
This is Why Sony May Not Give PSN Users Any Reimbursement

The PlayStation Network has been down for a few days now and it has undoubtedly resulted in a large percentage of the PSN’s userbase restless; most PSN users will be looking for some sort of reimbursement from Sony – especially due to the fact that gamers missed out on playing Mortal Kombat and Portal 2′s multiplayer component. Now, however, it has been discovered that Sony may not indeed give PS3 owners any reimbursement.

ClydeRadcliffe4771d ago

reimbursement for what exactly? it doesn't cost anything

Valay4771d ago

Reimbursement for making PSN go down for 5 days; millions of gamers haven't been able to play some of the best games of the year online yet.

Aussiegamer4771d ago

*looks at sky*, yep pretty sure its not falling in yet, get over it.

n4gisatroll4771d ago


What?? You obviously don't understand that a lot of gamers don't gave access to the Internet and don't get to play online. You don't see them getting a refund because they can't play MP.

zeeshan4771d ago

Screw this "REIMBURSEMENT" talk and give us the PSN already! And if Sony can't do shit about this, then the least they could do is give some REAL info and not some crap statement like "We are looking into this and will let you know". I mean after 4 days, you are STILL looking into this? WTF is that?

radphil4771d ago (Edited 4771d ago )

This is why it's important to read TOS people.

I've already seen someone state this before in the n'th(yes that's n'th because there's just too many to count atm) articles floating around about PSN, but Section 15...otherwise you get comments like Valay's.

@zeeshan Look at the PS Blog, and other articles around the area. The reason behind it was stated. Along with hopeful situation in that it'll be up in the next day.

cyborg69714771d ago

Oh noes. These statements and others similar, and there are many. Reinforces the fact that there is a reason why you and the others who feel like you could never own your own business.

RedDead4771d ago

Technically...Psn is part of the deal of buying a Ps3 in the first place...It's not a bonus, it's advertised as a part of the P3 and a reason for getting it. Your not paying for it yearly or monthly, you payed for it when you payed for the Ps3...

Just sayin....it's not as easy as saying "it's free" because it's a big part of the deal. Also don't get me wrong, this shi* happens I don't think anyone deserves something from this. If sony like they can give me a free game though..I ain't complaining if they do :)

Rybakov4771d ago

but anon took it offline thats not sony's fault...anon can reimburse us by hanging himself on live tv but thats about it sony won't do anything

its even in both sony's and MS agreement that you agreed to that they can shut everything off for no reason at all with out explanation and no reimbursement....the only reason they would is if its by accident and they wanna win support back if anything that would be to ps+ users only since they pay


I'd just like to thank everyone who reminded me PSN is a free service, suddenly I feel alot better now. /s

Soldierone4771d ago

Article and people have it wrong. Is PSN Free? Yes. Does Sony state they are not liable for it going down? yes.

Now to the point. If Sony wants HAPPY fans and a good image, the easy route would be to give something very simple away for free. On the other hand if they dont care and dont see the bad image hurting them that long, then don't give anything away for free.

Get it? ITs not that people DESERVE something as they are not paying for something. Its the fact Sony wants to retain that positive image they have been creating.

You know these things are put into terms of use just to cover companies asses...yet a majority of them WILL do something if something goes wrong just to maintain a positive public image.

SiLeNt KNighT4771d ago


so if i dont use online where do i get the cheaper version of the ps3... the one that doesnt include 'online' in the price tag??

there is no different one because no matter how you swing it; PSN is free. TOS states Sony can revoke your right to use the PSN at any time for any reason, and on top of that they have EVERY right when a security issue is involved. Just consider this a widespread temporary ban =)

paintsville4771d ago

He, he, he. There's that pesky terms of service agreement.

MAJ0R4771d ago

umm I can understand u complaining if XBL went down, but u don't pay to play PSN

it's a free service

limewax4770d ago

Heres whats I dont get, some people are whining for some form of reimbursement, Although it actually is classed as compensation being an unpaid service.

But you know I bought both MK and Portal 2 and yes have been waiting to get in some online MK and have a friend on pc waiting to do some co-op Portal 2, But Im not whining, these were 2 of 3 great games released recently, Cant gamers keep themselves busy for 5 minutes anymore without Team Deathmatch

HardCover4770d ago (Edited 4770d ago )


You don't get "PSN." You get "access to PSN." If PSN is down, and nobody is getting access, then you're not missing out on anything; ergo nothing is your reimbursement.

