
3DS vs PS2: Snake Eater Comparison Video

A video showing both the 3DS and PS2 versions of Snake Eater. Go on and decide which platform plays it better.

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Thegoodfriar4736d ago

I'm shocked how good the 3DS looks, although stereoscopic 3D still doesn't have me sold.

I'm really interested to see how the Vita pans out over E3.

StbI9904736d ago

Why are people saying 3ds looks worse than the ps2 ver? cus it is sincerelly not, also noticed how the ps2 box was smaller and bad compressed, darker unvivid colors while the 3ds all the contrary.

Anyway, kojima already told there will be further version coming to ngp, from zone of ender and metal gear hd collection, both having tranfaring, ngp is the obvious winner lol.

And no, if snake eater is what we are talking boutta of, 3d aint adding sht to it, shame it is essential.

NukaCola4736d ago

Adding mini QTEs and features utilizing the 3DS is cool. I like the photo camo feature. But overall the 3D is not impressive and the slightest movements turn the 3D into a giant headache.

hakis864736d ago

So... by producing PS2-like graphics the 3DS is.. the PSP undercover?!

I'm sure the 3DS has new games that looks stunning, but this looked very identical to me (3DS somewhat sharper, some re-touched textures), not that impressive IMO. Sorry =(

4736d ago Replies(4)
kalebgray924736d ago

the 3ds is a beast but im still shocked the ps2 looks this good for such an old system... well old in tech years.... no take that back old period.... e3 cant wait... project cafe gonna end the console war until 2013

pain777pas4736d ago

PS2 version is better. The foilage is better and the lighting seems to be better. There was better animation or physics for the backpack before jumping out of the plane. Other than that It is close I mean very close but not quite.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4735d ago
Ashira4736d ago

This is not really a fair comparison as you can't see the 3D effects on the 3DS version.
Best bet: find it in your local store and try it on the real 3DS system. It's a trade-off between graphics and 3D effects.

jacksonmichael4736d ago

There should be 3D videos available on the eShop in 3 days... I don't think that has much to do with it though. My complaints would be about the lack of colour saturation. Especially in the faces near the start.

sarshelyam4736d ago

3D effects aren't going to make the game look "better", simply "different". So yes, viewing the side-by-sides in 2D is not only completely fair, but the standard at which 3DS games should be measured considering 3D is merely a feature, not a requirement. One which some don't prefer, and others can't even utilize.

Sunhammer4736d ago

It does. It's easy to say the 3DS is "up to par" when the screen is so small.

Klaykid1234736d ago

In SOME cases it looks as good or even better, but around 28 seconds, the guys flapping suit does look a LOT better on the 3DS. I don't like the Red-heads hair on the 3DS as much, but the white haired guy (Snake?) looks better on 3DS. Not to mention the cockpit looks smoother.

Eamon4736d ago

lol, if you're referring to the old man with the grey hair and a scar his face, that is not Snake.

That's Zero.

Klaykid1234736d ago


Sorry, not big of a MGS story follower, only have MGS4 and can't get into it. I'm such a failure at sneaking around >.<

dead_eye4736d ago

Thats the only bit that I thought looked better

Awesome-Xanto4736d ago

I think they look about the same really, and that's without the 3D... even if the 3DS is no NGP, it's still a pretty powerful system. This is a port of an old game and it looks good, so I'm waiting to see developers actually push the system to its limits.

Shok4736d ago (Edited 4736d ago )

PS2 version is slightly more detailed and sharper, which is weird cause I remember the very first 3DS-PS2 comparison with the 3DS version looking much better.

But I'm sure the 3D effect will make it look much better.

EDIT: Snakes flapping jacket looks a lot better on 3DS, just noticed.

dktxx24736d ago

I was thinking the same thing. I've seen screenshots where the 3ds version was clearly superior. This one (especially the screenshot)the ps2 looks a bit better apart from a thing or two.

Trroy4736d ago

Its the resolution that makes it look sharper. There are about 4x as many pixels in the original PS2 image, and a downsampled clip will make it look like everything is cleaner, similar to having a really good AA technique.

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Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 to be temporarily removed from digital storefronts starting November 8

Konami will temporarily remove Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3 from digital storefronts starting November 8 as it works to renew the licenses for select historical archive footage used in each game, the company announced.

Orchard926d ago

To be honest, I’m surprised Konami are even considering re-listing this given how they’ve abandoned their franchises and fans.

Maybe temporarily will become permanently.

VersusDMC925d ago

They definitely won't relist the games on the pretty much dead platforms they were on. If they go through hassle of changing all the cutscenes it will be to release a PS/Xbox/Switch collection on current systems.

Eonjay925d ago (Edited 925d ago )

Out of curioisity, why isn't historical footage a part of the public domain?

VersusDMC925d ago

According to Google anything before 1924 and anything that wasn't copyrighted 5 years after being publised is fair game.

Maybe the historical footage used in the MGS games might have new copyright owners and they are knocking on the doors of whoever is using that footage for a paycheck.

Maybe that's what happened because of what happened with writers suing Movie studios for rights to old IP like terminator, Beetlejuice and Friday the 13th due to an old copyright law that grants authors rights to their work after 35 years. Maybe that's what happened to the copyright of the old footage as well?

