
Calling Them Out: Microsoft on PSN Outage

"Calling Xbox Live a hack-free environment is a joke." - Daniel Bischoff

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ftwrthtx4708d ago

There's no such thing as a "hack free environment"

cjflora4708d ago

"Something we've felt was always very important for Xbox Live; we're invested in people's privacy and their security and making sure that we work to keep it a cheat-free and hack-free environment." Dennis Durkin - Microsoft COO

"Challenge accepted" - Hackers

jke824707d ago

and if you will all direct your attention to the COD leaderboards on 360 (or PS3 for that matter) you will see just how many hackers/cheats/boosters we really have

willie324708d ago

I am just afraid these hackers are going to take it too far. They are starting to hack other sites now too and will impact the future of online gaming. It is impossible to develop a hack free environment. If Microsoft starts to become arrogant about their network, I have a bad feeling that they will be hacked. I can't believe how the hackers say this is good for gaming.

MRHARDON4708d ago (Edited 4708d ago )

How can Microsoft be arrogant about there network, they are one of the biggest companys in the world. They already use different types of encryption technologies.

Everything is encrypted on Microsofts servers, address's,Credit card info,phone numnbers.

Once something is encrypted, like a phone number or a credit card number, it is highly unlikely you can get the number or info back in its original state.

So I do not think Microsoft will ever be arrogant with there sercurity,

I do not believe hackers will be able to steal any personal data from Microsoft.


Microsoft is committed to helping protect the security of the information we collect. We use a variety of encryption technologies and security procedures to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. Please click here to learn more.

At Microsoft, we take the security of your personal information very seriously. We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. For example, we store the personal information you provide on computer servers with limited access that are located in controlled facilities. Additionally, if we transmit sensitive personal information (such as a credit card number) over the Internet, we protect it through the use of encryption, such as the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.

gaffyh4708d ago

Microsoft products are the most hacked products on the planet, Windows has been hacked plenty of times. The only reason their XBL hasn't been hacked is simply because they weren't a target, but individual xbl accounts get hacked all the time. If they were a target, believe me, their network would be hacked as quick as anyone else's.

bodybombs4708d ago

the only way individual accounts can get hacked is if somebody is dumb enough to fall for a phishing attempt. ive had xbl for 4 years now, have never once been hacked, why? because im not a dumbass with my information.

also the only thing that has been hacked over xbl are games that run code p2p, nobody has hacked xbl the way psn has been hacked, if it were that easy, it would have been done when the xbox got jtagged.

also to the guy who doesnt know how to remove his credit card from his live account, do it from xbox.com, i do it all the time.

kaveti66164708d ago


"but individual xbl accounts get hacked all the time. If they were a target, believe me, their network would be hacked as quick as anyone else's."

learn the difference between hacking and phishing.

snaz274708d ago

MRHARDON... It seems you have a hard on for bill gates... I take it you haven't seen his speech about population control? Type into youtube, bill gates population control... Then talk of the wonders of microsoft! Go on i dare you!... For the people that say, how can hackers say this is good for gaming... Well maybe, just maybe some things are bigger than gaming! Get off your consoles for 5 mins and do a little research! Again, bill gates population control!... Oh btw he was recently at the bilderberg meeting too, hmmm! Time to wake up people!

snaz274708d ago (Edited 4708d ago )

Bill Gates EXPOSED Progressive?!
Wants Population Control Through
Vaccines "something I love"... There you go that's the name of the video... Enjoy! Maybe all the xbox owners will be the some of the first to accept his population reducing vaccine?! Please do not support this man! Or any other elites, especially if they attend bilderberg meetings! If you think i've lost it, or a crack pot, just watch the vid! They're using the global warming scam to justify reducing the population! And he says vaccines are a great way to reduce the population! Honestly you couldn't make this shit up!