Not to mention this article highlights the relevant fine print for you. You can have PSN, but Sony can also take it away at their discretion.

jneul4770d ago

Some ppl are so retarded, psn is free, and really doesnt get many problems until anony stuck their noses in we should all be grateful sony is upping the security!!
As for psn+ users and dcuo users expect a nice pressie from sony, heck im betting they'll give us all something nice anyways like they did with the free lbp2 demo just before christmas, sony wants to make its customers happy because it understands happy customers == loyalty, thats why i continue to support sony since ps1

gamingdroid4770d ago

Even if you paid for PSN you are still not entitled to anything, because it is a service. Plain and simple!

However, if you want Sony can re-imburse you for a little "FREE GAME TIME" with access to PSN. Just take the number of days your PSN service was offline, double it as a peace offering and add it to your existing available service time. There you go! When your PSN expires, expect 10 more days on Sony!

Funny how everyone is up in a twizzy about game time, but the potential for your credit card number and account access is in the hands of the thief, yet everyone is focused on re-imbursement of the lost game time.

RedSky4770d ago (Edited 4770d ago )

Terms of Service agreements are designed to pre-emptively limit the risk of liability in the case of a lawsuit. They rarely have anything to do with intentions, they're purely to manage risk. There's nothing here to say they won't somehow reimburse paying PSN Plus or even free users as obviously it's bad PR if they don't.

At least here in Australia, there are certain inviolable rights for goods and services which cannot be waived. If there is an equivalent in the US (there must be), paying PSN Plus customers can potentially sue them if they are not reimbursed commensurately regardless of what their ToS say.

It's like "no refunds" signs in shops. They can claim this all they like, but if the good they're selling is misrepresented or not fit for service, they're obliged to refund you regardless of what rules they wish to establish.

frostypants4770d ago (Edited 4770d ago )

If Sony DOES give us something, it's a gesture of good will. For people to EXPECT something is ridiculous. Like people have said, read the ToS.

Stuff breaks down online from time to time.

You'll get over it.

That said, they probably will make it up to people somehow. But seriously, if this event actually stressed you out, you need to get out more.

gamingdroid4770d ago

You are absolutely right:

"At least here in Australia, there are certain inviolable rights for goods and services which cannot be waived. If there is an equivalent in the US (there must be), paying PSN Plus customers can potentially sue them if they are not reimbursed commensurately regardless of what their ToS say."

However, as far as I know there is no such law in the US. It is rather common not to re-imburse or even make very small (insignificant) re-imbursement. Almost all web-hosting companies do this and operate on very similar terms as PSN, just that their customers are probably more upset their business webserver is down!

EULA is not above the law and sometimes (if not almost always) contain illegal terms as a scare tactic on the ignorant public.

I'm not a lawyer (not even close), but I see this "service downtime" so commonly and I haven't seen anybody gotten sued yet.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 4770d ago
GodsHand4771d ago (Edited 4771d ago )

I pay for Hulu+, Netflix, and vudu. If I am not logged onto the PSN, I have no access to these services. Can I use a PC to use it sure, but I use these services on the PS3 to watch it on my big screen tv, I don't pay for them to see on a 17" laptop screen.

My main concern is vudu, as I have a few movies waiting to be watched, before they exprire, I belive a little compensation is in order for downtime, on services that require the PSN be operational, and the only game I know of that I like to play on a daily basis is final fight double impact (for the love of the old days), but I can not because the PSN needs to be up so I can log in, and it can verify I own the game.

n4gisatroll4771d ago

First and foremost. Just because you can't watch it on your tv right now, doesn't mean you can't access it elsewhere, like you said. That automatically means you won't get a single penny. It's been less then a week, things like this happens everywhere.

Yomiro4771d ago

I have been watching movies on Netflix and vudu since the whole thing went down.

Anon19744771d ago

Hook your laptop up to your TV. This isn't rocket science. If your internet went down for a week would you be complaining to your cable company to compensate your for movies you couldn't watch? How the hell could they even verify if you were telling the truth?

XBL also needs to log in to verify downloaded content before you can play. Did they ever offer monetary compensation during a network outage? The closest they ever came was to offer a crappy game free when their service was out sporadically for the better part of a month, and that was a service people paid for.

