
Sony Employee Pokes Fun at Microsoft/Kinect

The fact that Microsoft said all its future games will eventually be compatible with Kinect is a bit worrying. The company’s E3 press conference mainly focused on the motion sensor and gamers in general were left with a bitter taste that the corporation is focusing and putting too much emphasis on the peripheral. A Sony employee has taken notice of Microsoft’s plans to utilize Kinect for all of its future games.

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Why o why4708d ago

this dude doesnt represent the whole of sony even if he's saying what many feel. Ive not yet heard of a MS employee taking the piss out of the psn outage which they bloody well could of..

To that employee,

show some decorum


Kran4708d ago (Edited 4708d ago )


Its the gamers that poke the fun. If he wants to keep his job, he is to keep his mouth shut. As somebody told me, a lot of the time, Sony and Microsoft try their hardest not to get in each others way. There are just those few bumps.

news4geeks4708d ago (Edited 4708d ago )

All he said was 'thank god I don't work for microsoft'. Understandable that a developer wants to have creative freedom and with sony he gets that. With microsoft he is forced to create around kinect which has yet to show anything interesting and is barely playable for most hardcore games. I bet Peter Molyneux wishes he could say the same.

Clarence4708d ago

Its not that serious he just said "He's glad he doesn't have to work for M$." He's right. Certain developers might not want every game to be used with kinect. Which is what M$ want to do. He's job is definitely not in jeopardy.

SilentNegotiator4708d ago (Edited 4708d ago )

He made a twitter post, saying that he's glad he doesn't work for microsoft so that he doesn't have to employ a stupid peripheral in ALL of his future titles.

Oh yeah, that's horrible. This needs an entire article.

Like 'news4geeks' said. Oh noes! He wants creative freedom when developing games!

I_find_it_funny4707d ago

I see nothing wrong in this comment

kane_13714707d ago (Edited 4707d ago )

If you think that SONY will fire some of its greatest employees (the director of Technology at Sony Santa Monica Studio(Notice the studio!!!)) just for saying his mind then you are really talking out of blue

sikbeta4707d ago

OH Gawd! what did he do? bleh... a whole "article" about this... unbelievable... -___-

HappyGaming4707d ago

In this advert Sony laughs at Kinect and the Wii :p

BattleAxe4707d ago

Forget about the Sony employee............thank, god I don't work for Microsoft.

starchild4707d ago

I agree that what he said was no big deal.

On the other hand, PS3 fanboys are a bunch of hypocrites. They have thrown fits in the past when Microsoft employees have said things that were even more innocuous.

A little consistency would be nice.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4707d ago
Godmars2904708d ago

MS isn't talking about the PSN outage because they know it can happen to them. But I'm pretty sure that even hardcore 360 fanboys are and have been making as much fun about Kinect as they are Move.

limewax4708d ago (Edited 4708d ago )

I have the major 3, and I can say I mock move and kinect, even though I play wii....Reason being I was aware of what the wii was and bought it for what it is, Move I just didn't want but Kinect is pretty much being forced on me. If this doesn't change It's a safe bet I won't be buying the next xbox

solar4708d ago

eh, MS knows a thing a two about hackers. they knew not to do what Sony did. MS is letting Kinect getting hack to hell, and they are not pursuing.

big companies need to know when not to bite the hands that feeds. MS and Apple are prime examples to not go after hackers. bigger problems can occur.

i personally love hackers when it isnt hurting companies like pirating games or causing black outs, but hackers is a loose term. if systems were more open we wouldnt see many problems we see with tech nowadays.

extermin8or4707d ago (Edited 4707d ago )

@solar the hackers at the moment don't seem to care who they hit, I think what he meant was that with someone smart enough someone could hack them, but lookt a lulzsec they are just hacking everything they can, bollocks if this was ever about the companies pissing them off; it was always about feeding their oversized ego's and you're a gullible fool if you believe anything else and they have safely proven that they weren't 'doing it for the consumers'

4708d ago Replies(8)
kingdoms4708d ago (Edited 4708d ago )

Dam sony has been trash talking Nintendo and Microsoft lately. Sony needs to worry about Sony getting killed by its competitors. We all heard Sony's predictions before about kinect. Sony bashing the 360/kinect and letting their fanboys paint a false picture about how people feel about kinect wont save Sony. It's clear we are starting to see the rabid frustrations from Sony and fanboys finally moving past the denial stage of loss due to the 360's new and constant success.

