
Neocrisis: Conduit 2 Interview - Part 1

Neocrisis: We had the pleasure of getting a interview with Keith Hladik, one of the Producers on Conduit 2.

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To Be Continued: Six Cliffhangers that Left Us Floored

Leviathyn.com | Some of them were resolved, while others still have us begging for a conclusion. Here are six cliffhangers that all but blew our minds.

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FPS Friday - Conduit 2 has been played how much? Official U.S. Nintendo Channel data report.

"Conduit 2 released as an exclusive Wii FPS just over 2 years ago now, on April 19, 2011. The game received an ESRB rating of "TEEN" with "Animated Blood, Language, Mild Suggestive Themes, Violence" listed as content for parents and gamers to be aware of. It was the sequel to the other exclusive Wii FPS The Conduit, which released in 2009.

While there really hasn't been a hint of the Wii U getting Conduit 3 yet, did U.S. Wii owners enjoy Conduit 2? How many hours have U.S. Wii owners reported playing Conduit 2, since it released just over 2 years ago, and how do its averaged hours "Per person" compare to some other Wii FPS games? Brew yourself some coffee, and let's take a look!", writes CoffeeWithGames.

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Are First Person Shooters On The Downfall?

GamerFitNation: irst person shooters were the craze in the beginning of this current console generation. Through the years however, we have seen how this genre has culminated into a popular genre with games like Call of Duty, Battlefield, and other classics like the Halo franchise. When you look at the amount of first person shooter titles available now it seems that every system has a flagship first person title. Sony had Resistance/Killzone, Xbox has Halo, and Nintendo whether you like it or not had The Conduit.

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FlyingFoxy4123d ago

Definitely, Halo and COD are so overrated.. and over saturated the 360 when we should have had quality titles from Rare. MS shafted us bad.

PS4 and PC for me next gen.

WiiUsauce4123d ago

are you kidding me? how is Halo overrated? it deserves every bit of praise it receives, because the games are so well made and highly polished with excellent multiplayer and amazing single player campaigns.

Myze4123d ago

Yeah, certain games that refuse to stand out will hopefully see their downfall. There are still plenty of good FPS games/series though. Far Cry 3 and Borderlands 2 being fairly recent examples. Both great games, but not standard FPS mediocre/bad games.

I would include Crysis, but that series is steadily getting worse, focusing far more on graphics and selling their engine than atmosphere, gameplay and story.

The first Bioshock game is still one of the best games of the generation. Bioshock 2 was still good, but just not as good. Infinite looks like it will be great, and really excited about it.

3-4-54123d ago

Until Destiny is released this Winter.

It will make COD & Halo look meaningless.

4123d ago Replies(1)
NYC_Gamer4123d ago

Nope,there are a select few quality ones.

cervantes994123d ago

I hope the simple point and shoot variety is on the downfall, but the type like Deus Ex I hope we see more of.

Fyflin4123d ago

Deus Ex was great, I'm enjoying Dishonored at the moment too. A lot can be done with first person games (remember Mirror's Edge!), they don't all have to feature running and gunning everything that moves.

Alos884123d ago

"It might be people’s desires and preferences that might be declining but the quality of FPS’s are getting better as the generation pans out. Hopefully Bioshock Infinite will change all of that"
I know you didn't mean it like that but the way that was phrased made it sound like you wanted Bioshock Infinite to STOP the FPS genres increase in quality.

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