
Console version of Supreme Commander in development

Developer says Xbox 360 is "platform of choice".

The developer behind PC RTS Supreme Commander has confessed that he is working on a console version of the game.

In an interview with Pro-G, Chris Taylor, founder of Gas Powered Games and the man behind Dungeon Siege, classic PC RTS Total Annihilation and its recent spiritual successor Supreme Commander, said that the Xbox 360 would be the most likely console destination for the game because "it's the platform of choice for moving stuff from the PC".

Speaking on the issue of controls with RTS games on consoles, Taylor said: "I use the football analogy. The first RTS game was the kick and then we had to take the ball a few more yards down the field every iteration. We're getting closer and closer to that touchdown. We may be a few more iterations of the UI and interface before we get there."

socomnick6077d ago

Yes but mouse and keyboard support is a must for this game.
Yet another Xbox Exclusive.

perseus6077d ago (Edited 6077d ago )

in the PS3 section?

This is about the XBox and PC, not the PS3. Fanboys need to stop trying rub people's noses in them not getting to play games they want to play. That ain't news, that's spite.

Edit: And someone saying, "Oh it might go over in a few years or so" doesn't make it relevant.

Dark_Overlord6077d ago

I thought that was the point of them XNA tools (think thats what their called), to be able to quickly and cheaply get games running between the two platforms with minimum effort. So its pretty obvious it would be the 360

WilliamRLBaker6076d ago

I enjoyed the LOTR rts games on 360, and C&C3 this game will rule as well, even if it doesn't support mouse westwood has really gotten the games down pat on teh consoles and im sure gaspowered will talk to them for help.

Zhuk6076d ago

Another developer who knows that Xbox 360 is the next gen platform of choice to fully realize Supreme Commander on, looks like they didnt give the PS3 a look because they know its going the way of the Gamecube

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These games deserve the VR treatment the most

From Xfire: "VR still has massive untapped potential, but finally the medium is starting to become more mainstream - here are some IPs that should make the leap."

ApocalypseShadow935d ago

Interesting list but I'd sure make a better one of most wanted.

JustSomeGuy94935d ago

I'd love a VR red dead redemption


History of Real-Time Strategy: The Downfall (2004 - 2010)

VGChatz's Taneli Palola: "There's no question that during these years the overall popularity of the genre took a significant hit, as most games within it specialized even further by adding new elements from other types of games into their gameplay loops and consequently became increasingly niche as the years wore on.

However, this doesn't in any way mean that the period was devoid of great games. Quite the contrary, in fact. Arguably some of the greatest RTS titles ever made came out around this time, and much of this was because many developers were increasingly familiar and comfortable with adding new twists and gameplay elements to the familiar formula. As such, even when the genre's popularity dwindled, many studios were still creating excellent and groundbreaking titles almost every year, just for a smaller audience than in years past."

Read Full Story >>
Snakeeater251858d ago

those were fun years red alert star craft command and conquer well when westwood studio made good games before EA brought them like bioware...

Vegamyster1858d ago

Aside from C&C 4, the other C&C's from EA were all good/great. The genre nose dived once Moba's rose in popularity, even Petroglyph Games (ex-Westwood employees) haven't had a hit since Star Wars: Empire at War (2006), all there games got abandoned after launch.