Can you guess which groups of people are the only ones complaining and voicing dislike? 360 fans not interested in kinect don't waste their time complaining and especially attacking kinect. Same principals you see when you don't see hundreds of 360 fans trolling/tracking and attacking PS3, we size we simply don't care about PS3 and move as display be declining ps3 sales

gamingdroid4708d ago

Have you heard the term, the most desperate tends to be the loudest.

Sony already started this last year when they made that Kevin Butler video:


MrBeatdown4708d ago (Edited 4708d ago )

I see you, and just about everyone here rushing to Microsoft's defense are attacking Sony for their "bashing" of Kinect, yet aren't arguing with the message itself.

So, uh, I take it you like MS's approach of having developers cram Kinect support into games that don't need it?

If an idea sucks, it sucks. Let's face reality... insisting that developers cram Kinect features into a game that has no need for it, just for the sake of having it supported is just a bad idea. Rather than cry about how Sony says it sucks, why not explain why it doesn't suck? Or is it just easier to shoot the messenger?

inb4disagrees... Given the comments around here, I'm sure it will be based on the fact that I'm criticizing people, regardless of how valid my point is.

D0ffy4707d ago (Edited 4707d ago )


I think you're missing the whole concept of professionalism. When you're a billion dollar company, you just don't go around and directly talk shit to other developers.

MrBeatdown4707d ago


He's as entitled to express his opinion as we are. He isn't on the payroll to babysit Sony's corporate image. If he were a public figure for Sony, then it would be a different story. But this guy isn't. His job is not PR. He doesn't speak on the company's behalf. What he says, on his own time, on his personal Twitter account, is his own opinion. Hell, is this guy forbidden from talking about the competition anywhere, anytime, any place, just because he works for Sony? He spoke positively of Red Faction Armageddon and negatively about Enslaved on his Twitter account yet nobody is in a uproar about professionalism over that? He's a game developer, so THQ and Namco are direct competitors, yet for all the people that seem to care so much about professionalism, I don't see anyone calling him out on that. It's funny that nobody seems to care about those instances, when you could use the same Me-So-Sensitive Guide To Corporate Interaction that everyone here appears to be using, to deem those two instances as "unprofessional." Or people could dislodge the stick they sat on, and realize this is just a guy, who happens to work for Sony, sharing his personal opinion on his personal Twitter account.

As for the whole "buttons" thing with Kevin Butler, that's nothing new. Ever hear the phrase "Sega does what Nintendon't"? Or ever get a good look at some of the Battlefield vs Call of Duty stuff? Or how about that Blur commercial that mocked kart racers? It doesn't even end with gaming. I doubt many people get worked up about "I'm a Mac, and I'm a PC" or the T-Mobile parodies.

There is a huge difference between taking a little jab at the competition and "directly talking shit" as you so ridiculously put it. These are huge corporations, not a bunch of five year olds who all need to get a trophy just so nobody's feelings get hurt.

sobekflakmonkey4707d ago


Well one, SONY itself as a corporation did not say anything, It was an employee who works on game's, and he has a right to an opinion and to be honest it's no different than cliffy b talking shit about the PS Move like every other day, I dont understand why anybody cares.

kikizoo4707d ago (Edited 4707d ago )

Kingdoms, fallout, and others xfans are really living in opposite world, or denial world...

"360 new and constant success" "declining ps3 sales" "wont save sony" LOL..

when ps3 sold more software and hardware than cheapers consoles last years, when the best exclusives, the more, and best variety, and graphics, are on ps3 each years, when the best motion controler is for ps3, + free online, bluray, etc.....wow, stop being delusional and buy the best console, if you are a gamer more than a ms shareholder.

the funniest part, is to see all the desperate fans without great exclusives, talking about kinect sells (who cares ? move sold a lot too by the way, and more important : it's accurate, and usefull for real games)....the better part is that they are talking everyday of the psn outtage like a great victory for them (when they have some real problems in the past with /not free/ xbl), ignoring the fact that 3 weeks are not so important, when you have the best games and exclusives to play (unlike xbox since 2008)...

D0ffy4707d ago


Alright consider me convinced. I think I'm just tired of these system wars and fayboism going on, I get a little riled up sometimes.

Just to be clear, I couldn't care less about Kinect, and I don't even own one. I don't consider myself a fanboy, cause I own everything the Big Three have released (except PSOne). I'm just sick and tired of people bashing each other whenever they get the chance, over a freaking gaming system (this may not be "bashing" as you implied). It's just getting ridiculous.

