
Why is Anya Stroud Being Changed To Fit Gender Stereotypes In Gears of War 3?

Anya, the first playable female in the Gears franchise, is being changed, and she’s being changed to appease people who uphold normative gender stereotypes. This is problematic.

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omi25p4729d ago

They said their reducing the amount of swearing she does. This is because in the first two games she never swore, To suddenly have her swearing every time she does anything wouldnt fit the character.

EYEamNUMBER14729d ago

shes never had to actually fight locust her self either

MitchGE4729d ago

Jack from Mass Effect 2 would kick Marcus Fenix' ass.

MitchGE4729d ago (Edited 4729d ago )

I take it you've never played Mass Effect 2. Jack doesn't follow the female stereotypes that this article suggested Epic were conforming to.

omi25p4729d ago

actually in the comics it shows you how she reaches the shop you start on in gears 3 and how she gets combat training.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4729d ago
Patricia4729d ago

Are you implying they didn't take her character into account the first time through? I find that difficult to believe.

GameGambits4729d ago

Hahahahaha. Never change EPIC and Cliffy B! "We didn't want to sexify our female characters in Gears 3, and we want to treat them equally."

"She swears too much, and that's not lady like."

Nice trolling Cliff Meister.

palaeomerus4729d ago

Meanwhile, in Bulletstorm, Trishka Novak threatens to kill people's dicks.

Kurt Russell4728d ago

Man, I would hate to have my dick killed :(

MintBerryCrunch4729d ago

i guess nobody saw GI Jane

at least its not about Tits and Ass like with most female videogame characters

MintBerryCrunch4729d ago

lol...never said anything about quality...it just shows that women arent all about feelings and estrogen

the fact that its done to appease males actually takes into question the masculinity of those who have a problem with it

GusBricker4729d ago

I know I cuss more when I have locusts trying to kill me.

Plus, it usually cost you a cover charge and 2 drink minimum to get cussed at properly by a woman.

The nudity is just a bonus.

ATiElite4729d ago

Holy shite now that was funny as hell!

I hate those dam cover charges especially when they know your gonna get totally drunk off your ass.

+Bubbles funny

ScentlessApprentice74729d ago (Edited 4729d ago )

So what is this blogger (i.e. amateur article writing/journalist) trying to say? That cursing and getting angry are personality traits that only men have? Are men the only sex that are vulgar and violent? Are these traits exclusive to men and men alone? Hardly. Not every female on the face of this planet is a delicate little flower, and one day when you actually get personal face time with women, you will come to know and believe it.

But then again, you could also look at it this way. Yes Anya was not as vulgar and as obscene as in the previous Gears', but it can be argued that Anya has just reformed according to the fictional world portrayed in Gears of War. After all, hypothetically, is it absolutely impossible for a woman who was once very "feminine" to change and become gruff and tuff according to the conditions and circumstances throughout her life?

ScentlessApprentice74729d ago (Edited 4729d ago )

Well don't worry kids. One day you will grow to realize yourselves that not every women outside of your mothers' kitchens talk and act like Snow White.

Ducky4729d ago (Edited 4729d ago )

Err... it kind of looks like you're attacking the blogger, yet it seems that your opinions are in-line with her's.

Might be why you're getting disagrees. Seems like you just wrote a comment without spending time to read the article.

HemDroid4729d ago

Who Care's !!
I just wanna see her PUPPIES !!!

And once u complete the game you should get an unlockable outfit for her to wear which would have to be a nice skimpy bikini

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Epic Games Faces $1.2 Million Fine Over "Unfair Practices," Plans to Fight Back

Epic Games is facing a $1.2 million fine by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets over "unfair practices" in the Fortnite shop.

Sciurus_vulgaris2d ago

It might be cheaper to simply pay the fine. Fighting said fine could cost millions due to court and lawyer fees. Fortnite generates well over a 100 million in each month, so Epic has plenty of cash.

franwex1d 23h ago (Edited 1d 23h ago )

But if they did pay it, then they are basically admitting that they did something they weren’t supposed to be doing. If they fight it, they may win and continue to have a sense of urgency for their micro transactions thus making more money long term.

Goodguy011d 15h ago (Edited 1d 15h ago )

Meaning more suits to follow from others if they don't fight as well.

Not a fan of Epic nor fortnite and their micro transactions. But the game is heavily supported and is free to play, all store items are completely cosmetic.

1d 21h ago
Furesis1d 18h ago

I'd fight back too. These are kinda meaningless reasons to fine someone like really for THAT. It's like they just wanted to make money or something.

Sephiroushin1d 8h ago

There is a law for something, but even if its stupid follow it because if you break it you pay for it; if they knew they cant place a “buy now” in NL then just dont do it!


Ranking Every Battle Pass Skin In Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2 (Myths & Mortals)

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Why Epic's Win Against Apple And Google Paves The Way For The Future Of Mobile Gaming

Epic Games winning its cases against both Apple and Google is shaping the way forward for the future of mobile gaming.

shinoff218364d ago

I feel alot of mobile gamers are kids which will at some point probably turn to console or pc. Mobile gaming just doesn't cut it for me.

AlterRecs63d ago

tru dat, but i feel like it's gonna be a lot more viable for people who travel a lot or don't want to invest in a full gaming rig. Think of it as a Switch on drugs, with a LOT more room for free illegal downloads.