People need a reality check, and they need to understand their TOS agreements before they start whining about compensation for movies they couldn't watch on their TV because they were too lazy to hook up another device.

UltimateIdiot9114771d ago

For goodness sake, you don't ever have to be on PSN to access those services. I do that all the time even before the PSN went down.

You just have to cancel the sign in a few times and it will let you stream like normal.

Rybakov4771d ago

those arn't govern'd by sony they could care less about them at this point they need to worry about the stuff they do control....and if your too lazy to watch it on your laptop screen why not hook your laptop up to the tv darkride said its not rocket science

GodsHand4771d ago (Edited 4771d ago )

@ UltimateIdiot911

I did not know that, I only stop trying after it asked me to sign in.


I now know why you have one bubble.

Would I complain to the cable company about not being able to watch movies, because my service went down. Noooooo, but I would complain about the service being down, and get a credit for that time. As for hooking up a laptop to a tv, yeap it's not rocket science, but hmmmm, there is no f-connection on my laptop, and no rca connections I seem to be the only person with a vga out on my laptop go figure. Also I am not demanding a credit with Sony, I only said I belive we should get one.

PatchowPietro4771d ago

Your stupid to solely rely on your PS3 and its free PSN service then.

BlackTar1874771d ago (Edited 4771d ago )

"Would I complain to the cable company about not being able to watch movies, because my service went down. Noooooo, but I would complain about the service being down, and get a credit for that time."

ROFL bro you pay a monthly fee for your cable you deserve something if that happens like you requested the problem is you do not pay for your PSN account i don't care what you say the PSN account is not paid for.

I also love the fact the only game you play on a regular basis is a game that needs to log in. Although im not outright calling you a liar i think its rather convenient that the only game you play on a regular basis is one that has to be verified. Coincidence?

sooyoung874770d ago

Well, PSN is free but PSN+ isn't. I don't expect a monetary reimbursement or would even want one as it would be less than a dollar. I just want the days that PSN+ was down added back up to the account. And it is simple to just hook up the labtop to the big screen to watch Netflix or whatever, but not everyone has one. But really, I couldn't care less if they do any reimbursements of any kind. I think it would just be a good marketing if Sony did though, to cover for the minor hiccup in their services.

AyeGee4770d ago

Get on the internet, order a movie, get it mailed to you, and watch it on your TV.

This isn't hard to figure out.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4770d ago
Lord_Doggington4771d ago

op, remarkable that just because it's free it means you can be treated poorly as a gamer.

everyone has every right to be mad because they would like to use their ps3 to play games online for free.

they can't, therefore they have the right to be mad.

If you read the article, they're stating that Sony is not legally obligated to reimburse anyone for their troubles.

HOWEVER, because they don't want to lose any of their user base, I'm certain that they will give a free download or something as a sign of good faith.

BlackTar1874770d ago (Edited 4770d ago )

who isn't mad? Im mad i want to play my games online... So does that mean that im owed something?

are you guys serious that you fell like people always owe you soemthing for inconvience?

WOW just wow. I understand being angry i want to play socom and DCUO(Which I pay for) but that doesn't mean i think i deserve something in return for anything other then DCUO.(since i actually pay for it)

Im also looking for the ps3 with out the internet connection for cheaper so i can get it as a back up blu ray/game machine. this part = Sarcasm to an earlier post.

Man kid are so entitled now adays.

Lord_Doggington4770d ago

When people paid for their PS3 in 2006, they received a number of promised services, including online play. They are now not receiving the service that they paid for. Therefore, they have every right to feel entitled.

PSN isn't a privilege. It's a product that has been purchased and utilized at the consumer's discretion.

Don't let Sony fanboys convince you that a paid-for service is now a privilege. You paid for it, therefore, it's a requirement.

Bloodraid4770d ago

"PSN isn't a privilege. It's a product that has been purchased and utilized at the consumer's discretion."

It's not a privilege? Can you explain account and console banning, please? Are you claiming that Sony is required to allow everyone to play online even if they're breaking the rules set forth by Sony?

If you had any bubbles left, I wouldn't doubt you'd try to convince me that I'm committing some sort of logical fallacy here. Either way, your argument is invalid, try again.