I think I might have misunderstood the context to begin with, as I thought he was somewhat involved with the PR. Just me that needs to read a bit more thoroghly. That's why I thought it was unprofessional. Thanks for a good reply.

insomnium24707d ago

Mr beatdown gets a cookie again. I like your thoughts my man :)

TKCMuzzer4707d ago

I'm not sure what your really trying to say.
As far as I am aware the PS3 is outselling the 360 worldwide at the moment and has done since the turn of the year. So if Sony's sales are declining then so are MS.
The reason many are not on here going on about it as you say it because it is not true and there is nothing to shout about.
Most people are right, Microsoft should not be forcing Kinect into all it's games. It adds to development time which can be used better elsewhere. Microsoft should be setting up studios to design games around Kinect and not Kinect around games.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4707d ago
M-A-R-S-H-A-L-L4707d ago (Edited 4707d ago )

"Thank God I don't work for Microsoft."

Excuse me but how in the blue hell does this poke fun at Microsoft? It's not like he said they suck or anything. So anything can be made into an article these days? Shame on you people not realizing this was obvious flamebait.

Also, I love how Kingdoms and gamingdroid are already on the offense. Uh...what professionalism guys? That was an *OPINION*. He didn't talk about the competition or bashed them or anything.

Don't see why everyone's getting so butthurt over a twitter. People are suffering in the world, people have no jobs and you people are crying over a TWITTER comment.

Stay free N4G.

TheXgamerLive4707d ago (Edited 4707d ago )

Actually, all future games will be Kinect compatable or you may just use a controller.You have a choice, nothing worrying about that, it's only a great thing.

Ignorance is bliss, yes, or it can make you look like a fool:)

fr0sty4707d ago

Not necessarily, if you're a developer like he is, you may not want the burden of being forced into figuring out how to integrate a piece of hardware your game has no use for.

fr0sty4707d ago

Actually, MS has gone on the record a few times now taking the piss out of PSN, they just did so in a very professional manner. This isn't a company though, this is one man expressing his opinions on his twitter account. He has every right to say what he feels.

the_best_player4707d ago (Edited 4707d ago )

LOL @ Kinect <-------------------------- ---

HardCover4707d ago

We're not talking leaders of the UN here.

These people are video game developers. They don't have to watch their tongue THAT closely on Twitter.

And it's his career. If Sony drops him and MS doesn't want him over this one Twitter message, then I'm sure he'll get what's coming to him.

Besides, you ever hear Forza devs talk trash on GT? Yeah, it goes both ways, so relax.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4707d ago
GamingForever4708d ago ShowReplies(1)
N4GAddict4708d ago

Microsoft put too much focus on Kinect during their press conference.

They didn't focus on the thing that matters and what they need: core games.

SkyCrawler4708d ago (Edited 4708d ago )

I'm guessing from Micro's point of view when I say I think they've invested more than a bit much to say "Hey maybe this isn't the way for us to go".

shinrock4708d ago

matters to you and me. not every1.

theEx1Le4708d ago (Edited 4708d ago )

The only good thing you can say about MS and Kinect is you now know how serious they are about it because you always wonder how well accessories will be supported.

They are treating it like a new machine rather than an extention to the xbox 360. Too bad their commitment to it is alienating the core base that made the xbox brand what it is.

Zynga4708d ago (Edited 4708d ago )

And yet their console bundles sell incredible well. So what's your point man because obliviously their games are selling.

Aarix4708d ago

There's mass effect 3, tomb raider, bioshock infinite, gears 3, final fantasy 13-2 and the 2 halo games. I'm keeping my xbox.

M-A-R-S-H-A-L-L4707d ago

...And some of them are also on the PS3. Your point?

RevXM4707d ago

Ok so 3 games.
One for this year, one is a remake, the last is scheduled for 2012 sometime... prolly Q3 or 4.

There is Forza 4 too for this year though.


Im keeping my box too, I love gears and I wont gain anything by selling it really.
But IMO Its really weak to have just like 2 exclusive big core games for this entire year and then 1 far far away...

I hope the rumours about the next box is true and that it will come next year. and let it be a real next gen machine for core gamers mainly.

Kinect... MY ass.