BeOneWithTheGun4708d ago

@mrhardon...with all due respect, IE is a gaping hole

BrianC62344708d ago

If hackers do take it too far they'll be sitting in prison. You can bet a lot of people are hunting them down right now.

gamingdroid4708d ago

"The only reason their XBL hasn't been hacked is simply because they weren't a target, but individual xbl accounts get hacked all the time. If they were a target, believe me, their network would be hacked as quick as anyone else's."

That is such an ignorant statement, I don't know where to start.

I had some fraudulent charges on my Visa credit card. OMG! Visa got hacked and everybody's information is stolen!!!

Individual accounts can be access by password or recovered by email. If you loose one of the two, they can get in! They didn't necessarily hack Xbox Live Network.

Albeit, I'm certain MS has security holes in their software. However, the key difference is in detection. When Stephen Toulouse had his account stolen due to social engineering with his domain name provider, it took MS mere hours to detect and recover the account!!!

If you can't put an unbreachable wall, at least find out when it is breached!

truewittness4708d ago

HA, some people actually disagreed with you, HAHAHA. some people are so bias.

YogiBear4708d ago


You are very naive.

paintsville4707d ago Show
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Cueil4708d ago

it was never said... it said they will try their best to keep it hack free... the writer can't seem to read either -_-

Joni-Ice4708d ago

Better hope those hackers don't read this article. They WILL prove MS wrong.

chriski3334708d ago

wow thats old news mircosoft is really desperate psn is fixed and back online they should worry about there xbox not red ringing so much

SonyPS3604708d ago

You mean like they did years and ago and fixed?

WetN00dle694708d ago

Yeah red rings is old new as well.

beastgamer4708d ago

Watch when they get hacked.

SonyPS3604708d ago

Only "environments that havn't been hacked yet."

Which of the two can still fall under that category?

gamingdroid4708d ago

No there is!!! It's called disconnected from the network!

That said, you want to make it so hard to get in, the thieves would rather go for someone else. First rule of security (of anything and everything)!

FamilyGuy4708d ago

I see a typo, he wrote "year" instead of "almost a month", maybe it was sarcasm or satire, (jokingly saying a year cuz it felt like a year to some die-hards), but it seems more like a typo.

tplarkin74708d ago

Proof is in the pudding. Xbox Live has always been 100% secure in terms of data theft.

(I'm not counting a few people that gave their data away to scammers/phishers. Regarding game mods or game hacks, that is the fault of the developer, not Microsoft.)

JayD-1K4707d ago

I said it once i'll say it again, it's never a problem until it happens to you or somebody you know!!

I have seen a XBLG account, get Its MS points stolen and their console hacked without him giving out his info to a scheme.
With my own eyes so yes, XBL IS NOT AND NEVER WAS A 100% SECURED!

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4707d ago
thehitman4708d ago

This is a poor article/rant...

killershadow1174708d ago (Edited 4708d ago )

Very true. I like how he says you can't remove your credit card even though I have done so before. Then when he is complaining about how Xbox live is full of hacking he lists glitches in games as hacks. I am not saying that Xbox live has no hacking but someone needs to learn the difference between something getting hacked and someone using a glitch in a game.

kaveti66164708d ago

You can't remove it from LIVE without calling Microsoft. I think it used to be where you could just remove it right from your 360, but now you have to call them and they ask you why you want to remove it and they even try to convince you not to for a few seconds.

But that's a minor gripe. Microsoft made it that way to ensure that there would be some level of human interaction to discourage users from canceling their renewal of XBL.

BrianG4708d ago (Edited 4708d ago )


It's actually tied to your XBL subscription, you CAN NOT remove it without cancelling your subscription, or until your subscription is up.

The only other alternative is to provide another credit card.

Below: You can not do that if it is linked to an XBL subscription, believe me. I've called MS and asked them to remove my card since it is linked to my brother's GF account. I let her get the 3 months for 12.50 with my card. They told me you can not remove it.

Photos for proof so everyone can see. I covered up my CC # for obvious reasons, as well as the Gamertag for my Brother's Fiance.


