
Battlefield 3 Is 720p On Consoles, Dice Says Duh, “Just Like 99 Percent Of All Games”

DICE and its Battlefield 3 shooter have been fielding some questions from ‘certain’ gamers as more details concerning the console version of the game come to light. We recently learnt that, unlike what DICE had said, the PC version will look better, obviously. News also surfaced concerning the title’s frame rate, with DICE settling for 30FPS. Now as for output, it’ll be rendered in 720p on consoles and to that DICE says, ‘uh, yeah?’

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DoomeDx4710d ago

People are expecting way to much.
There was even an article that said: ''Battlefield 3 for consoles is not 1080p with 60 frames per second''

And some people seem pissed off about to.


reynod4710d ago Show
Strange_Evil4710d ago

^^^ I am a Sony Fan and I never expected the game to run at 1080P, so stop generalizing. Each platform has it's fanboys who talk sh!t, but that doesn't represent the entire user base.

For the things going in BF3, I am happy to see the footage and glad the graphics are decent. Not Ultra PC setting obviously, but who the hell expected that from a 5 year old console any way.

dangert124710d ago

to be honest i think its the CoD casual you know #TeamBahBAh that love to follow that thought it would be this good i don't think battlefield console fans are that stupid

news4geeks4710d ago (Edited 4710d ago )

I want to know who these sony fanboys are that are complaining. I don't ever recall fanboys in the past few years expecting games to perform at PC level.

It's almost as if people invent these stories just for gossip and hits. N4G is a haven for sony fanboys and even here people don't expect ps3 to compete with high end pc graphics.

RumbleFish4710d ago Show
evrfighter4710d ago

yes news4geeks

DICE made this allllll up.

shoddy4710d ago

the console is 5 years old.

you want 1080p 60fps get a PC.

I'm a Sony gamer and I don't expect 1080p this gen console cause I know console can barely achieve that.

the ps3 can get 1080p 60fps if consumer would pay $2000 for ps3 at launch.
won't pay that much you say? Then shut the fuk up.

wait for nextgen for sure it can do 3D 1080p 120fps.

saladthieves4710d ago

I agree. These "certain" PS3 gamers who are complaining are way too much into their heads. They are treated with a lot of good looking games on the PS3, such as the exclusives like God of War 3, Killzone 2, Killzone 3, Uncharted 1, 2 and 3, Resistance 3 etc. and this convinces them that all the best looking games belong on the PS3, therefore anything the PC can do, the PS3 can match with ease.

So they go ahead and witness for weeks the PC footage of Battlefield 3 in action. Then they are like: "Meh..impressive though. I'm sure the PS3 can do just as well, if not equal. Besides, Killzone 3 looks awesome, Battlefield 3 will be a piece of cake!"

Footage finally comes out, and they are complaining that it's not on par with the PC version?? People have stated this already. You're talking about a console 5 + years old with a GPU that is even older vs a modern gaming PC. DICE can only do so much work (for porting the game to the PS3, Xbox 360 and the upcoming Wii U) in such little time. These PS3 gamers need to take a look at games like The Witcher 2 or heck, even the original Crysis that still beats anything on consoles today just to see how really "on par" their PS3 is NOT with the PC.

deadpoole4710d ago

The problem is previous Battlefield games Bad Company 1 and 2 were sub-hd ... they were not even 720p native and were upscaled.

And by the looks of Video seen on Jimmy show ... it still looks sub-hd and upscaled to 720p. Just like previous titles.

Sub-Hd =/= 720p Native.

If it is native 720p like Killzone 3 or Uncharted 2 then yup there is something to be happy about.

kingdoms4710d ago (Edited 4710d ago )

It's PS3 fanboys. The more rabid ones are owning BF3 as their ps own. The more rabid and angry fanboys want to use BF3 as a weapon or tool to spite 360/activation/infinity and when it did not live up to what they built up in their heads they turned on the game. Gamers/fanboys could also be realizing Dice was using their fanboy8sm to hype BF3 for them putting the game in a better position against COD. Devs should never favor PS3 in the hopes they can take advantage of PS3 fanboys it always backfires.

LaChance4710d ago (Edited 4710d ago )

Finnaly somebody says out loud what everyone is thinking deep down, DICE included.

