
Rogue Anonymous Member: “I Was Never A Fan Of OpSony”

GameThirst - He said: “They just like seeing things destroyed.”
Anonymous is imploding. The leaderless hacker group in the midst of the Sony/Geohot drama decided to target the firm because, according to it, Sony’d gone too far. But what we didn’t is that not all members of the faction were in support of this move, and now, with some acting like “leaders” of the headless clan, things are falling apart.

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4782d ago Replies(1)
Sharingan_no_Kakashi4782d ago


Such a fitting end to let them destroy themselves.

ThatCanadianGuy4782d ago

So the plot thickens! Drama from within, hm..

Looks like Anon had some diehard fanboys in there who REALLY wanted to bring down Sony.The rest however, realized what a stupid and pointless move it was.Now that the FBI is getting involved it would seem that they had enough..

I wonder if that Reward offer from Sony had anything to do with internal rebellion? Makes you wonder..

4782d ago
b_one4782d ago

worst thing to do(for Anons) is to post Ryans personal details, feds will have to work less ;)

and as i saw he is in UK

Nitrowolf24782d ago (Edited 4782d ago )

It's more then one guy who went rogue.
And these guys got allot of the user names and IP addresses of other members. IP's are traceable. Whether all of them were Static or Dynamic IP's remain to be seen.

M-A-R-S-H-A-L-L4782d ago

Loner trolling again. What a surprise./s

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Was PSN online hacker a rogue Anonymous 'member'?

It seems to be pretty incriminating evidence. A hacktivist group that had vowed to challenge Sony via PS3. An illegal online "intrusion" of PSN and the servers of Sony Online Entertainment. And an uncovered calling card from the attack; a file on SOE's servers mentioning Anonymous by name and bearing its cheery motto: "We are Legion."

Case closed? Not exactly.

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wotta4787d ago

If he was then he is still part of Anonymous whether they like it or not. Down with Anonymous.

Wizeguy214787d ago

^^^ correct... its a double edge sword...

GrieverSoul4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

Imagine this:
100 hackers start attacking SONY´s servers. They probably used some PS3 info extracted from the console after Geohot released the keys. After that, one lonely guy amongst 100 thinks to himself:

*Hey, maybe I could do this!*
-Guys, keep doing that, I gotta go pee!

After that he sees an opening in the intrusion and goes for it.

Anon members are guilty? Not all of them, they probably wanted to break him, paint the walls pink and leave. Unfortunaly, one of them took advantange and stole some jewelry. Still, all of them broke the door.

UltimateIdiot9114787d ago

That's the problem. Whether one went rouge or not, all of them will pay a price especially how they keep going on about a "We". Tough cookie, if one of their member decided to go a little too far. It's like when a business partner make a terrible decision, guess what, you as the partner will share the burden. Fact of life, choose to associate yourself with dirt bags, and you'll get drag down by dirt bags.

Can't have your cake and eat it at the same time.

sikbeta4787d ago

Exactly Wize, it's a double edge sword, not having an structure, not following specific rules, not having some kind of control of their own members because they probably don't know each other, that makes easy for anyone to claim to be an anonymous member whether he does it for his "ideals" or for malicious purposes like an attempt to steal CC data and personal information

Oner4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

Lets just say for arguments sake that it might not have been AnonOps...that doesn't mean An0nymous still isn't behind this.

So just to get this straight and be perfectly clear, a known Hacktivist Group that in a previous warning video (just after the failed sit-ins & when they got heat for the minor PSN outages) said specifically ~

"Sony, prepare for the biggest attack you have ever witnessed. An0nymous style" Source ~ http://youtu.be/AyW72SPshWA

Now wants people to believe it wasn't them?

Uhm...yeah...ookaaay...sure.. ./EXTREME SARCASM

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4787d ago
Wizeguy214787d ago


You are correct not all of them played a part in stealing. They did provide the DoS attacks to allow the hack..

But ignoring that.. they painted themselves as anonymous and part of a bigger group of anonymity. To intimidate/show they are many/whatever... so they can be crusaders.. but unfortunately it works the other way too when you are painted as a thief and your name is thrown out. And even though you may have not had any hand in this, you are now associated with the ones that did...

Joni-Ice4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

We are Legion, We do not Forget, We do not Forgive, We do not...KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK....who is it? The FBI open up! Oh sh!t..............

leogets4787d ago

rofl i actually laughed out loud.thats classic there brother. We are nerds,We toss to porn,We dont have girlfriends,Oh shit we really are sad individualls.

IGAMEHARD4787d ago Show
dale14787d ago

can,t they just send in the navy seals to sort them out

typikal824787d ago ShowReplies(1)
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Anonymous says Sony accusations over PlayStation Network hack are lies

The online activism group Anonymous has denied insinuations by Sony that it was involved in the hacker breaches of the PlayStation Network (PSN) and Online Entertainment (SOE) systems in which between 77m and 100m personal details were stolen, and potentially as many credit card details.

