
What Could 'No More Single-Player' Mean For Half-Life?

Steve Haske writes, writes "Now that Portal 2 has hit store shelves (and is garnering a lot of attention for Valve's trademark quality and attention to detail), Gabe Newell and Valve are, we can assume, focusing on what comes next. It's clear that with Portal Valve is trying to start a new franchise, and with the retail success of the game, it's practically a guarantee there will be more games in the series in the future. But news broke recently that Gabe Newell and Valve project manager Erik Johnson allegedly told Spike TV's Geoff Keighley Valve was "probably" done with single-player games. What could that mean, exactly?"

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Lamarthedancer4756d ago

I don't know what it would mean for Half life but would Valve really ruin the story with multiplayer or co-op

As I have said before for something like Portal 2 could they of at least give us an AI bot like L4D, I know certain puzzles required timing but still.

I don't want to go online with people all the time to enjoy the full game. I don't mind deathmatch type games but something like for example Portal 2 where it required team work and talking one to one with a stranger.....no thanks. I know people don't mind but I'm not much of a people person. I go on my games to get away from people and escape reality...work, college, deadlines

Chet said in an interview once that they cut the script of Portal 2 single player in half because of Co-Op. Could the same happen to the next Half life.

I'd rather have a longer campaign then Co-Op which for Portal 2 really didn't feel it was going anywhere in terms of plot...the ending to co-op was alright, nothing shockingly amazing like the singple player ending.

Why would Valve do this, their single player expieriences were amazing. I don't want to pay for Half life and realise they have done a co-op plot AFTER the main game wrapping things up which will make me force me to go online to finish the story.

RedDragan4756d ago

Well there is talk of Half-Life 2: Episode 3. Surely that is single player.

But I don't care much for Half-Life 2: Episode 3. I want Half Life 3: Episode 1!!!!!

TheGameFoxJTV4756d ago

At this time that's the same game more than likely. Ep3/HL3 is the same thing right now. It will more than likely come with a new/upgraded source engine, and blow the world away.

DeadlyFire4756d ago

I am betting single player will be more community involved with Co-Op possibilities though.

DigitalRaptor4756d ago (Edited 4756d ago )

OMG. Look what online has done to gamers!!

Tru_Blu4756d ago

The day games go online only I'll retire. If anything I'm sick of this has to have online crap, make a good game first then maybe if warranted add an online. looking at you AC and DS. And I've said it before if they ever make fallout online I will burn down the internet.

stevenhiggster4756d ago

The only possible way it could work with HL is if they made Alyx and/or Barney a playable character. But Barny had his own game anyway, Blue Shift.
I don't think they should do it, but it would maybe make for a cool spin off to the main game.

TheDeadMetalhead4756d ago

Half-Life: Deathmatch doesn't exist at all, it seems.

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Expo Decay is a Half-life: Episode 3 top-down fan shooter, based on Marc Laidlaw's Epistle 3 story

DSOGaming writes: "Owen Deery has informed us about a new Half Life: Episode 3 fan game he’s been working on. Titled Expo Decay, this Half-Life game is based on Marc Laidlaw’s Epistle 3 story, and is an top-down shooter. Moreover, this fan game has just been released and is available for download."

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Press Start: I wish Valve could count to three

Video game developer Valve is responsible for bringing us some of the most beloved game franchises in history, Gazette gaming columnist Jake Magee writes. It's just too bad so many will end unfinished.

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PhoenixUp2451d ago

We live in a world where the previously mythological games such as Final Fantasy XV, Kingdom Hearts 3, Shenmue 3, Persona 5, Metroid Prime 4, Mirror's Edge: Catalyst, Ni-Oh, Doom 4, Psychonauts 2, Crash Bandicoot: N-Sane Trilogy, Final Fantasy VII Remake, The Last Guardian, Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, Beyond Good or Evil 2 & Darksiders 3 are actually real and were either released last year, this year, next year, or many years from now.

Hell we even got a new Bubsy game of all things coming out soon and Atari is talking about releasing a new console.

