
20 Minutes of Final Fantasy Type-0 Gameplay

Dualshock Nexus: There appears to be a fairly decent quality video showing off over twenty minutes of Final Fantasy Type-0.

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Foxgod4746d ago (Edited 4746d ago )

The only SE games that dont look boring these days, are the ones from Eidos.
Type-0 doesnt even look or feel like an RPG.
SE made themselves big in the past with games like Chrono trigger, Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy 6/7, Xenogears...

And they have been slowly digging their grave ever since they decided after Final Fantasy 7, that things needed a different course.

Who the heck goes on a different course during their prime?
Square did.

stealth500k4746d ago (Edited 4746d ago )

You sound butthurt

blitz06234746d ago


I'd agree with half of what you said. I personally think SE's best days were until FFXII, maybe to some FFX. Their demise started during this generation, when they started releasing numerous new IPs that really never impressed - Infinite Undiscovery, Last Remnant,etc. Then they try to salvage their reputation by hyping the hell out of FFXIII only to disappoint their fans even more.

Oh and Type-0 looks alright. Quit hatin'

Foxgod4746d ago (Edited 4746d ago )

Got plenty of other games to play.
Most people who played Square games in the past think that SE stinks.

You can disagree, but its a fact that SE sucks.
The art they produce is so bland and generic these days, the story's are lame, the battle systems are lame, and the worlds they produce are anything but vibrant.
Theres nothing more stale then an SE game.

Butthurt, no, it only sucks that SE took a different course, and because of it will never be able to produce a decent sequel to games like Chrono trigger, mana, Final fantasy and xenogears.
They just dont have what it takes anymore.

stealth500k4746d ago (Edited 4746d ago )

you still sound butthurt

You really have no idea what your talking about. Its not even worth arguing. But I can list about a dozen square games this gen that were fantastic but you wouldnt listen

Redempteur4746d ago (Edited 4746d ago )

"fact that SE sucks"

i know you are on the internet ..but your opinion isn't the truth .

Please come back once you'll know how to talk ( it's an important skill it might just even help you IRL )

EDIT : english isn't my original language either .. and you again missed the point ..please don't miss-use the word "fact" when it is only your opinion and nothing else.

Inception4746d ago

I agreed that SE sucks, but their handheld games mostly great such as Tactics Ogre, Crisis Core, KH BBS, and so on. And Type-0 lookin great with some classic element like world map eksploration with airship and chocobo.

Btw this article is about Type-0, not SE. And i don't know why you spew some hate about this game when the game itself not released yet -_-

Foxgod4746d ago (Edited 4746d ago )

Once i know how to talk?
Is that even proper grammar?
English isnt my native language either, but before you start saying people need to learn, make sure your standards are up to a certain level as well.

And its not just an opinion, anyone over 20 will say the same as i did, SE lost their mojo, they suck ass.

Pedantic914746d ago (Edited 4746d ago )

Lets say over at Gamefaqs.
And the only choices were:

"SE Rules !"


"SE Sucks !"

"SE Rules !" would most likely come out as the winner. But that's my opinion.

maddfoxx4746d ago

Their handheld games are always good. I always liked SE until this console gen came along. They really did mess up with FFXIII. What I want to know is. . . why does it take them soooo long just to make a game? Type-0 is a handheld game and its been in development just as long as VsXIII. It takes BioWare 3 years to roll out Mass Effect 2 and it offers more than FFXIII (developed for 5 years).

Foxgod4746d ago (Edited 4746d ago )

They are no longer a top developer, thats why it takes them so long, and why their games are boring and crippled.

Quite frankly, its an insult that fine crafted games from Eidos have to carry the name of SE.

Dues Ex, New tombraider, Hitman, Carmaggadon --------------------------> >>>> anyting from square.

maddfoxx4746d ago

Their games arent boring. I didnt think FFXIII was that great, but I still enjoyed it for what it was. If it didn't have Final Fantasy in the title then it wouldn't have been such a big let down.

Redempteur4746d ago (Edited 4746d ago )

it took so long because they have concepts( lot of them ) but don't devs them all at the same time .. for example Versus really picked momentum once FF13 was finished ..that's it .