The riposte was delivered in a letter published online soon after the corporation delivered a letter to US politicians in which it claimed that private investigators called in to examine the break-in had discovered a file entitled "Anonymous" and containing the words "We are Legion" - part of Anonymous's slogan.

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norman294787d ago

Yeah they would say that, even after a file left by them was found.

DoomeDx4787d ago

It feels like Anonymous is world famous now..A lot of articles about these douchebags.

They are nothing, they are not even real hackers.

"But wesley..They closed the entire Sony site once!''
Thats not hacking. There is a trick that sends alot of false information to a certain site, which will cause the site to crash.

Lifendz4787d ago

I don't get how any one could speak for a group of people who, by their very name, are anonymous. How could someone even keep tabs on whether someone or a group of members didn't take matters into their own hands.

All the circumstantial evidence points to them. The threats, the subsequent hack, and the note at the scene of the crime left in a server.

Anon, you did it. Classic example of how best intentions go wrong. Now do us all a favor and don't take up a cause for the good of gamers.

gaffyh4787d ago

Somehow I don't see Sony lying to their investors, 70 million users, and the US congress.

RankFTW4787d ago

rankftw says Anonymous accusations over PlayStation Network hack are lies.

LoVeRSaMa4787d ago

Anonymous has been world famous for a while now, its true that stealing credit cards is not in there agenda, its possible it could have been someone in the group but its not likely.

Read some of the previous articles about them before this Sony thing kicked off: http://www.guardian.co.uk/t...

I agree it was annoying about Anonymous knocking the PSN offline but I think everyone is looking for a scapegoat at the moment, and it takes balls to go up against big corporations.

What most people don't understand is Sony asked for the identities of people who watched a video on YouTube, thats very intrusive and thats why Anonymous started fighting them.

I am not really expecting anyone to agree with me here, most people cant see past there own nose never mind engage in politics.


Biggest4787d ago

You guys really don't know what world famous means. LeBron James is world famous. McDonalds is world famous. Those hacker guys were on the news once or twice. That's about it.

ConanOBrien4787d ago

They're elite, bad or good, regardless. Anon can be you, me, friend, enemy, even a Navy SEAL dude

young juice4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )


the word everyone here is looking for is infamous. this entire playstation hack thing is quite well known by gamers atm and when gamers go on the internet to find out wtf is going on. they are told that the network was hacked, and anon is the #1 suspect. so of course they are well known...but not for a good reason.

darthv724787d ago

There are probably some legit members of this collective that didnt involve themselves in the situation. From that perspective they may be telling the truth.


Guilt by association is what we are dealing with. One bad apple can spoil the bunch and in this case there were probably many bad apples. Does the ones that didnt take part get a free pass.....? Not likely.

There are ones who swear they had nothing to do with it and I would be inclined to believe them. The rest that did....you guys are screwed. To think someone wouldnt rat you out to save their neck.........

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flankhim4787d ago

I cant wait till this is all over.

Joni-Ice4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

Anonymous, You guys are funny. You're sitting here pleading your case but weeks ago you're making videos on how you are Legion, you don't forgive, you don't forget BS. Then Sony gets hacked and now you want people to believe it wasn't you? But weeks ago you threaten Sony. If it wasn't you, you pick the right time to start your "We are Legion, Lets Hate Sony" campaign. Sounds like the boy who cried wolf to me.

ChronoJoe4787d ago

Does anyone here know what anonymous is? anonymous even know?

Just because the person who did this wasn't part of 'OpSony' doesn't mean he wouldn't want likely use the anonymous mask.

"Anonymous is everyone and no one" Just because these SPECIFIC people didn't do it, doesn't mean someone else didn't, choosing to use the anon mask.

Focker4204787d ago

Exactly, with an open 'cult' that anyone can join, the main group doesn't even know about everyone thats in their group. You can't just go "Everyone can be apart of Anon" and then when the lesser known guys start going rogue you go, "No wait, they aren't with us"

xTruthx4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

nah biggest, they had had encounters with opra too so lol. They have been know for a while, not world famous but by many people

Solidus187-SCMilk4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

It was a hacker, could be anonymous, but it might not be either.

If I was a hacker that wasnt a part of that group I would feel pretty smart for attacking sony right when they were sure to blame anon.

Either way, if sony goes after them I dont wanna see what happens then.

IM not saying for sure but it is possible taht this hack could have been done by one guy, I dont want to see what a whole group can do.

Either way, hackers suck. But I dont want to see sony attacked again.

DirtyLary4787d ago

of course now that the FBI is involed.

frostypants4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

So first, Anonymous has always insisted that they "are legion"...they are not organized, and they have no leaders. Which, in reality, means that all one has to do to be a "member" of Anonymous is to fly their banner. That is what happens when you create an organization based on anonymity, free will, and a null structure.

NOW, when someone does something that is harmful to the image of the "Anonymous" name...which is all it is, i.e. a name, a symbol, NOT a true "organization", by its very design...some "members" of Anonymous that apparently consider themselves to be the leaders all of a sudden insist that "no no no, that doesn't count as US!!!".