As you see, I clicked remove, "Can not be removed at this time"


Linked to the 3 month deal. Therefore I CAN NOT remove it until that sub is up.

killershadow1174708d ago

Actually if you go to Xbox.com and when your signing to the Windows Live, if you click on the logo and go to the main website of windows live you can delete it from there. It is a little be of a work around since you can't delete it from the xbox website but it is just one more click away and no calling anybody.

Dark_king4708d ago

Actually you can't remove it at all,even if you call they do not delete the data from their servers.They will remove it from the account though,but not their servers not ever.

BrianG4708d ago

@Dark King,

Another great point, if you check my second picture you will see my brothers old bank card that he removed ages ago. Says removed next to it.

Still there.

kaveti66164708d ago


I tried that for a month. I went to the Xbox website and logged in and tried to remove it from there, but the site kept coming up with an message that said the card could not be removed at that time. I tried it every single day, and my LIVE subscription was renewed.

I was trying to cancel my subscription renewal.

Ultimately I was forced to call XBL.

I guess the error only came up for me on the site, but the way it kept happening I assumed it was something deliberately done on Microsoft's part to prevent me from cancelling the renewal. I'm the idiot who had the subscription set to monthly, though. I spend 40 bucks on 4 months when I could have gotten an entire year of XBL for that much on amazon.

TheFreak4708d ago (Edited 4708d ago )

How can I remove my credit card number from my 360? I have never figured it out.

EDIT: So I will have to go to xbox.com?

radphil4708d ago


You can remove it PROVIDED that it's not tied to your XBL Subscription.

For some reason I have no idea why they don't allow you to tag it off your account, even though you already paid. =X

Kishin4708d ago

I'd just cancel the credit card entirely and get a new number, problem solved :)

rob60214708d ago (Edited 4708d ago )

radphil is right, if you used the credit card to pay for live they don't let you change the details or remove the card, even on xbox.com. I do believe the credit card thing does have some legitimacy, it just has no point showing up in this fanboy article. It's a stretch to connect safety from hackers and aggressive anti-consumer business practices. Even if you did remove the card MS/Sony might still have record of it to be potentially hacked.

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bangoskank4708d ago

Yeah, and the guys grammar/spelling sucks. Leave articles to the journalists.

evilmonkey5014708d ago

I've had this credit card problem too actually. Sometimes they auto recharge you if your membership expires, EVEN after you remove ALL of your credit card info. I compare it to trying to delete internet explorer from windows....you just CANT do it.

Kishin4708d ago

Cancel the card, simple.

Mkai284708d ago

I agree, this guy seems angry because PSN got hacked and not XBL. They never disrespected Sony for their network being hacked. They never said that their network was unhackable.

I think he took it personal when at E3,(as I saw it) Microsoft wanted to insure 360 owners that they would try their best to make XBL a safe and secure network, seeing as that an attack on Sony is pure fanboy dribble.

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MintBerryCrunch4708d ago

coming from the chief operating officer really represents where MS is heading in terms of Live and its security features...

i feel like the main reason they are so closed off with their online capabilities is because they fear someone will be able to get online without having to pay a subscription...and the moment a hacker does that...pandora's box will open because that would open up a lot of opportunities for hackers if they had the time to take advantage of the system before MS would shut down the network like Sony if it ever happened

Soldierone4708d ago

It would cause them to shut it down, thats the whole reason Sony shut theirs down. They didn't even note the security breach till later. It was all about them accessing free games for what a full week?

Honestly I wouldn't be suprised if Live is already compromised in a way for hackers to get free Live. Why? Because a hacker with any brains at all wouldn't release that to the public. Instead they will sit there and enjoy free live instead of getting MS attention.

