d ago )

they need to make it more hardcore

On Mario Kart Wii
NGamer UK was disappointed that Battle mode can now only be played in teams; no free-for-all option is offered which removes the 'last man standing' element of previous Mario Kart Battle modes - They are right

GameTrailers and IGN also commented that it is easy to fall from first place to last by being continuously attacked by several weapons, many of which are unavoidable, leading to a certain amount of luck in racing. This makes it more accessible for beginners, but can be extremely discouraging for skilled players.[24][25] GameSpot also noted that "nostalgia doesn't save most of the classic courses from being boring".[7] - right too

they need to change that (more focusing on GAMEPLAY)

charmer4706d ago

i expect all the nintendo games in hd to be something special especially the first time around