Legion4770d ago


Actually when you signed up it stated in your service agreement that SCEA policy allowed for the service to be taken down at any time for what ever reason. No promise of service was evere made.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4770d ago
jke824771d ago

this is what your talking about ive posted this on three seperate articles but hey why not four

No warranty is given about the quality, functionality, availability or performance of Sony Online Services, or any content or service offered on or through Sony Online Services. All services and content are provided “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” with all faults. SCEA does not warrant that the service and content will be uninterrupted, error-free or without delays. In addition to the limitations of liability in Sections 1, 2, 11 and 13 of this Agreement, SCEA expressly disclaims any implied warranty of merchantability, warranty of fitness for a particular purpose and warranty of non-infringement. SCEA assumes no liability for any inability to purchase, access, download or use any content, data or service

in other words when you signed up for PSN you agreed to this EULA which in all fifty states is a legally binding contract between you and sony.. and it says in not so many words that if the services is down tough shit...besides people its a free service for those of you on psn plus you dont pay for access you pay for extra free/discounted content hence your not really entitled to anything either. besides for the down time added up from a yearly subscription to PSN+ its like 68cents worth of down time what do you really want for that...REALLY

frelyler4771d ago

Thank you. Now will all the whiners please be quite.

shuuwai4771d ago

I doubt they'll listen.

There are more then dozen of these surtitles with the word "reimbursement" in it.

Their are blind by the hate that consumes them, and we all know that N4G is a Zoo for trolls.
Yet most of these hates are xbox users adding addition oil to the fire, and in doing so they are trying to convince the simple minded psn user that they should be "reimbursement"

overall i just want the psn to be back online.

antz11044771d ago

Lol @ Shuuwai,

Your paranoia aside, this has nothing to do w/ xbox users.Most of the comments I've read over the past five days are ppl bitching they're owed something for PSN being down, and others saying "its free, Sony doesn't owe you squat".

For disliking trolls you seem to be pretty good at it.

taylork374771d ago (Edited 4771d ago )


Thanks for the wall of text that tells us nothing.

Sony may not owe anyone anything legally, but is it that inconceivable to think that people may want some sort of "apology" in the form of a free downloadable game or something. Sony allegedly couldn't stop a bunch of amateur programmers to hack into their multi million user online service causing it to be taken down and all of a sudden everything should be forgiven?? Come on.

And in the words of all you Sony fanboys...you buy the right to play multiplayer when you buy the game. Does that sound familiar? So I bought the right to play multiplayer and now I can't...? So what now? Should I forget all those statements?

Not to mention all the people (Me included) who bought PS3 versions of Portal 2, Mortal Kombat, and Socom and can't use a feature that they bought with the game....as you all have said so many times before.

They can't even give us a legitimate update on the situation.

I'm a proud PS3 owner, but this is ridiculous.

jke824770d ago

you still agreed to the EULA when you signed online with PSN the first time

"SCEA does not warrant that the service and content will be uninterrupted, error-free or without delays."

its a free service be happy they provide it with out a fee...just think you could be forced to buy a subscription to play online

taylork374770d ago

"you still agreed to the EULA when you signed online with PSN the first time

"SCEA does not warrant that the service and content will be uninterrupted, error-free or without delays." "

F*ck the EULA kid.

Did you not read my post?

I know what it says. Are you blind? Can you read?

Again (since you didnt seem to read my post) by you and your PS3 fan-buddies thinking, I paid for the ability for multiplayer when I bought the game. That has been the point of all PS3 fanboys when talking about XBL and paid online service. And I know you know that.

So by your past thinking, it isn't inconceivable that they would offer some sort of gesture to make-up for the online capability that you said we have already bought with the game.

Whether or not Sony legally owes us anything (I know they don't) doesn't mean they are not allowed to extend an apology for messing up...and they clearly did.

"its a free service be happy they provide it with out a fee...just think you could be forced to buy a subscription to play online"

I'm happy its free, but I am also happy paying for XBL, an obviously superior service.

AyeGee4770d ago


A superior service.. that had an outage as well in December of 2008.

taylork374770d ago (Edited 4770d ago )


I'm not saying the service is superior because there are no outages...it is just plane superior.

Outages should be expected to happen on every service.


Good work on responding to only one of my points and with the PS3 canned fanboy response.

