
Two Thrustmaster T500RS Mods - Standalone Pedals and Moving Paddles

The Thrustmaster T500RS Wheel and Pedal set is a great racing wheel for PC and PS3 owners alike, but one criticism of the unit is that the paddles are fixed to the wheel shaft. This mod fixes that oversight, and another allows the T500 pedals to be used on their own without being connected to the wheel.

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Solving The Playstation 4 Racing Wheel Conundrum- Thrustmaster

Announcing a Fan-Driven Review of Thrustmaster's Playstation 4 Supported Racing Hardware. Quite aware of players' inability to decide if they should buy a wheel for the console, we've decided to review Thrustmaster's products with respect to every racing game that is to arrive on the ‪#‎PS4‬ starting with Project CARS, one at a time.
The first of these products, will be the Ferrari T300 GTE - And we require YOU to guide the review! Accepting queries till June 10th.

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Forza Motorsport 5 vs Gran Turismo 6 – Test Drive SRT 2013 Viper @ Bathurst

Presenting a new style of test drive for the staff at Inside Sim Racing. ISR looked for a car with identical stats in both Forza Motorsport 5 and Gran Turismo 6 and found the 2013 SRT Viper. Since both had brand new verions of Bathurst / Mount Panorama, that’s where ISR took the Viper. See which title stacks up and takes top honors.

For the test drive, on the PS3 ISR used a Thrustmaster T500 and on the XBox One, ISR used a Thrustmaster TX 458 Italia Racing Wheel.

Hope you enjoy it and let them know if you’d like to see some future comparisons similar to this.

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Axios23752d ago

Flawless Victory

Forza 5 rules

JoGam3752d ago

Off topic,

Do they make flight sims like they do car sims with controls and all?

lets_go_gunners3752d ago

Yeah Microsoft did..They used to release them yearly. They stopped now though. They were free and graphically demanding.

morganfell3752d ago

Yes they do and DCS is the king of the hill. I fly it with my Warthog rig. A10 and BS2.


kayoss3752d ago

Really a last gen vs next gen and you're happy that next gen won? Wait until gt7 comes out and you can put them against each other.

Maml073752d ago Show
CryofSilence3752d ago (Edited 3752d ago )

Down to 1 bubble. ;) Also, I think you should review what "flawless victory" means.

In terms of graphics, Forza 5 wins (generation gap). In terms of content, it's a no contest in GT6's favor.

gigoran3752d ago

Comparing a next gen title to a previous gen title and saying the newest one wins? Is that meant to be some kind of accomplishment? The fact the they somehow felt that GT6 was worthy enough to be compared to a next gen titles is positive for GT6. How about you get a cross platform racer and them compare them. Oh? You don't want to do that? Because then your beloved xbone would be exposed for being the inferior of the 2? HA!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3752d ago
JoGam3752d ago (Edited 3752d ago )

LOL... Cut it out

Ripsta7th3752d ago (Edited 3752d ago )

Obviously next gen has to win

SoapShoes3752d ago

GT6 has better physics and natural colors.

Maml073752d ago

u still belive this is gt6???
changing gt5 menus makes gt6 and u still belive this loe from sony

CernaML3752d ago

As opposed to removing over 50% of content from the previous game and calling it next gen?

3751d ago
Maml073751d ago

gt1 = 400+ cars
gt2 = 700+ cars
gt3 = 350 cars
gt4 = about 500 cars
gt 5 = 200 hd cars 750 port
gt6 = 1200 cars after 8 years of developing gt 5
gt6 = remove #5 and replace it with #6 lol
cuz the fans boried... more than 1milion editions of gt5 lol

forza 5 contain 200 cars after only 2 years of developing
gt (was) the best before forza 2
now forza is the best

dumahim3752d ago

I think most of his points and conclusions are valid for the most part, but he does really mess it up a couple times. Giving GT grief for not matching the framerate of Forza on far more powerful hardware and saying they should have this figured out by now is indeed a joke.

I also find it a joke that this guy would seem to be heavily interested in cars and has no idea if a Viper has a V8 or V10.

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Thrustmaster T500 RS Fixed Paddles Rim revealed

VVV: "Thrustmaster's flagship T500 RS wheel, notable for being the official GT5 and being a rather sizeable beast of a peripheral, will soon be getting a brand new body in the form of a new wheel rim with fixed paddle shifters."