
Puzzle Dimension Update Optimizes

Doctor Entertainment has rolled out (excuse me for that) a new update for its 3D gravity game Puzzle Dimension, available now to download for owners on Steam. The patch adds localization for a few Asian languages (Japanese, Korean, and Simplified Chinese) along with optimization and improvements to the engine and other areas of the title.

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Puzzle Dimension Update: For the Betterment of Puzzle Dimension

Doctor Entertainment has pushed out a sizable Puzzle Dimension update, available now automatically for owners of the casual puzzler. The latest patch comes with a long list of improvements, additions, optimizations, and changes to various areas of the game.

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SBG Review | Puzzle Dimension: Turning our brains upside down

Using spatial relations to literally twist a simple puzzle game upside-down, Puzzle Dimension is the newest head-scratcher available for download on PSN. Playing as a golden ball, you are required to navigate floating platforms to collect flowers needed to open an exit portal. Limited to only rolling or jumping one square at a time, you learn quickly that a single misstep will mean a dive into the void, necessitating starting over from the beginning.

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Original Gamer Review - Puzzle Dimension

Original Gamer: "The puzzle genre in its history has generally catered to a more specific audience compared to the casual fan or gamer. Puzzle Dimension, available for both PSN and PC, is no exception to this general rule of thumb. Boasting 100 puzzles and lush graphics this $10 downloadable title cranks up the challenge with its simple mechanics on PSN. However, repeated puzzle offerings prevent the title from becoming an instant classic."

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