When you're pourring rpg on psp, ds, ps3, 360 and wii , even if you have lot of projects , at most only a couple can progress fast. it is probable that the team behind dissidia duodecim went to support the type-0 team once they finished their project ..

That's how it works when you devellop multiple projects. no matter how much money you have , you cannot do everything at the same pace.

EDIT ( for maddfoxx):
the rpg side of square enix is doing : FF13 versus, FF13-2, FFtype -0 , kingdom hearts 3, kingdom hearts DDD..and i'm not counting the teams that are doing remakes ( tactical ogre, ff4 collections and the list goes on ) or the team doing iphone or wiiware, psn( ect ect ) games ...

in ALL SE ( not counting eidos ) it's 10 teams and only 4 of them have more than 60 people ..

You have to make choices .. ( and that's what they do ) .

In bioware case , that's still less projects... thay have 2 singles players games and a MMO ? bioware is only doing the dev work( last time i checked ) Square output 8 times that output in games ( not as big of course )and is doing publishing work in most cases and they even publish games they don't developp ( like dragon quest 9 ) or western games that don't get in japan otherwise ( lost wind for example ) .

maddfoxx4746d ago

That doesnt make sense to me. . . different teams are working on different games, so developing multiple games shouldn't impact time that much. Same with Bioware with the Mass Effect and Dragon Age franchises. Bioware develops both of these, but they are is still able to pump out high quality games at a decent pace.

Foxgod4746d ago (Edited 4746d ago )

If thats true, then no wonder their games suck.
A good software house should always have a dedicated team to a project.
A game can only become good if you put the right people on them, and keep them on it, to ensure that a series keeps the feeling that drew in the fans in the past.

Its not efficient to just drag people from project to project and hammer them to complete something they are barely familiar with.

Imagine that Bioware would let the DA team work on Mass effect..........
It would become a mess, you dont put developers who like to create medieval games, on a sci fi game.

SE doesnt have a good direction anymore, their games are a mess, kinda like the Spiderman musical.
Its what happens when you dont manage your people properly on the software projects.

They are boring as hell, i enjoyed any Squaresoft game, until FF8 came out, most stuff they produced since then is junk, and doesnt hold a candle to games like Dues Ex, Mass effect, The witcher 2, Elder scrolls, and other games who deserve to be called an rpg.

If FF13 wasnt carrying the Final fantasy name, it would have bombed for sure after all the negative critics.
The name FF is what saved it.

Redempteur4746d ago (Edited 4746d ago )

your a hater .. or trolling ..
i dunno how you can compare Wrpgs and Jrpgs like that and not even understanding that they aren't the same thing ... sure your tastes have changed but that's not the jrpgs 'fault .

As i said above bioware is différent , in scale and in work ..each project have a team focuses on thinking or getting something that work AND THEN you add the support from another team afterwards .. or better 2 project for the same team ( FF13 - ff13 versus case ).in that case you can have several art and concept ready but not enough people to work on it , in that case one has to take priority .

Bioware have a team that does dragon age , and another that currently is working with mass effect ( And another with the star wars MMO but no matter). As with every studio working on more than one title , the team are formed and most of the time STAYs that way .

For example , if you take Kojima production , it is NOT the same team working on MGSRISNG and the one that worked on Peace walker but it is still ONE dev team inside konami that worked on 3 titles at a set point in time ( peace walker , rising and mgs3 3ds ). See ?
If you do more than that , you have to get people to work on it .. and that require even more people to suppervize everything and the cycle goes on. And if it does ..you cannot be sure that you'll get the result you want.
So to prevent this to happen , even if you have more projects in the pipeline , you only work on some sets of titles , or ( exception but it happens ) you can create a small team to work on the basics at a slow pace.. and THEN when you have more ressources , your relocate your develloppement resources into helping afterwards . it can be done if you have a good game designer and you can delegate and communicate within the team without trouble. ( not everyone does this )

Anyway .. let's try to stop the explanations here , you're far from understanding how develloppers work when they have to make different things at once. Nobody can multitask toward the infinity especially if you want to release something one day and a decent quality.

and if you're reading this and asking ..why not create more studios ? that answer is what most of them do ( cost money and management place and time) , or they delegate IPs to external studios ( less money) . konami did it with castelvania , capcom did it with ( lot of titles ), square did it with dragon quest for example . EVEN Nintendo did it ( metroid OTHER M )..you need to have money to fund the projects and people to suppervise the develloppement and again , it can get messy .In square case , they just can't get their MAIN FF titles get developped by someone else . And in KH case, i don't see how someone else will take the reign of this when it's already a joint effort with disney..

i hope my next post won't be as long

Squatch834746d ago

This reminds me of the look of Final Fantasy 8 for some reason. Could be OK.