Aarix4707d ago (Edited 4707d ago )

@marshow That theres enough games coming to the xbox to have me keep it for a while. I don't care if their on the ps3. I'm a gamer, not a fanboy. And I was Replying to N4Gaddict

YodaCracker4708d ago

Your argument falls apart when you look at the fact that they had more core games for the 360 at their press conference than Sony had for the PS3.

-Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
-Tomb Raider
-Halo 4
-Fable: The Journey
-Gears of War 3
-Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
-Forza Motorsport 4
-Mass Effect 3
-Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary

And so on...

xAlmostPro4708d ago

@YodaCracker Erm, 5 of which are multi-plats..

Hardcore exclusive games though ? Halo 4, gears 3, forza 4, halo remake.. and ok you can even include fable which is a kinect game..

Now out of those 5.. only 2 are out this year..

the rest of the excusives games though.. kinect.

Have fun playing kinect and if you dont then have fun playing the same 3 franchises over and over.

theIMP4707d ago

@ xAlmostPro
The thing that you, and most the PS3 goon squad (not saying you are one of them) on this site don't realize is the fact it doesn't have to be exclusive to be a good game. Be honest, ya'll keep saying "where's the exclusives?, where's the exclusives?", while you ignore all the awesome multi-plats on the way. Are those games going to sell 360's? No probably not, and if someone is trying to decide on whether to get a PS3 or a 360, and they are only looking at what games will come out in the future, then yes, they will more than likely pick the PS3. If they don't own either, and want the console with the most games (EXCLUSIVES INCLUDED) then the 360 might be the better choice. Like it or not, as of now the 360 has more games, and exclusives than the PS3.
So back to the topic at hand, anyone who already has a console, be it PS3, 360, Wii, both, or all 3, none of them have to worry about having "no games". There are tons coming out for all 3 systems. So I think your "Hardcore exclusive" argument is pretty silly. The only demographic that this would really effect is new buyers of a system who want the best exclusive selection in the future. Call me silly, but I think that’s probably a pretty small group of people. I also sure anyone who is as picky and serious about gaming as most people on here already have a system this gen, seeing as we are already 5+ years into it, and no matter what console they have it will get played. There are a ton of games coming out this year, and I am glad to , not only own all 3 consoles, but be part of a time like this were gaming has hit such a high level of quality and quantity. Bottom line is I think your argument is weak and holds no water, there is just too much for any type of gamer to play for this kind of comment to be taken for anything other than what it is. Trolling..

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4707d ago
gaffyh4708d ago

I'm sure if Sony had the same mindset that Microsoft has, the Move may have sold a bit better, but the gamers would be just as annoyed as they are with MS forcing Kinect on them. Imagine God of War with PSMove, it just doesn't seem right, might work on-rails though :D (little jab at Molyneux there lol).

m234708d ago

SMH, Fable: The Journey is not on rails, he already discussed it in an interview and why they decided to show it like that in the demo.

Biggest4708d ago

Yeah. They showed it that way because there is no other way to show it. It's on rails.

m234708d ago

You are absolutely hilarious.

mastiffchild4708d ago

@munish23-you're seriously sticking your neck out on something you've been told by Pete Molyneux? I love the guy's enthusiasm(which seemed lacking at E3 presentation, dunno why)and his desire to try new things(though sometimes his blinkers hurt his games-like The Sanctuary in F3 which was to avoid menu screens and ended up being WAY more long winded than a menu system would have been)on gaming-he'd be,you'd imagine, a perfect fit for Kinect and finding something where it actually adds to gaming rather than just making it mr limited in terms of WHAT kimnd of games we can play using it and should only go for a game that COULDN'T be done at all with a pad.

Sadly, Fable:J being on rails or not is seeming far more a battle of semantics over the meaning of "on rails" than being a game we'd recognise as having any real freedom. If it's just a series of encounters we drive the cart to with the horse and trap game play taking the place of actual on foot exploration, then I'm doubting it's anything removed from on rails-it's just a workaround. I hope i'm wrong for all of our sakes as anything new and amazing is just that AMAZING but without the usual PM enthusiasm for his project colour me even more sceptical than I usually am about his statements which tend not to deliver most of the time in any case.

Whatever, i'm yet to see anything which convinces me that F:J will be off it's rails in any real sense we'd all agree on.

The Sony employee who tweeted this,mind, should know better but then it'snot their job to do PR and this is possibly good evidence of why-even if his suppositions might well back up what a lot of jus gamers and 360 owners are feeling about the over reliance on everything Kinect right about now at MS Xbox division. I thought a new IP with little to no importance/relevance to Kinect was a certainty from MS at E3 but we got nothing in that sense.

