
Critical Gamer: L.A. Noire: review

Critical Gamer writes: With the backing of Rockstar, Australian developer Team Bondi set out to make a different kind of game. Drawing from stylistic detective and gangster movies of yesteryear and boasting revolutionary facial animation, does L.A. Noire earn a commendation or does it deserve to sleep with the fishes?

Set in 1940s Los Angeles, L.A. Noire places you in the role of Cole Phelps, a decorated war hero making his way up through the ranks of the LAPD. Players achieve this by getting involved in crime scenes, looking for clues, piecing together puzzles, tailing people, interviewing witnesses and interrogating suspects.

It would be a mistake to approach L.A. Noire expecting an experience similar to anything else backed or produced by Rockstar. Though it may look and play like a GTA game (with its open world setting, gunplay, tedious collectable hunting and minimal optional extras), Noire is very different.

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xPhearR3dx4736d ago

"no option to reload a checkpoint if you want to try again at correctly spotting all lies. The game expects you to restart the whole case if you want to do this and of course even if you get through the interview you messed up there might be more within the same case you weren’t sure about"

You criticize a game because it wont let you retry right before an interview so you can get all the questions correct? Wow. Ever heard of a challenge? Kids these days I swear.

Xof4736d ago


This one reason it's so hard for developers to even attempt branching storylines, or even multiple endings--there are too many idiotic gamers out there who can only accept the PERFECT outcome, and see everything else as "losing."

artynerd4735d ago

Actually, I totally agree with this review.

"There are too many idiotic gamers out there who can only accept the PERFECT outcome, and see everything else as "losing"."

Then why say 2/4 answers correct? THAT is the problem, the game tells you exactly where you screw up. It's pretty much a rails game that wants you to follow a VERY TIGHT path.

L.A. Noire is the biggest letdown this year by far. Why the heck did they put it in an open world?? THERE'S NOTHING TO DO. It's like R* gave them the GTA4 engine and they had some Chinese group provide 1940's themed assets and textures to toss in.

I'm on the 3rd disc and I can't tell you how tired and bored I am of this game. "go here, keep walking around until your controller vibrates, press a, chase some guy, interview some people and make guesses based on inconsistent rules, watch another boring cut scene, watch Cole Phelps do things WAY out of his established character, etc. etc. etc."

I might sell this piece of Rockstar hyper-boil before I finish it. This is the last time I get suckered in by their $XXmillion ad campaigns.

Commander_TK4735d ago

Wtf? I just quit and resume if I get any answer wrong. It's just that easy.

Christopher4735d ago

***Then why say 2/4 answers correct? THAT is the problem, the game tells you exactly where you screw up. It's pretty much a rails game that wants you to follow a VERY TIGHT path.***

Disagree with this. Much like any level in Super Mario Bros., there is the best path to take but it's not the only one that can lead to success. The "correct" questions listed only serve to say that there is a better solution, but it never says it's the only solution.

It's not forcing you to go back and replay any case if you only get some of the interrogation items correct, it's just saying if you want the best outcome, this is where you messed up.

HolyOrangeCows4735d ago (Edited 4735d ago )

@xPhearR3dx and Xof
Those are some rather ironic criticisms of yours.

"You criticize a game because it wont let you retry right before an interview so you can get all the questions correct? Wow. Ever heard of a challenge?"
"there are too many idiotic gamers out there who can only accept the PERFECT outcome, and see everything else as "losing.""

You can screw up on a bunch of questions, presenting the wrong evidence, and more....some would usually call that "losing"
And I've heard of a challenge; LA Noire not being one of them.

Collection is tedious, optional material is minimal, the facial technology is interesting but the animations are imperfect, it detects lies for you (way to take away from the challenge), the murders can be obvious and you still have to carry on with others, takes the wheel too much......

This is a great review. You don't have to feel the same way, but the reviewer makes great points. It's a detective game that doesn't actually let you do much detective work without the game shoving the answers into your face.

NegativeCreepWA4735d ago (Edited 4735d ago )

For every ones info here. The game saves every time you pull up somewhere so if you quit instead of restart you can resume the game part way through a case.

Oh yeah, this is crap review the game deserves better.

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strange19864736d ago

Yeah, this is pretty lame, although if you get a question wrong you can just quit the game completely and the auto-save should take you back shortly before the interrogation. But yeah, pretty nitpicky stuff in there.

xPhearR3dx4736d ago

I know right, but the thing is why in the hell would you want to ruin your first playthrough by doing that? On a 2nd playthrough I could see people doing it, but when reviewing a game if you try to cheat and fail, then blame the game you shouldn't be reviewing video games.

The fact the same reviewer gave Dragon Ball Z two points higher than L.A Noire is just laughable. Those games haven't been good in a long time.

strange19864735d ago


I agree with you, I was just pointing out the ability to do so.

jrbeerman114735d ago

I am tempted to click article to see why this review is so negative. But i would hate to reward a troll article with a hit.

otherZinc4735d ago

I agree with this score:

This is a game that the primary function is to determine a sequence off facial animations...whatever. The game is garbage.


PirateThom4735d ago

I don't even use the facial cues, I use the evidence and what they say.

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kingdavid4736d ago

This review is trollin'

9/10 for me. As long as you dont play it hours in a row its great.

I do a couple of cases, then come back the next day. Keeps things fresh,

OcelotRigz4736d ago

Same here. I love the game, really do, but can never seem to to play for more that a few hours a day.
I think it could be because i dont like quiting in the middle of a case because when i come back i might forget a few details.