ProjectVulcan4710d ago (Edited 4710d ago )

@ deadpoole

Battlefield Bad company 1 and 2 on both consoles run 1280 x 720 natively, with no anti aliasing.

jdfoster004710d ago

Mw2 and blackops where not even 720p =p ... Not being a fanboy it's truth... Look at this here link it compares what games are rendered at on 360 and ps3 and hardware specifications etc (and what they run at) etc... http://forum.beyond3d.com/s... (same link is below just shortened)

this is a great reference for which resolution various console games run at: http://bit.ly/hoiT74

blumatt4710d ago

Thanks for that link. I was wanting to see that. Maybe everyone here will click on it and it will prove to them that there ARE advantages to developing for the PS3 with the SPUs and Cell architecture in mind. The PS3 version's graphics might not be insanely better than other consoles versions, but they will have a slight edge due to deferred shading and other techniques.

Lifendz4710d ago

There are a ton of games that run in 720p that look gorgeous. Until the next wave of consoles this is what we're going to have to deal with...and it's not such a bad tradeoff.

Snakefist304710d ago

Maybe those guys are 360 fanboys pretending to be PS3 fanboys or maybe cod fans!

RememberThe3574709d ago (Edited 4709d ago )

Haha Gray Snake is getting disagrees for posting a presentation by DICE on how to use the Cell. You guys are so stuck in you ignorant hate that when the people who actually know what they're talking about make a claim you close your eyes, stick your fingers in your ears and scream loudly.

How about accepting the reality that the Cell has it's advantages, and if used properly can have great results? Why is that so hard? You don't have to sing it's praises or say that it's Gods gift to man but acknowledging reality would, I believe, be beneficial. :)

@captain: lol Awesome.

nnotdead4709d ago

people have to just be trolling Dice.

frostypants4709d ago

I'm not pissed. I'm looking forward to both versions of this game. HOWEVER, DICE's PR people definitely implicitly mislead gamers by choosing to focus on PC footage in all their earlier previews, even while hyping the console versions.

They know what they did.

Aquanox4709d ago

It's not devs fault that PCs power have evolved way beyond consoles. They need to evolve with tech or lag behind just to please some fanatic gamers.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 4709d ago
liore4710d ago Show
Shaman4710d ago

It is not.Its 1024x608 with 2xMSAA.It supports 720p and 1080i/p output,but that is just stretching the image across the screen,you won't get those pixels outputted by actual console.

MitchGE4710d ago

It's upscaled to but isn't natively 720p dumbass.

deadpoole4710d ago

liore ... its not 720p ... you can easily tell by looking at vertical object on screen.

saladthieves4710d ago

@hamburger123 disagrees

I don't get it. Do your research people, Call of Duty IS NOT 720p (1280 x 720). It runs at 600p (1024 x 600) to be precise. How else do you expect the game to run at constant 60 fps?

If Activision were to up the resolution to 720p (1280 x 720) and then add in destruction I promise you that game would immediately dip under 60 fps (on consoles of course) on their old overused engine.

StayStatic4710d ago

Indeed black ops on ps3 was 960x544 : /

Shackdaddy8364710d ago (Edited 4710d ago )

Meant to agree but disagreed ._.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4710d ago
BubbleSniper4710d ago

article number 1,990,779,080 stating the same obvious stuff we keep hearing, in different ways.

how many times is Dice going to confirm 720p on consoles? maybe 100000000 more times then peope will get it and not submit this stuff, which takes the place of real, possible gaming news.

jdfoster004710d ago


Shows you every game is rendered in on 360 and ps3... You'd be surprised of what some games run on and what they actually support!

sourav934710d ago

Hey as long as it's native 720p I'm alright with it. Since, I can't expect anymore from my ps3 as BF3 is a large scale game with enormous amounts of destruction. Unlike ther shooter games *cough* CoD *cough* which have a native res which is sub HD> To be fair, I play on a 24" HD LED TV in my room and on that size, 1080p and 720p don't differ that much (or at all). 30fps is sufficient. I mean, I play uncharted and killzone on 30 fps, and I play pretty well in them.