I'm a big fan of the first Halo game too, will definitely play number four as well and will pick up forza4 as long as T10 don't show us all up again this tiome(love the series hated the way Greenawalt and T10 behaved last time out as it showed us all in a bad light-was annoyed with Sony for similar reasons at PS3 launch and Zipper when they got uppity over MAG even though I love them as devs too. but my point till stand s as these are stand by franchises and one games is a sodding remake that really, imho, isn't needed for 360-even if it could have made an amazing visual showcase for a new Xbox.

It's THIS environment and the passing of Rare into Avatar and Kinect only devs that possibly prompted this unwise tweet and the only defense I have for it(as it should have been kept to himself)is that I think a lot of us get where he's coming from. For exampl,my mate(massive gamer and big MS supporter bt no fanboy) was really upset when he realised the Crytek exclusive("Kingdoms" is it?) was a Kinect only title too.

Something new that didn't use Kinect(and not an indie game either)was what a lot of people expected and/or wanted at E3 from MS and when it didn't really arrive it's not that surprising one loud mouthed Sony employee has said something he shouldn't in response to the situation as a lot see it.

Not that I felt it was good E3 by any of the console makers OR game devs this time round but I do confess I expected a shocker or two from MS that didn't happen just as the pre-E3 announcement of Starhawk led me to think sony must have had more PS3 games for E3 and THAT resulted in basically a couple of Move bits and the new, non SP Sly game-nothing really new except handheld. I suppose it wasn't anything like as move orientated as MS was about Kinect,though and that's where his mindset comes in. Like it or not.hardware.

m234708d ago

I was really disappointed by Fable 3, but I guess I can't really say anything about Fable 3 not being on rails. Who knows what Peter Molyneux's definition of on-rails means.
By the way, I heard Ryse (Kingdoms) is not Kinect exclusive. Apparently you can use both controller and Kinect.

gaffyh4707d ago

Peter Molyneux's definition of "not on-rails" is that you can move left and right when you're on the horse. That's it. Seriously.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4707d ago
Emilio_Estevez4708d ago (Edited 4708d ago )

Meh, it's his opinion, which he's entitled too. I would have to agree though.

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Microsoft Survey Asks About Handheld

A new survey from Microsoft has further hinted at the possibility of an Xbox handheld being in development.

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EasilyTheBest4d ago

This is definitely happening, I just hope they have 2 versions one with a much bigger screen.

GamerRN4d ago

I'll be happy with this, and a PC console hybrid that rivals anything we have power wise

Number1TailzFan4d ago

The problem with bigger devices is playing them on your side in bed, Vita and before that was fine. Since the Switch you gotta have a gooseneck holder & controllers detached so you can lie down holding them, or your arm will quickly get tired.

1Victor3d ago

@thesofware: “A much bigger screen than what?”
A gaming laptop 🤷🏿🤣

Kosic3d ago

Than the screen originally planned...duh... :D

darthv723d ago

it kinda already did... https://www.xbox.com/en-US/...

They are just gauging interest in one of their own.

crazyCoconuts3d ago

A Xbox version of Logitech G-Cloud?
I mean, why bother? Not like the G cloud is flying off shelves and what would Xbox add to make it better?
They're surely not going to create bespoke architecture here and there are already a few Windows handhelds out there. I have little confidence in their ability to put together an attractive UI in the way Steam did. So I doubt anything will come from this.

KicksnSnares4d ago

Day One buy for me if they'll make a dedicated handheld device.

darthv724d ago

i have that logitech g-cloud. Its a sweet little piece of kit. I like that it can also install games from the play store unlike the other android based handheld.

mudakoshaka4d ago

It sure is! Don't understand why you get the down-votes. Whoever does not like the G Cloud must have been dropped down a well, head first, when they were of a younger age.

PassNextquestion4d ago

I wonder if Microsoft will perform better in Japan if they do actually make a handheld since everyone says handheld and mobile are king over there.

TiredGamer4d ago

This looks like the future of the game industry... all three platforms with a handheld option.

I wonder if the Playstation Portal is a technology test-bed/prototype for a future Playstation handheld?

rlow14d ago (Edited 4d ago )

It’s a possibility but I can’t help but think would that be the best way to go about it? Though it would give you data on how much it is used and game type. It’s still not a true portable device and so people approach it differently. I think that data on phones, tablets, and of course the competition would give a better indication.