Sorry, fellas. You made this bed. Unless, of course, you are now saying that Anonymous is NOT "legion", that is DOES have leaders and organized membership, that it IS a traditional organization, rather than a mere ideal.

Can't have it both ways.

They want to be like "V" in "V for Vendetta", but they forgot the most important item that comes with an anarchistic approach: even the "creators" have no control over the "organization" once it is set upon the world, because there really isn't one to begin with. It's nothing more than a brand...a label...with no legal ownership, that ANYONE can co-opt, and in fact any effort to block such co-option is counter to the very philosophies that went into its creation.

In summary: "WHOOPS!!!". The creators of Anonymous didn't think their cunning plan all the way through. What was, for a brief period of history, seen as a valuable force for good and for truth, has slandered itself into being seen as a bunch of malcontent juveniles.

kerrak4787d ago

Very good points.
And let me add that Anon shares some structures typical of terrorist organisations, in the sense that there are independent cells operating underground. Higher organisation leaders/ranks send messages and then the cells act to accomplish it.
In this context, all Anonymous' threats to Sony have been heard and followed. And the only fact that somebody now claims "it's not Anon" is the most clear proof of exactly the opposite.

xAlmostPro4787d ago

So they originally said it could be a rogue member..

Now they had nothing to do with it?..


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Tommykrem4787d ago

Which member of Anonymous can speak for everybody in Anonymous?
Aren't they all anonymous?

TheXonySbox4787d ago

and dropped file saying that, FAR from conclusive.

frostypants4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

If a hacker says he's Anonymous, he's Anonymous. They've said all along that they are not a formal organization, membership is not controlled, and there are no leaders. This is what happens. It would make a great sociological case study into why anarchy is self-destructive.

Simco8764787d ago

That's why they are Anonymous. They can take the blame or not, that is the beauty of Anonymous

frostypants4787d ago

They will be taking the blame regardless of whether or not they choose to. That's the PROBLEM with Anonymous. They can't actually defend their image, because by their own design they can't control what is done in its name.

Emilio_Estevez4787d ago

I highly recommend going to their irc chats and messing with them.....It is incredibly fun.

Menech4787d ago

Just how many trojan horses are riding about in your computer?

Emilio_Estevez4787d ago

0. They can't do squat. You do have to play along a little bit b/c they'll just kick you out. But just wait like 10mins and it will let u back in.

DontShoot-Me-Bro4787d ago

Did you just call My Sony Liars?

ohh noo you deednt! mmmm hmmm gurlfriend!

time to take my ear rings off and put some vaseline on, coz we gone get it onnn!

Holeran4787d ago

Um ya they made it all up thats the ticket.

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Sony 'distracted by vigilante attack' while data stolen

As noted by the BBC, the details regarding the data theft committed during the PSN outage are relatively vague - what *is* evident, however, is that the data was stolen.

This article notes how the 'denial-of-service', of which Anonymous is suspected, may have served as a 'distraction' whilst the data theft has occurred by, what could have been, a potential outside party.

BBC notes that the 'data theft' and the 'denial-of-service' have been launched separately, but whether the two 'actions' have been cooperatively coordinated is a factor still in question. It may have been a ploy played by Anonymous in order to render their involvement doubtful in order to "cover their tracks" - or it may have been an outside group taking advantage of the situation in order to perform the data heist.

Max_Dissatisfaction4787d ago

So. . .2 weeks in huh? Anyone still wanna tell me to "go outside" hmm? Anyone? I now summon the ancient power of Nerd Rage!!
So frustrated at not being able to play MK online I wanna fling this monitor at my boss' head

ConanOBrien4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

Blackest weeks in Al Fony's jihadists history, just like Al Qaida's bin laden, two hacks and a splash ... while truest gamers play on multiple platforms, no mandatory "going outs"

hay4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

2 weeks and you're still butthurt? I wanna tell you to get a life. You're not alone in this shit so be a man and behave like one.

RememberThe3574787d ago

Well said. If the PSN is all you do with your time you really do need to get out. It really sucks that I can't play Socom right now but I'll be able to play it soon. I do other things in my life and I can fill that time. Theres no need to get all pissed off if you have other things to do.

THC CELL4787d ago

Man its funny how people claim xbox live is the best online but psn is the most eanted console to be online hmm im playing halo reach god it sucks not been able to play soco m online, finished single player.

Max_Dissatisfaction4787d ago

Maybe, just maybe thats because it is currently NOT online and thats why it is the most wanted to be online. But hey, I'm no detective

Call_me_Ishmael4787d ago

dude some commas and full stops might help other people read your post,not trying to be a grammar nazi here,its just so that it doesnt make you look like an 8 year old

Headquarters114787d ago

Halo Reach sucks. Boring, overrated game.

macky3014787d ago

I heard that it happened, because Sony's staff was on trip to Somalia, where they drank the blood of unborn babies.

dantesparda4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

I believe that and then sucked on their bones

AstroZombie14785d ago

Anon are NOT "Vigilantes" all they can do is DDOS ffs.

ZBlacktt4785d ago

Hate Hackers not Sony people. This could happen to anyone of the 3 console maker's.