FlyGuyHung4708d ago (Edited 4708d ago )

Clearly the person who wrote the article is some butt-hurt fanboy. What i got from Microsoft is that SO FAR its been hack free. It wasn't a definitive statement claiming that they have always been and always will be "hack free". Not to mention the article is very poorly written. Like the kind of things you expect to read here at N4G's comment section. smh

evilmonkey5014708d ago

Remember a few Christmases ago? It was down for a week...over the holidays to boot. Even with the psn down for 3 weeks, I *think* its been down less than xbl in total...

betrayed gamer4708d ago

it was never down just very congested. not hacked do some research. people had trouble signing in and connecting to friends because there were too many people. that's not a hack nobodies info was compromised

buttclown4708d ago

being down for an increase in traffic by 240% is a little different than getting hacked. also, not everyone was affected by that "outage"

fatalred alarm4708d ago

It wasn't "down" you could have issues logging in, i just played that time, no problems.

PSN has been down longer..though i can't blame them as much as i can blame microsoft because i actually pay for xboxlive.

I even autorenewal because I can't bother to buy xboxlive cards all the time :/ that's bad,

kingdoms4708d ago

These people are crazy I wouldn't be surprized if this guy and other fanboys where trying to provoke the hackers to attack XBL or bait Microsoft into providing them just to get even with Microsoft as if this attack on psn was the 360 fault.

Rikan4708d ago

A Sony fanboy obviously wrote this article. Looking past the sad fanboy veneer, I think MS responded professionally and in a non-critical manner. There is no question once so ever that XBL has better security (MS specializes in software/technology applications). What happened to Sony is very bad for the industry, as he said. Part of the problems are sites like N4G post article after article glorifying/giving publicity to the idiots responsible. XBL's history speaks for it's self: whats the longest it's ever been down? Is it hack-free? No, but its a damn site more secure than the PSN. At 60/year--it better be.

Whats equally bad for the industry is how a news item like this is taken and shaped into another fanboy item like this idiot author does. I'm also sure, like in true N4G fashion, this thread will turn into a "XBL vs PSN" crap shoot. The joy of gaming and sharing the culture is tainted by fanboy idiots.

The outage was bad for ALL gamers. It goes under the category of piracy, general theft. Regardless of what Network we choose to do our blasting and smashing--we all want a common thing: security.

MintBerryCrunch4708d ago

you saying that they specialize in software doesnt help your argument at all...any software can be hacked, look at their Operating Systems throughout history...they are all over the net and getting a pirated copy is pretty easy, the same goes for programs like office...software is easy and every company is affected by that...

Rikan4708d ago

I think your missing my point. But every time you comment on my posts, you usually do...

Falaut4708d ago (Edited 4708d ago )

If he's missing your point, mayhap you should articulate it better. no? Mint's spiel holds a lot more merit than yours.

Simply. If MS is so good at what they do like you so eloquently put it how come the majority of MS OS out there are pirated. or IE having more backdoors than a transvestite hooker?

oh wait...I must've missed your point. the worst part is you used a word like veneer. I guess even low brow schmoes can use a thesaurus.

mastiffchild4708d ago

But isn't it also a known fact that INDIVIDUAL Live accounts are hacked EVERY day-they hacked Major Nelson's didn't they? There's always someone moaning about it and as we pay for Live I'd expect my account with them to be AS secure as their own stuff-fact is neither Sony NOR MS are above reproach but the real issue with Bethesda, SE, Ninty among others apart from Sony being attacked by differing levels of hacks(and the the fact more secure essentials like MI5 and The Pentagon suffer attacks)at present is that these hackers are going to force the authorities into policing online activities to a degree that's going to be amazingly on top for us all.

MS being better or worse than anyone else is irrelevant and if they were (hackers) ever concerned with any kind of "freedoms" they've now gone the right way to bring all hell down on us all as far as freedoms online in the future are going to be concerned. e will be made to have individual log in codes by the Govt and all sorts. Criminalised for ANY little thing and fined and so on yet we're stuck arguing about fanboy issues when none of these companies are WANTING to e hacked and are all WELL aware what the cost of a PSN style breach can be.