But I really think if Sony is considering a new PSP that could play ps5 games, now would be the time to dive in. Honestly, if they do this, it would be huge.

Traecy3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Doubt if Sony PS wants to support a new handheld with first party games. Something they lacked with the Vita. What they should do is have a handheld that is like the PS Portal which can play all games but play those games on the go as well as at home. Something like that is a better investment.

TiredGamer3d ago

Agreed that you will probably never see a separate line of games specifically for the handheld (a la PSP or PSVita). The modern economics and expectations of game development make that cost prohibitive. What makes more sense is if the full-fat game on PS5 or PS6 has a special "handheld" profile that is automatically optimized for the lower spec handheld. There would be some significant compromises compared to the bigger console variant, but it would be the same game overall and would only require a single purchase.... somewhat what the Switch does with a lower resolution when playing handheld versus docked.

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Xbox Games Showcase Followed by [REDACTED] Direct Airs June 9

- Xbox Wire - Mark your calendars! The Xbox Games Showcase followed by [REDACTED] Direct airs June 9. More info inside.

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bionicstar4d ago

Will they show Fable 4, Stalker 2, GoW 6 & Perfect Dark?

PhillyDonJawn4d ago

Crossing fingers for Fable and perfect dark. And State of Decay 3

RaidenBlack4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

And maybe Clockwork Revolution, South of Midnight, Contraband, Project 007 & OD? lol
and whatever happened to Everwild ?
+ that rumored Wu Tang RPG

Sonic18814d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Will they have official release dates and gameplay?

anast4d ago

Another game pass event with their plans to go all streaming.

4d ago
Lightning774d ago

It's an Xbox showcase that they have every year.

Make smarter comments for once.

anast4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Tell me what a smarter comment is.

If they don't sell game pass the entire time, then I will be wrong. All of this can be proven once the show gets underway. Let's wait and see.

InUrFoxHole3d ago

Anything you didn't type. Good day sir!

4d ago
4d ago
4d ago
4d ago Replies(1)
Lightning774d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Wow too easy.

You went from MS going all streaming to selling gamepass content in which we all know they are.

Which one is it?

Pretty clear you don't know what a smart comment is at least you admit you don't know.

4d ago
anast4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

"Another game pass event with their plans to go all streaming."

It's both. I would worry about your own intelligence at this point. It seems that there is not enough to go around for you to worry about how smart other people are.

Lightning774d ago

It's just a regular event announcing games. Nice one captain obvious they're gonna mention gp stuff like they do every year what else is new.

The all streaming part is just you, being you I guess. They have streaming options but going all streaming again is just you pulling stuff outta thin air.

anast4d ago

You don't know what a smart comment is or isn't. You're welcome for the help.

Lightning773d ago

No you said something dumb then you tried to back track and mention GP.

Again make smart comments for once.

anast3d ago

And we have broken record syndrome.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3d ago
darthv724d ago

Wonder if they will address the handheld rumors....?

jimb0j0nes4d ago

For a brief moment I thought we might get a whole Direct for Gears 6 - seems like it's COD though!

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Microsoft’s Surface and Xbox hardware revenues take a big hit in Q3

Microsoft just posted the third quarter of its 2024 fiscal financial results. The software maker made $61.9 billion in revenue and a net income of $21.9 billion during Q3. Revenue is up 17 percent, and net income has increased by 20 percent.

Read Full Story >>
darthv729d ago

Xbox content + services up 62% while hardware down 31%... seems about right with the way they tout you don't need the hardware to play. People can play on their phones or smart tv or other means. I don't hardly play on my consoles directly since getting devices like the logitech g-cloud and ps portal. Which is to also say I have been playing more digital than physical because of these devices.

solideagle8d ago

you should apply in MS PR team buddy, I think you will do a great job in my humble opinion :)

Sonic18818d ago

I thought darthv72 and Obscure_Observer already work for Microsoft 🤔

dveio8d ago

MS: "Xbox services and content without AB up 1%, with AB up 62%. Hardware down 31%. In total a loss of 350 mill."

darthv72: "Seems about right."

MS: "Excuse m ..."

darthv72: "I don't hardly play on my consoles directly."


Lightning778d ago

What he said was facts. How he plays games is no concern of you. Don't get too mad about it.

Cacabunga8d ago

I can tell people like you are an absolute minority..