F*cking sheep.

jke824770d ago

whoopty doo cross game chat yeah thats well worth the 60 bucks a year.. sooo other than that how is it "plain superior" as you put it i dont see any differences between it and psn besides that and a fee.....

taylork374770d ago

xmb and psn integration is absolutely terrible
10 second trophy sync everytime you get a trophy
non-global invites
no x-game chat

That would be worth my $5.00 a month, even though I actually haven't paid over $40/year once.

And that's besides the point. If you didn't notice I wrote a bunch of other stuff you conveniently ignored.

AyeGee4769d ago


Don't bust a vein, bro.. i could care less about any of the other points you made. Because they're not important.. PSN is down, so what? I don't care.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4769d ago
Xian4771d ago

I would say that the PSN Plus users, the ones that do pay, deserve something, if nothing else having their subscription extended for the time PSN was down. As for the rest of the PSN users, a token gesture of some kind would be nice for the inconvenience but it is not required.

beavis4play4771d ago (Edited 4771d ago )

lets break it down: ps+ costs $49 a year (even less now that they're currently offering 15 months for the 1 year price). thats around .90 cents a week. so, if it's down 3-4 more days, sony could refund ps+ users 1 dollar. but if it comes back in the next day or so - the refund would drop to .50-60 cents.

of course - extending current subscriptions a handful of days to make up for the time it's been down is ok; but, i just don't see the big deal. and, i'm not sure why sony should be held accountable for the actions taken againast them by hackers. the only reason people are saying sony should pay is because they can't hide like the criminals who did this to psn.

undercovrr4771d ago

Not that I agree with reimbursement, but you realize PS plus members are paying right? At least those people should have their membership extended by the amount of days the PSN was down.

MRMagoo1234770d ago

so they will all be happy when sony credits them 50 cents up to a max of $1 because thats what the downtime equates to?

sooyoung874770d ago


No, thats not what undercovrr was saying at all. I have PSN+ and I don't want any monetary reimbursement, just the days that I lost due to PSN being down.

UltimateIdiot9114771d ago

The only people who deserve reimbursement are the people who pay for DC Universe.

Prototype4771d ago

And the paid version of Free Realms

DaTruth4770d ago (Edited 4770d ago )

Jackpot! DC online players are the only ones who might be owed something! PS+ users who pay, don't pay to play online, they paid for deals on the PS network. As far as I can see, they haven't lost the deals, just the ability to get them for a few days.

If you needed that deal so badly, what were you waiting for? You had Tuesday to Thursday!

Wow, I can't believe how entitled people have become! It's like someone is nice enough to buy you a free coffee everyday, but when their sick and not around to buy you it, you want a reimbursement!

MRMagoo1234770d ago

Thats what the world has turned into everyone feels like because they can complain they will complain no matter how little or unimportant the problem may be its like ppl suing shops for making coffee too hot and they burn there leg when they drop it on themselves everyone nowadays seems to be after a fast buck. Ide like to say to all the business owners the customer isnt always right.

BX814771d ago

Reimbursement should be for those who pay for PS Plus and those who pay to play dc universe online and it should be free for how many days PSN was down. You should only get your time back not free games. Also If anyone needs reimbursement it's the devs. who are loosing out on money.

vickers5004771d ago

I paid 600 dollars for a console with ONLINE CAPABILITIES. So yeah, it did cost something. I also paid 65 bucks for Portal 2, yet because of Sony's inability to fix the problem fast enough, I have only been able to play a PART of my game.

I want reimbursement for that lost game time. A PSN game would be fair, and would do fine.

antz11044771d ago

Lets recap:

You paid $600 for a system w/ online capabilities. Not the main function of the system mind you, just capable. Theres nothing wrong with the system itself, it works fine.

You paid $65 for Portal 2. (A single player game with multiplayer option. Not totally online and pay to play like DCUO.) It works fine as well, no defects.

The FREE online option is down and you expect reimbursement? That is quite a level of expectation.

therapist4771d ago (Edited 4771d ago )

you should have bought portal 2 from steam, the people who made it, and played it in true hd, instead of sub-hd, with anti aliasing and running at a sexy 60 frames per second.

and portal 2 would run on your mom's laptop like all valve games, very well coded and light on the Horsepower needed!

Also, it's $44 usd on steam with no tax instead of $65 you paid, $20 cheaper and it looks about 50x on pc!~

Gawdl3y4771d ago (Edited 4771d ago )

You still own the fully-functional copy of the game (not being able to play online doesn't mean it isn't functional), and there are no defects with the system that you bought. Therefore, you are owed nothing.

