
Microsoft goes asset mental on games coming to XBL Arcade

Microsoft has release screenshots and a few trailers for some of its games coming to XBL Arcade, some are part of the Summer of Arcade line-up. The list is a doozy, so we’re going to get right to it.

JellyJelly4744d ago

Whoa! That's a lot of great looking games! Crimson Alliance, Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet and Bastion all look awesome.


Going digital with 360 and PS3 - Xbox Live Arcade vs. PlayStation Store

"We may take digital downloads on console for granted nowadays but let's go back to when they became popularised and decide which platform offered the superior service." - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums

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VideoChums1624d ago

Vote for either Xbox Live Arcade or PlayStation Store at the bottom of the article! 🎮😄


Sonic 4: Episode 2 Review [VVGtv]

Daizoren from VVGtv Writes: Sega makes another attempt to bring classic Sonic back from the dead after many failed installments in the franchise (with an exceptional entry in Sonic Generations) but does this sequel episode make improvements from that last? We’ve been promised a new “Momentum based engine” that is supposed to make the game feel more like the Genesis titles. Does Sega deliver on their promise? Or does Sonic live through yet another nightmare of a title?

DJLB21154398d ago

the best sonic game ever IMO was sonic adventure for dreamcast. i havent played EVERY sonic game, but that one goes the hardest to me. lots of memories there lol


Rival Tide Review - Trials Evolution

Rival Tide review the sequel to best selling XBLA game Trials.