
Why Do They Even Bother With Star Trek Games? - FleshEatingZipper

FleshEatingZipper writes: Regardless as to where you sat on Star Trek versus Star Wars (most of us were on both sides, anyway), there’s no denying that the latter had the best games. LucasArts was a legendary game developer with best-in-class games, long before Blizzard held the crown. (Then, y’know, things changed.) Meanwhile, Star Trek never had a homebase developer that would ensure its games got the proper love and respect they deserved. So with the recent announcement of a new Trek game, in the form of a shooter to be released in time for the new film next year, how is anything different? I just don’t see how.

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Swiftfox4723d ago

Star Trek really doesn't lend itself well to the modern market of game design ideals. I.E It's not about shooting things and blowing things up.

Star Trek has always been about exploration, political intrigue, and really examining morality and what makes us human.

With games like Heavy Rain and more recently LA Noire showing a game doesn't need to be flooded with combat and action to be a wonderful experience, we may see a Star Trek game that is more true to the roots of Gene Roddenberry's original creation.

_LarZen_4723d ago

As Duke would say, the trailer was kick ass!

Realy hoping the game wil be a good one, but it's a Star Trek game. Fans wil probably buy it regardless of the reviews....I know I wil...

earbus4723d ago

Could say the same about uncharted series why do they bother.

deathbetold4723d ago (Edited 4723d ago )

if they want to make a good star trek game. paramount should let bioware/EA make it so then atleast it would have a up to date game engine and graphics with a moderate to good story line

or i might even try a eve style star trek game

Pintheshadows4723d ago (Edited 4723d ago )

Two things. Watch a video of this game. It's in pre-alpha and looks gorgeous.

Secondly, Star Trek online.

@Quagmire. Good ol' Die Hard.

Quagmire4722d ago

Lol, im suprised someone got it.

Despite it being a shit Die Hard film, it was an alright action film.

deathbetold4721d ago

STO sucked all over.thats why they need someone else to make it. it felt rushed and like a last gen game. i saw the alpha and its still not a good as current gen games are.

Pintheshadows4721d ago

"i saw the alpha and its still not a good as current gen games are."

Are you joking? That's about 40 % complete and looks better than about 50 % of released games. I don't think you have watched the video.

And also Star Trek online is decent. It's hard and extremely unforgiving though.

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Star Trek PC/Console Story Driven Game in Development at Jumpgate's GameXcite

A new Star Trek PC and console game with a story-driven focus is in development at Jumpgate subsidiary gameXcite.

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XiNatsuDragnel223d ago

Yes yes I'm down to play this so badly.

anast221d ago

Oh, f$%&! They better not mess this up. Trek is miles better than any other Sci-fi franchise.

JackBNimble221d ago

I agree, at the same time no one can seem to make a decent StarTrek game.

I'm with you ... they better not fk this up

Solitariussaint221d ago

Keep up the good work!

They listened and made a physical version of Star Trek Resurgence, which I've pre-ordered, and I hope they make this new game both offline friendly and physical as well!

Icey7221d ago

Immediate reaction - excited for new story driven Star Trek game.

Then I go and check GameXcite's website and see that the only thing they have released are a few Asterix games.

Set expectation to low


Super Star Trek meets 25th Anniversary: Free Retro Remake updated with new graphics and controls

An old text-only strategy game remade with the graphics of the point-and-click adventure. The new version is now fully playable with a mouse only (also touch screen on Android tablets), but also with a keyboard only. You can also play with a controller by mapping cursor keys and Enter on the correct key.

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ChasterMies425d ago

This is very cool. I played many versions of Super Star Trek, some text based and some with rudimentary graphics. Back in the day, you’d get games like this off a floppy disk from a friend. I also played the 25th Anniversary Star Trek game. Cool to see a melding of the two.


This fan remake of a Star Trek text game from 1978 is way better than it has any right to be

Super Star Trek 25th is a remake / conversion of the strategy game Super Star Trek, written by Bob Leedom and David Ahl and published in the book BASIC Computer Games in 1978, mixed with the graphics of Star Trek: 25th Anniversary and the voices from ST The Original Series