
5th Cell's Hybrid delayed into 2012

Hybrid, an ambitious multiplayer shooter for Xbox Live Arcade from Scribblenauts developer 5th Cell, has been delayed until 2012.

First announced back in October for a 2011 release, it sees you taking part in a "persistent online World War" between two rival factions that will continue to rage even when you're offline.

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Xbox Live Reduced Content for June 2013

Each and every month, various games and DLC are permanently discounted on the Xbox Live Marketplace.
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Saints944002d ago

Now they do that? After all this time?

Elit3Nick4002d ago

maybe its the start of digital sales that will end up on Xb1, who knows.

DarthJay4002d ago

You mean since last month?

Tres214001d ago

ur thinking of that free game thing they're talkin about the discounted games it actually shows u which games were discounted by the month

DarthJay4001d ago

No, I am thinking about the sales they run EVERY month. This myth that nothing ever goes on sale on Xbox Live is hilarious.

fuzzyLogix4002d ago

Really? They've been doing this every month for years, in fact it's not even every month, they have new deals every week.


Difference is people on Xbox don't feel the need to shout and preach about it, unlike Sony fanboys.

No_Limit4002d ago

Where have you been, probably never use a xbox 360 or live before as there are weekly and monthly discounts for years now.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4001d ago
dbjj120884002d ago

OK, I'll finally check out Hybrid. lol.


Personal Top 10: Jay Malone Style

This year was a year dominated by the rise of the Arcade. Half of the games in my top 10 were 15 dollars or less and that’s a huge testament to how big the Xbox Live Arcade has gotten in the past year. Apart from the ones on my list, other games like Fez, Journey (PS3 download but you get the message), and Trials Evolution are getting major consideration for awards on multiple other websites. That doesn’t mean there hasn’t been a fair share of retail releases that impressed on multiple levels. Tell that to Sleeping Dogs, Mass Effect 3, Far Cry 3, Assassins Creed 3, and Dishonored and they will prove you wrong. It wasn’t the best year, that’s for sure, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t impress in many ways.

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RipTen Review: Hybrid (XBLA)

Ben Rowland wrote: Hybrid’s lineage is perhaps one of its most interesting aspects. This unlikely project has 5th Cell, the developer of Nintendo DS-exclusive games such as Scribblenauts and Drawn to Life, making the leap into the realm of online shooters. Hybrid is a third person multiplayer-focused shooter that attempts to bring some new ideas to a genre that’s well beyond the point of saturation. While Hybrid makes a valiant attempt and succeeds in a few areas, it unfortunately isn’t the genre-bender that we had hoped for.