
Konami: We "did not intend" to make Doctor Lautrec title look like the Professor Layton series

Nintendo Universe writes:

The art style, the companion, the puzzles and even the hat. There’s no denying that there are some striking similarities between Konami’s Nintendo 3DS bound puzzle-adventure Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights, and Level-5′s incredibly popular Professor Layton series.

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PS360WII4781d ago

Right. That's why he has a mustache...

Reminds me of how Ubi was going to great lengths saying how their Hollywood Crimes game is nothing like the Layton games and yet when they described how the game is it sounded just like a Prof Layton game 0.o

Ah well it'll be near impossible to put an adventure tale into a puzzle game without it looking like a Layton game. Don't know why devs need to fib about these things sometimes.

kingdavid4780d ago

They probably coulda used a different art style, not given him the same top hat and not have exactly the same premise as layton.

Then id probably believe konami. Either way, im willing to see how it turns out. If its any good, ill get it.

PS360WII4780d ago (Edited 4780d ago )

Indeed. A small change could have been a bowler hat. It is still a hat but it's no top hat and it would still be in the right time period.

As a fan of the Layton series I too will be looking into any puzzle adventure games. More the merrier :)


Nintendo 3DS: Most Disappointing Video Games

Chris Buffa (Modojo): Over the past several months, we've played some real gems for Nintendo's 3DS, from the recently released New Super Mario Bros. 2 to Kid Icarus: Uprising. Other games, unfortunately, fell short of personal expectations. On that note, we listed the most disappointing 3DS titles.

Venoxn4g4302d ago

I disagree with:

Heroes of ruin (yea patch is needed,but it is not dissapointing game)
Sonic generations (sure console versions are better,but game is still good)
Dream trigger (graphics may be bad, but when you get into it, it's sooo addicting game with achievements, should be bought for a price it is now)

timothylittle4302d ago

Totally agree with Steel Diver and Madden. Both were way overrated.


Review: Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights (Destructoid)

Destructoid writes: "Stop me if you've heard this one: a European archaeologist with a penchant for puzzles and his plucky young sidekick receive a strange request that leads them on an adventure to uncover the truth behind some ancient mystery. Also, this occurs on a Nintendo handheld.

While the inspiration for Doctor Lautrec's story may be completely obvious to fans of the Professor Layton series, the team behind Forgotten Knights decided to include more varied gameplay than just the straight, point-and-click puzzle solving seen in the Layton games. The problem is that none of the added gameplay ideas are particularly good."

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Wiiloveit.com: Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights - 3DS Review

"With a mix of puzzle, adventure, and even RPG elements, it was great to watch this game develop as a promising new IP. Although the puzzles were looking more on the safe side, I was really looking forward to giving this title a go with its blended gameplay styles. Admittedly, this approach tends to be quite risky, with the possibility of the title borrowing too much from its inspiration to the point that it loses its identity. Happy to say, Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights doesn't have to worry about players quickly forgetting the experiences they had with the game, but unfortunately for Konami, what will end up sticking in the minds of most is ultimately not what the developers want the game to be remembered by." -- Wiiloveit.com

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