Or they are just negotiating with the original copyright owners? Maybe this is a ploy to get it for cheaper? Bluff that they will just take the games down for a cheaper licence price?

Who knows...

jznrpg925d ago

If they didn’t have plans to rerelease them they would just say they aren’t coming back . They may not release them again if whoever owns the copyrights are greedy but it would seem they are putting some effort into it otherwise they would say buy it now or else that would make them more $ now . I could be wrong but that makes sense to me .

TheEnigma313926d ago

This is exactly why i love physical media

Orchard926d ago (Edited 926d ago )

Well, in this case, describing it as a digital vs physical problem may not be too accurate.

If you already purchased it digitally, you'll still be able to download it and play any time - and if I want to go buy it digitally, I still can today, whereas I probably can't find a physical copy of it in Walmart or wherever.

blackblades926d ago

True as long as you bought something before it get delisted you'll still be able to play them. All the physical vs digital is nonesense now and getting old. You get screwed from both at the end of the day if everything goes down. Physical will have all the bugs because they need the 1st day patches and then some. About most dlc needs downloading so you screwed outta complete edition. I still dont see Sony or MS going anywhere in the next 100 years.

MadLad926d ago

People on here find literally every excuse they can to state just how much better and future proof physical games are over digital.

Funny, being I can play every single one of my almost 1000 steam games with no issue. And, even when the store eventually shutters, they have systems in place I can still back up all my games.

What am I supposed to do when my console, and even the discs it runs, break down? I mean, I can rebuy them, but that just means I had to pay twice for a game, and probably now at collector prices. Doesn't sound very future proof to me.

blackblades926d ago

That already happened to me on ps2. My stuff got stolen, I had to rebuy some of the games with allowances. Some games were nich I couldnt find them again.



We don't even need to loose the games in anyway for physical media reliability to be put to test, disc rot is a thing.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 925d ago
IamFrasierCrane925d ago

This doesn’t affect anyone who has already purchased the game digitally.

GhostofHorizon926d ago (Edited 926d ago )

Just started MGS 3 over the weekend.
Wouldn't have affected me since I bought the collection a long time ago.

I'm more interested in the fact that they have to re-license historical footage constantly. At what point is it not worth it anymore? I can't imagine a lot of people are buying MGS Collection.

isarai925d ago

Dat all digital future 👌

Sephiroushin925d ago

What? You got it you can still play it just like if you got a physical copy of the game ...

FanboysKiller925d ago

How to get engaged with 2s story ? , can't get through the ship without quiting the game literally since forever.

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Metal Gear Solid 3 Remastered for Pachinko? WTF KONAMI!

Metal Gear Solid 3 is one of the greatest games of all time, and Konami is giving it a remaster with the FOX Engine! Sort of....with Pachinko. RGT 85 isn't too pleased with this decision!

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JKSimmons2909d ago

I still can't believe Konami is doing all this. It's like they're intentionally trolling us at this point.

Dabigkahuna762909d ago

You don't have to buy it every game is not meant for you just maybe I'm just saying They may not be targeting you so relax bruh

-Foxtrot2909d ago

Buy it? You do know what a Pachinko machine is...right?

Dabigkahuna762909d ago (Edited 2909d ago )

@fox I don't care what it is I'm not the target for whatever it is so I can give 2 fukcs about it

Sunny_D2909d ago (Edited 2909d ago )

What a dumbass comment. Why bother commenting in the article when you didn't even make an effort or care to make effort to find out what the article is about. You're just another headline reader, aren't you? Jesus

Ben Dover2909d ago


Perhaps it's a wise thing to NOT post at all then if you're not contributing / bothering to read the article.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2909d ago
TheCommentator2909d ago

Yeah, Konami is taking a gamble with one of it's best franchises. ;P

_-EDMIX-_2909d ago (Edited 2909d ago )

Are they? The reality is those pachinko machines are probably going to give them a greater return then the actual Metal Gear Solid games consider they're probably not spending 100 million or more on such the game

garrettbobbyferguson2909d ago (Edited 2909d ago )

I don't believe it's a remaster. Pachinko machines just have scripted cut scenes typically. You win and you see a next cut scene. You lose and you lose. In this case they probably had some animation studio model these cutscenes for their new machine.

OoglyBoogly2909d ago

It looks so beautiful too...not that the original MGS3 looks bad (seriously go emulate that shit it's still a damn good looking game) but these remastered parts look phenomenal!

ScubaSteve12909d ago (Edited 2909d ago )

like an arcade game i guess

sdlxxx12909d ago

Remember plinko on the price is right? Like that.

Deadpooled2909d ago

classic show, wonder which was better, the american version or the british version with sir bruce forsyth?

bloop2909d ago

You can't beat a Brucie bonus.

bouzebbal2909d ago

It's a hybrid arcade money machine.. It's for casinos

Artemidorus2909d ago

They are testing to see how angry fans are then offer It on consoles.

I am done with Konami for the way they have behaved.

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Metal Gear Solid 3: From Russia with love

Rich Stanton:

"Metal Gear Solid 2 ended with an explosion of questions. In creating a game that questioned its own status as a game, Kojima had opened countless essentially insoluble plot threads. The most pressing one was: what next? Hideo Kojima initially tried to avoid directing Metal Gear Solid 3, or so the talk goes. He did not."

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