
Avault: Nintendogs + Cats 3DS review

Nintendo has developed a technodog that is completely portable, and can never die or feel any sort of genuine emotion towards you or your actions, with Nintendogs + Cats! The game places you in the role of a first-time pet owner, walking you through the stages of owning and training your very first puppy. You’ll pick out a dog at the kennel, take it on walks, name it, teach it tricks and more. Should you feel confident in your dog’s skills you can enter it into contests, which earn you money to buy toys, treats, and eventually new dogs.


10 Games Nintendo Should Port to Mobile Next, You're Welcome

With a port of Professor Layton confirmed for iOS platforms, we know Nintendo is willing to loosen their grip and let older titles breath new life. Here are the 10 Nintendo games we would like to see come to mobile platforms.

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It's International Cat Day - here are 12 of mobile gaming's best cats

If you didn't know, today is International Cat Day, also known as: the best of days.

Yep, that's all the excuse we need to celebrate my favourite felines in gaming.

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PBG Plays Nintendogs + Cats

PeanutButterGamer gets a puppy and decides to play Nintendogs + Cats for the 3DS instead!

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