But god forbid we ever get a third installment in a Valve franchise.

CrowbaitBob2451d ago

I was all ready to say something derogatory about your comment (because reasons) and then you mentioned Bubsy and I completely lost my train of thought. Off to google me some upcoming Busby! See, I can't even think straight enough to spell Bysbu correctly.

ElementX2451d ago (Edited 2451d ago )

The writers of Portal and Half Life have left Valve. Any sequel would be welcome, but somehow feel like fan-fic. Maybe it would be best to create a new story arc and leave the old stories unfinished.

chris2352451d ago

i wish this was the overall credo of the industry. we would have to deal with much less reheated and senselessly prolonged crap.

Gh05t2451d ago

Exactly, The people that have made the games we love, the games we love, arent working there anymore. I couldnt make a better Portal than Portal 2 if I had an eternity. And what is the upside, Its a hit and Valve makes another mountain of money (that it arguably doesnt need)... while the downside is destroying the image of having some of the best games ever.

Being practical, its just not a good move if they cant find a way to make it perfect and who says they haven't tried.

Fist4achin2451d ago

Couldn't they just sell the IPs or contract a developer to make them with valve's final approval?!

Valve kind of sucks in this regard...

rlow12451d ago

Gabe only cares for his pockets, for someone that started his own game company because he didn't like the big corps.......he sure has become one himself. Whats worse he is aware people want it, I guess people can have a lump of coal for a heart.

chris2352451d ago

now tell me you would be any different in the same situation.

rlow12451d ago

Actually I would finish it for the fans sake and would've of done so 4 yrs ago. They have oodles of money and Gabe has said anyone in the company could just start making the game if they wanted to. If that was so then the recent departures of those teams that made it would have done it. Gabe is the roadblock plain and simple.

bluefox7552451d ago

I'd much rather have Portal 3 than Half Life 3 tbh.

Yui_Suzumiya2451d ago

I would love both but Portal 2 resolved the story as where Half-Life left on a huge friggin cliffhanger!

Relientk772451d ago

Me too, Valve sucks at math

Portal 3 and Half-Life 3 please

Prince_TFK2451d ago (Edited 2451d ago )

Oh you want Portal 3 and HL3? Well, tough luck. Here, have a new card game instead! - Valve.



Whatever happened to Half-Life 3? The complete saga so far

Half-Life 3 is the greatest mystery in PC gaming. More intriguing than the actual magic that makes your GPU work, and more elusive than a good movie tie-in game, Valve’s third game in the seminal shooter series has been missing in action for nine years now. With every passing year that Valve conspicuously fail to mention it, the mystery deepens.

We’re convinced it’s out there, though. At least in some form or another. If you’ve been keeping your ears close to the ground, you’ll have discovered enough tidbits to keep the candle of hope burning. It’s not a bright light, admittedly, but there’s certainly a flame flickering in the darkness. As series fanatics we’re keen to keep that flame alive, so here’s everything we know about Half-Life 3.

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Kallisti2727d ago

At this point I'd rather a new Left 4 Dead more than a Half-Life 2: Episode 3 or Half-Life 3

Becuzisaid2727d ago

I'd take either, but for god sake give us some kind of closure.

FlyingFoxy2727d ago

Agreed, i play L4D2 way too much still to this day.. Most fun co-op game IMO.

Looking on a Reddit post though, someone there mentioned that he spoke to someone at Valve and basically told him that any developers shouldn't wait on Source 2. They are still waiting on a game to bring out before devs get the tools to make a game using Source 2. So who knows when we will hear about the new game.

Really liked the leaked screens of the L4D2 plantation remade in the new engine though, and it's been a while since they leaked so hopefully the engine can show off better detail/graphics than we saw in those images.

Really surprised hardly anything has been shown officially though, only that VR demo.

Fist4achin2727d ago

I would love to see sequels of both HL and LFD, but I would tend to favor Valve putting out another LFD before another HL. Valve seems too focused on Steam considering it is a huge money maker for them. From a business standpoint, it makes sense or cents to stick with your most successful ventures.