If service is up means their fans and fanboys accepted this model and subscribed to it. The near future you will see a big decline because the service is saturated.

darthv728d ago

to you it may seem like the minority... but your bubble is shrinking because more and more are following suit. convenience is a hell of a drug and its also why physical sales only amount to 30% of overall game sales. times are changing, you either get with them or you get left behind.

neutralgamer19927d ago


30% physical sales: yet Phil and xbox division are in a rush go give up on that 30%. they don't have any right to give up any piece of the pie since the control such a little of the pie to begin with

also, the market is clearly speaking that the model Xbox is pushing isn't working right now the keyword being right now. you are right about freedom to play anywhere so i hope they put their games on steam

shinoff21838d ago

But that's been ms for years. When things aren't going their way they try to change the way things are said. For instance console sales are down, they stop telling how many sold instead telling us how many hours spent in halo or headshots. So it makes sense console sales down just say people are playing on more devices then previous. What they won't say is how many xbox players jumped ship to ps5.

Cacabunga8d ago

Hardware sales are so bad that Sony and Nintendo are blowing the sales off the water with their hardware.

If Xbox are losers, others aren’t..
Xbox already tried everything with Xbox live then subscriptions went down so much that they had to find something else. Their fans subscribed then reached saturation rather quickly.

Hardware and exclusive games is where it’s at! Keep gamers excited, announce decent software and people will support you

itsmebryan8d ago

Well keep it simple Sony 's operating income is down 26% and Microsoft's is up 32%. No MS spin there, just facts. 😉

S2Killinit8d ago

MS is after diminishing consoles as a medium. They want to destroy this market because they couldnt win. MS’s vision is to dissolve console gaming.

romulus238d ago

Odd that a company that touts you dont need the hardware to play is already touting another console in the works.

darthv728d ago

They are not reliant on the HW but still want to maintain a presence (no matter how small) is a good thing. It shows commitment to the craft. It reminds me of SNK and how they made games for their own hardware (Neo Geo) while also making them for others because they knew there was a market to do so. They knew they would sell more to others but also sell to their own niche fan base.

TheEroica8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

Perfectly reasonable post down voted by insecure corporation friendly folk.... But not gamers. Real gamer want accessibility and ease of acquisition for all.... Company shills are the only ones still telling us that hardware locking people from games is good for us.

Chevalier7d ago


You should stop parroting metrics like an idiot without context.

"Xbox content and services revenue grew 62% in Q3 from a year earlier, “driven by 61 points of net impact” from the purchase of the third-party video game giant, Microsoft said."

61 of the 62% was from their merger so net increase is ONLY 1%


itsmebryan7d ago


It looks like made a great purchase. Much better then Sony buying Bungie. 😉

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 7d ago
purple1018d ago

Xbox hardware revenue tanks to lowest point of Xbox Series generation

Profchaos8d ago

I'm not surprised surface is struggling they aren't relevant anymore

DOMination-8d ago

In the last two years they've started exiting the consumer market altogether. All of the newest Surface products are business models only. They can't seem to work out what they want to do with it.

XBManiac8d ago

Too expensive hardware when others offer the same or more for less? Good work, Green Team.

SimpleDad8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

"Despite some early successes for Xbox games on rival platforms, Xbox hardware is down by a massive 31 percent this quarter."
"Without Activision Blizzard, Microsoft’s overall gaming revenue would have actually declined this quarter."
"Xbox content and services would have only been up a single percent without Activision Blizzard..."
"It looks like next quarter is going to be a similar story for gaming at Microsoft, too."

That is crazy... so A/B/K is carrying the whole Xbox gaming.
Oh and Microsoft will be fine. Windows, Office and Cloud are growing with each pc purchase.

purple1018d ago

Activision: "we gonna need a bigger rucksack/backpack please"

Microsoft: "why's that"

Activision: "to carry yo' weak ass'

Profchaos8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

Top brass have also wanted to start seeing returns on the 100 billion they have put into various Xbox related moves so seeing more multiplatform games is highly likely especially from abk

It's basically saying that PlayStation is the reason Xbox is afloat right now thinks to Ps5 versions of COD

Kornholic8d ago

So basically PS and PC gamers' money is keeping Xbox on life support.

MrDead8d ago

The only growth MS will get out of the console industry is if it supports it's rivals platforms. Xbox is a pointless machine now. I can see them on a big push for live next, and they won't give up on trying to buy Steam.

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