Happythedog4746d ago

The gameplay made me forget every error SE has made. I can't believe the PSP can produce a game this good looking. It makes me want to support even there crappy games, Western dev could never come up with the speed and style that FF Type 0 has.

CrimsonSquall4746d ago

The graphics for this game are impressive, this is the stuff that usually comes out at the end of the life cycles of most gaming devices!


How Final Fantasy’s First M-Rated Game Laid the Foundation for XVI’s Dark Tone

Final Fantasy XVI demonstrates how the franchise has matured since the release of its first M-rated installment, Final Fantasy Type-0.


Type-0 Is The Darkest Final Fantasy Ever Made

DS: “I hate that Type-0 is forgotten among the Final Fantasy games. While not the strongest entry, its mature story makes it stand out from the others. And even though Final Fantasy now has three rated M games — including Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin and Final Fantasy XVI, — Type-0 will always have the crown of being the first, and arguably the darkest.”

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gold_drake343d ago

i agree that it is indeed dark, but it has its issues.

and i feel like the ending is what makes it really a dark final fantasy game.

the rest is more or less war where teenagers fight.

342d ago
fsfsxii342d ago

This game was the epitome of the FF dark age pretty much, was hella boring and the gameplay was tedious. I'm glad SE got the series back on track

gold_drake342d ago

well, it was more of a spin off rly.
especially after they dropped the fabula nova crystalis stuff

H9342d ago

I actually really love this game, the main problem however was that the entire story and personality of the characters, was in the lore that you need to dig very deep to find and external materials outside of the game, honestly it has my favorite lore in the franchise, I wish they had made the game more story focused, god it would have been a masterpiece


The Best Final Fantasy Spin-Off Titles Ever Released

Xfire writes "The Final Fantasy franchise is nearly as old as the video game industry itself.

First released way back in 1987, what initially started as a hail mary title has since turned into a media franchise that has spawned more than a dozen mainline titles and been featured in other forms of media, making hundreds of millions of dollars along the way.

But while the mainline titles get all of the attention -- all eyes are currently on Final Fantasy 16 -- the franchise also has a handful of spin-off titles that are just as good as the mainline titles."

1181d ago Replies(1)
Knightofelemia1181d ago (Edited 1181d ago )

I enjoyed World of Final Fantasy and I love Crisis Core

SDuck1180d ago

Do you even know what a spinoff is?

FallenAngel19841180d ago

Do you? if you even have to ask that

FallenAngel19841179d ago (Edited 1179d ago )

@ cool

It’s more than just having characters. KH uses various gameplay mechanics, themes, terminology, & aesthetics from FF.

It just happens to be a spin-off that’s also a crossover, similar to fellow spin-off crossover titles such as Pokémon Conquest, Blazblue: Cross Tag Battle, & Warriors All Stars

coolfool1179d ago

Does including characters from a game make it a spin off? If so, is Smash Bros a spinoff of Metal Gear Solid? 😕

Nerdmaster1180d ago (Edited 1180d ago )

I would put Bravely Default as the best Final Fantasy spin off, even though it doesn't carry the Final Fantasy name (although the japanese version does have the subtitle Flying Fairy so it could carry the FF acronym).

About the games in the list, I like Dissidia 012 a lot, but my favorite is Theatrhythm. I still turn on my old 3DS from time to time to play a few songs.
I wish it had some remixed or orchestrated versions of the old songs, though. NES/SNES songs are nostalgic, but when played by an orchestra they're taken to another level. Strange that some people complained that Theatrhythm Dragon Quest did exactly that... I guess nostalgia does speak loudly.

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