The hackers are enabling the draconian kind of measures to be brought about that WILL end things like torrent sharing full stop by allowing themselves to attack non legitimate targets(in a capitalist world attacking the companies that make the world turn is a serious issue that cannot be allowed to spread)just to back up their mates and their spurious crusades(read: ego tips)while laughing about it online for all to see. I hope they find it as funny when they, along with the rest of us, have Govt issued passes we have to use to get on line EVERY and ANY time we want to. Think ISPs are bad? Just wait til our authorities decide to close all the net loopholes at once and see what these geniuses bring about-trust me, it won't be fun.

kingdoms4708d ago

Major nelson was not hacked over XBL, XBL shares info with other sites LOL

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OG Xbox Live Replacement 'Insignia' Continues To Grow With 11 New Supported Games

Online multiplayer is back for 11 more games thanks to Insignia's XBL 1.0 replacement service running on Original Xbox consoles and the Xemu emulator on PC. Multiplayer, voice chat, leaderboards, etc. have been a monthly addition for many games from Xbox's past library thank to the team at Insignia.live! The 11 new games are now playable online once again after 13+ years.

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XiNatsuDragnel416d ago

Yes yes now bring x360 xbox live then we're golden for life.

Asplundh414d ago

?? Xbox 360 servers are still online, they haven't been taken down yet.

XiNatsuDragnel414d ago

Nah they will be tho look at rscs3 they have psn made in there emulator why not xenia bro?

Blashted414d ago

Service still in beta form, sign up/player counts here: https://insignia.live/

slayereddy414d ago (Edited 414d ago )

Booo!! I was hoping that was Rainbow Six: Black Arrow...Boo!! again. I thought this coming to Xbox. I don't even read it I was so excited.


7 Abandoned Xbox Series We Probably Won't Get Back

Has everyone completely forgotten Blinx?

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WickedLester2521d ago

You forgot to add "thank God" at the end of the headline.

tomr29922521d ago

Indeed... Praise the Lord!

V0MIT_M0NSTER2521d ago

So glad that they won't mess with Banjo anymore.

-Foxtrot2520d ago

So you wouldn't want a proper Banjo-Threeie, Jade Empire or Kameo 2...really?

AZRoboto2520d ago

Or Crimson Skies. That was the shiz

FallenAngel19842521d ago

It's a shame we can't get another Banjo-Kazooie game

-Foxtrot2520d ago

Literally one that's called Banjo-Threeie and they start the game with Kazooie waking up in distress telling Banjo of a hardly nightmare while recapping Nuts and Bolts.

PhoenixUp2520d ago

Microsoft never could maintain a longrunning decent 3D platformers series of their own

AZRoboto2520d ago

I don't think "longrunning" is really necessary... Isn't Blinx the only one that got a sequel?

darthv722520d ago

Blinx needs to return if at least to show up Bubsy.

ninsigma2520d ago

Not sure if it was Xbox only back in the day but I'd love a current gen jet set radio!

Paytaa2520d ago

Jet Set Radio Future was only on Xbox. Fantastic game. Even better than Jet Set Radio for the Dreamcast in my opinion. Such a good soundtrack too

ninsigma2520d ago

Game was beast and deserves to come back on current gen. And hell yeah plus one for that soundtrack!

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Review: Table Top Racing: World Tour (Xbox One) by The Gamerscore Whores

Without a doubt, one of our highlights from EGX Rezzed 2016 was Table Top Racing. It was almost a classic love tale…”As soon as we locked eyes… (enter mushy crap here…)” – We think you get the picture. It just reminded us of a time where gaming was much less complicated and way more colourful, however at the time the game was only due to be released on the PS4… That’s not a bad thing. It just mean’t that being my primary console of choice is Xbox One, we wouldn’t get to play this any time soon as the majority of my games and friends reside in the Microsoft ecosystem – so when we got word this was getting a release on Xbox One, we immediately put our hands up and said “Yes, Please!”.

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2610d ago