50Terabytespersec4709d ago

WTH is all this??
over a FPS??
Native PC game??
I read people squabbling about PS3 exclusives versus BF3 !! Are you guys all smoking crack??
The only Game that matches a PC pound for pound is GT5 Prologue at 1080p.
This is a 5 year old console versus a modern supper 400 dollar Video Card.
what i said stands, BF3 PC ,brought a sense of awe i got when i first saw GT5 Prologue on my 1080p Bravia.
*notice i didn't mention GT5(it is a mess a failure a blurry QQAA, visually compromised game,shame on Polyphony for adding more cars and lowiring visuals!!!!!! SHAME!!)
No 3d =Sprite Pixel crowds!!!!!)
PS3 can achieve BF3 but at certain cost!!!

Get the PC version !! and Play exclusives lesson learned!!!
(also if nextgen keeps doing this PC port BS!!! everyone just buy a console for 2 years then get cheap PC card and dump console. Play all PC games on 1080p settings with massive RAM gains etc .
Piratbay optional lmao

hassi944709d ago

To be honest 720p is probably above the average game's resolution on both X360 and PS3. We get a fair few 680, 600, 480p, 540p games.

t0mmyb0y4709d ago

I don't get why BF3 is getting so much flack right meow.

ShamefulDispray4709d ago

Games are made in 720p. Of course we just upscale them so you will buy our fancy new 1080p screens.

Just according to Keikaku.

Megaton4709d ago

You can get away with lower res on TV. 720p on a 40-inch TV looks fine. 720p stretched on a 1080p monitor looks horrible.

Blaze9294709d ago

Actually they've said the PS3 version is running at 1280X704 so a tad bit less the 720, not sure about the 360 version though.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4709d ago
reynod4710d ago

Well isnt it obvious 5 year old hardware will have drawbacks. Though i am sure a 8800GTX will still be playing this game in 1080p better graphic settings then console version and still be pulling 30fps+.

-Alpha4710d ago (Edited 4710d ago )

"Well isnt it obvious 5 year old hardware will have drawbacks"

Well apparently not. A majority are satisfied though, but a few idiots are getting attention for arguing with DICE. For some reason, DICE is replying to these ignorant whiners.

jdktech20104709d ago

They seem to care about the consumers...even the petty childish ones....I kinda like DICE for it but at the same time, wish they would just say shut up and either play it or don't....

Gondee4709d ago

8800GTX is basically the min requirement for the PC.

BlackKnight4709d ago

Don't forget the "minimum" is also DX10/DX11 video card and OS (vista or 7).

People don't get that "minimum" on PC these days is MORE advanced that consoles.

NCAzrael4709d ago

Sorry, but an 8800GTX isn't going to pull 30fps at 1920x1080, especially not at medium to high settings. Even running a 6 core processor with 16GBs of RAM would not net you that high.

But at 720 you'd probably be able to push medium to high settings and be able to get a comparable frame rate.

evrfighter14709d ago

I agree with your opinion but it's just that. Nothing set in stone has been released

Wizziokid4710d ago (Edited 4710d ago )

what confuses me is this guys responses to people, looking at his tweets, to one person he said the PS3 demo was Pre-alpha then to another it was New-build, so what is it new-build pre-alpha or what?

can someone clarify please

Shaman4710d ago

Compared to first PC trailer of the same part,the one with ACOg scope,its newer build,featuring different scope.Its still pre alpha build.

ATiElite4710d ago (Edited 4710d ago )

The sniper/Acog scopes in the PC version will reflect the world in real time using a form of Ray Tracing. this feature will not be in the console version (the scopes will but not the reflection). Also the car glass and paint in the PC version was reflecting the world in real-time but not in the PS3 version.

I was merely pointing out some differences in tech that is all.

NiKK_4194710d ago

What does ray tracing have to do with the type of scope on the gun? Or did you think he meant scope in a different sense?

Shaman4710d ago

No its not.Read Repi twitter...They changed the scope in newer builds(on that mission) and thats why PS3 version doesn't have ACOg scope.

B1663r4710d ago

Stencil Buffers are not ray tracing....

CaptCalvin4710d ago


I on the other hand think it's much simpler than that. I think it's just an old trick used by some old modern/old games. I think it's just a prerendered "reflection" that resembles the location you're in and only rotates when you look around to simulate a reflection. The reason I think that is because when I watch the trailers I'm pretty sure I saw some inconsistencies with the reflections when he was doing various things

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4710d ago
Inside_out4710d ago (Edited 4710d ago )

...80% of Battlefields sales will come on consoles. Nobody is denying that 99.99% of console games are native 720p/30fps but when you run around with your big mouths telling everyone that your engine is a next gen engine in the current gen...o_O...and that all other devs are lazy...AND...spend months showing PC footage given the impression that the game will look like that on all platforms, well, DUH, you get what you are getting right now...a face full of fail.