On topic, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but its obvious from reading this review that the reviewer is easily irritated, has no patience and probably the sort of guy who abuses glitches in the cod games or/and he is just doing this for hits.
Maybe, maybe not, regardless i think his review is ridiculous.

iistuii4735d ago

With you, but to have to leave it and go back to keep it fresh seems to be the very point, and that is it gets very repetitive very quickly. Some great games I can't put the controller down, this isn't one of them. Go to crime scene, check body inc pockets, search area and then go chatting to a few people, then repeat this every mission. It's good but not great, it's not a 4 it's more a 7 in my opinion.

artynerd4735d ago (Edited 4735d ago )

Your opinion is that this review is "trollin'" and I say anyone who thinks this game is 8/10 or higher is a graphic whore.

Seriously, remove the facial capture tech and you're left with a very shallow game that doesn't even follow its own rules.

Most honest review of L.A. Noire I've read.

kingdavid4735d ago (Edited 4735d ago )

Graphic whore? Honestly I think the game looks pretty much crap tbh apart from the faces.

I love slow story type oriented games and I find it original. Its just preference.

FunAndGun4735d ago

I don't see how you can give a game a 9 and NOT play it for hours on end?

Do you play 7/10 games for hours in a row?

If you NEED to play this game like that in can't be THAT good.

I don't get it...This game is awesome!, but only in small doses. To me that just makes it sound repetitive and boring as to why you need breaks from it often.

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MrDead4736d ago (Edited 4736d ago )

My god this sites going down the toilet we need hits and fast!...
Lackie, whats the biggest game out right now?
L.A. Noire sir.
Ok rip this game apart, any small issues blow them out of proportion and make some stuff up if you need. We need to make this game seem like more of a chore then a stand out title.

..... if this doesn't work start an article on how the PSN being down has brought on armageddon.

RedSky4735d ago (Edited 4735d ago )

Equating the biggest game out there with quality is exactly what's wrong with most reviewers these days and the hype culture around games.

Critics gives games like GTA4 critical fellatios, yet take a look at what users actually think of them:


And yes:


For the record I'm honestly quite enjoying LA Noire but dear god is it repetitive in some ways.

MrDead4735d ago

this game is not a 4, that would make this game on par with Thor.

I loved GTA4, too many people where comparing it to San Andreas they should have compared it to GTA3. The core gameplay was more important then the lite RPG elements and side missions. Get the guts right and add what you like to later games as they did to Vice City and San Andreas

As for Black Ops and Rock band, yes the critics reviews are way too high

Corrwin4736d ago

Nice to see a review talking about the bad side of a game, though 4 seems harsh.

AnonUser55554735d ago

LOL. That score is "way too low" ....so you give it a whole extra point to make it 5/10. wth haha

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Play L.A. Noire Free With Your GTA+ Membership

L.A. Noire is coming to the library of free games available to GTA+ Members on Thursday, May 2.

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TheColbertinator11d ago

Great game that unfortunately was only made once

anast11d ago

I would day 1 New York or Chicago Noir even LA Noir 2.


L.A. Noire And Bully — Rockstar's Lost Gems That Deserve A Sequel As Much As GTA

Hanzala from eXputer: "I do appreciate GTA 6, Rockstar, but if I could trade it for a new L.A. Noire or a Bully game, I'd do so in a heartbeat."

Skuletor37d ago

How are they lost? You can get L.A. Noire on Steam, PS5, Xbox Series and Nintendo Switch and Bully is on the PS5 and Xbox Series too.

Psychonaut8537d ago

I want a new Manhunt game. But that will never happen.

Demetrius37d ago

Mfs are too sensitive nowadays and would cry instead of being concerned bout real world problems

Demetrius37d ago

Whenever gta 6 launch we won't be getting another rockstar title for another 10 years lol but on the positive side they bou to come back n show how open world supposed to be done 🔥

Skuletor37d ago

I won't expect any singleplayer DLC like IV's The Lost & Damned or The Ballad of Gay Tony after it launches either


12 Years Later, L.A. Noire is Still an Excellent Experience

There was a lot to love about Rockstar and Team Bondi's 2011 open world title.

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shinoff2183143d ago

One I never finished. I've been looking at the ps4 version off Amazon the last few months just never bit

Knightofelemia142d ago

It's worth playing LA Noire is one of my favorite Rockstar games. But I would also check out pawnshops or thrift stores if you want the game dirt cheap. Someone may have been dumb enough to dump the game.

andy85142d ago

Baffles me when people have these opinions about acclaimed games 😂

RhinoGamer88143d ago

100% agree... not perfect, but an engaging/refreshing experience.

sagapo142d ago

Agree, at time of release those facial expressions were amazing! They still hold strong even today imo.
The game on its own was good. Something fresh, but sidequests were a bit meh after a while.

Nacho_Z142d ago

I picked it up on sale recently, going to play it next summer. I'll get more out of it this time, first time around I treated the open world like it was GTA and goofed about, whereas now I'll play it with more respect. RDR2 has trained me well.

I also hadn't read Raymond Chandler at the time so presumably that'll add another layer of enjoyment too.

1nsomniac142d ago (Edited 142d ago )

Absolutely stunning game. So underrated. Played through it again last year and it still stands up so well. Like many of rockstars games it’s actually a far better experience on PC. I didn’t enjoy it as much on console. Completed it at least 3 times on pc.

The rumours of a sequel are awesome news despite the fact I think Rockstar are now the shell of the company they once were.

SyntheticForm142d ago

Team Bondi made a hell of a game.

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