I said from the beginning there would be a price to pay for showing you game running on a high end PC and acting like everyone would get the same experience on a console or a dual core mid range PC. It was a blatant lie and a complete and utterly underhanded move trying to discredit Activision and the COD franchise...you lose.

Activision has ALWAYS shown the game you would play across all platforms. No CGI or fantasy PC footage that only those who have invested heavily in a PC would enjoy. Like it or hate it, at least they were upfront. Dice and EA have done nothing but lie since day one...hope it was worth it.

@substance...EA without the consoles would be no more. They would be dead in the water. What is happening in the PC world is why Console makers don't want to combine the 2. Nintendo is quite clear that if you want to play Mario or any of their IP's, you will have to OWN a Nintendo console. They don't even allow DvD movies. M$, while considering adding XBL to the PC, will want to keep them separated...for the time being.

EA is making it clear that they want to run their own DD network and there will be growing pains as they cut off Steam and others in that arena. Expect ALL pubs to start their own DD networks as well...the tech is cheap now. Steam will lose the most in the short term. Expect Valve to start pushing games out faster and more often...they have to or there will be no reason to sign up.

@strange...thank-u, I'll take that as a compliment... ;D

Substance1014710d ago

Its obvious BC2 sold very well on PC which is why there is so much support for BF3. More people were playing BC2 on PC then any console.

I also do get a feeling EA is taking PC DD more seriously after watching Steams sales figures. I suppose they are making better use of the PC platform to get people to jump on to their platform Origin.

If they are successful it would be like having their own console for EA, except they wont have to put up with all the hardware losses that Sony and MS go through niether will they have to deal with the retail or put up with MS & Sony royalties. If this works its a win win situation for them.

Strange_Evil4710d ago

OH wow, now we have Bobby Kotick also visiting N4G!!!!

DoomeDx4710d ago


Look, PC has the most players.

Your comment looks like spam.
No n4g, this comment is not spam!
la la l al al al la la la

ATiElite4710d ago (Edited 4710d ago )

BC2 PC out sold the PS3 version and outsold the 360 version. Google it! BF3 is a PC series that has sold very very well on the PC. BF2 came out in 2005 and still has a large community (Larger than KZ2 KZ3 MAG).

DICE showed the PC version first because DICE is a PC dev and BF is their number one product made famous by PC gamers. the BF3 footage was all real time and in game.

You must be delusional because the PS3 version looks better than CODMW3. Anyway stop being a butt hurt consoler cause BF3 PS3 looks better than CODMW3. So your argument is just stupid.

Anyway i bet you never even played battlefield 2 so you know nothing anyway!

saladthieves4710d ago


Steam has a ton of games that they sell that aren't even from EA themselves.

And for the record, Dice's Battlefield is a well established, well loved and very popular franchise amongst PC gamers. The game would still sell well even if it wasn't on consoles. The same however wouldn't exactly work with Activision's Call of Duty games.

ddkshah4710d ago

Tell this to the ps3 black ops players ;) showing the xbox footage and then when the ps3 version came out it was the biggest humbug on a console ever.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4710d ago
EliteDave934710d ago (Edited 4710d ago )

Who cares? Uncharted 3 hurry up!

baodeus4709d ago

Then UC3 should also be in 60fps and 1080p as well, or else fanboy should blame ND for running it at only 30fps and only 720p. Well they did blame BF3, why not UC3?

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Battlefield Needs the Glory Days of BF3 and Bad Company 2 Back

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masterfox543d ago

hmmm I think there will be no old BF glory days for EA since they are loyal to their greediness and laziness :D

Knightofelemia543d ago

You're asking for a miracle with EA that will never happen unless they can exploit the money making schemes behind it.

MadLad543d ago

We'll see what happens now that Zampella is overlooking the series.

543d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin543d ago

Anyone that wants to plat bf3 you can still go ahead and play it

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Battlefield 3 Reality Mod Release Locked for July 17, Explosive New Trailer Fires Out

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MadLad669d ago

There's fun to be had here.