Normally I'd agree, but the PS3 version comes with a code for the Steam version, as well as Steamworks integration.

I have a PlayStation Plus subscription, and I still don't think I'm owed anything. It's not like I won't be able to get the content that would have come out for PS+ this week after the network is back up.

BlackTar1874770d ago

so vickers what do you think about buying a game like portal then coming home to an xbox that has no gold level service. Should you be okay with paying for your ISP that provides you internet to play games then pay for the game that says you can play online then pay MS for the right to use the other 2 things you already purchased?

I dont mean to be a troll but this place always is accused of ps3 fans but where are all these articles coming from why is there so many anti ps3 posters in all these threads?

vickers5004770d ago (Edited 4770d ago )

"Not the main function of the system mind you, just capable."

It's part of the price. By your logic, I could argue that the ps3 has "game capabilities". You can't just separate the features because you don't like them, they are included in the price.

"You paid $65 for Portal 2. (A single player game with multiplayer option."

That's your opinion that it's a single player game with a multiplayer OPTION. Both components are equally important to me, and I paid 65 bucks for BOTH components, not one.

"It works fine as well, no defects." No, it doesn't.

"The FREE online option is down and you expect reimbursement? That is quite a level of expectation."

Why do you people think that online is free? Just because Microsoft added a mandatory subscription (for online) to their service, does not mean that the money you spend on the game and console isn't going into keeping up their servers and what not. You pay a premium price ($300 or in my case $600) + a percentage of the game price to pay for online. You're just not being separately charged for it like Microsoft makes you do, but you're still being charged for it, it's included in the $65 and $300 price tag. It doesn't make up that full $65/$300, but it does make up SOME of it.

"Also, it's $44 usd on steam with no tax instead of $65 you paid, $20 cheaper and it looks about 50x on pc!~"

I got it 10 bucks cheaper than retail from Amazon, plus $20 credit plus both ps3 and pc copies of the game. I'm glad I bought it on ps3.

"You still own the fully-functional copy of the game"

No I don't, I can't play the co-op campaign that's included.

"(not being able to play online doesn't mean it isn't functional)"

No, but it means it's only half functional. It sure as sh*t isn't "fully functional" as you say it is. Just because co-op may not be important to you and you think sp is most important, that doesn't make it a fact.

"Therefore, you are owed nothing." Yes I am. I am owed something that would make up for the lost game time, such as a PSN game. It's Sonys fault I cannot access the full features of my game that I paid FULL PRICE for (both for SP and CO-OP).

"so vickers what do you think about buying a game like portal then coming home to an xbox that has no gold level service"

What in the hell does any of this have to do with XBL gold? Gold is a rip off, I'm not going to argue that, but it still doesn't make this sh*tty situation right either just because gold is a sh*ttier situation.

I'm not an anti-ps3 poster either, I'm actually very very pro ps3. One thing I am NOT though, is pro-sony. I am not pro-[anycompany]. I am not loyal to Sony, I do not care about Sony and they don't care about me (or you).

For goodness sakes people, stand up for the consumer, not the damn corporation. Stop being such corporate tools.

dragon824770d ago

Here is a good example for all you guys:

You live in an area where storms get really bad (like me) and your cities power plant gets taken out one night. You and the rest of your town are left without power for a week while the power plant is being fixed. Are you expecting to be reimbursed by the companies of all the products you cant use because a storm took out the power plant? What about the electric company? Or the town itself?

This same principal applies to this situation. Sony didn't take down the PSN just because they felt like it. It was a result of outside interference, much like a storm. See where I am going with this??

lee_ten4770d ago

vickers, that entire article you just wrote here sounds more like whining than anything else. you need to sit down, take a deep breath and RELAX.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4770d ago
Rocket Sauce4771d ago

If I had my own business and it stalled for 6 (or more) days, I'd be kissing my customers' asses.

They'll look good coming out of this mess if they show their users a nice gesture - a free psn game or whatever.

Nobody reads the terms of service.

sikbeta4771d ago

*Gimme ma free backz* XD

Seriously, I want PSN up and running, I don't feel like I need a compensation of anything, just PSN back and everything is cool...

MWong4771d ago

@ ClydeRadcliffe

Couldn't agree more, I miss a few days of SOCOM 4 or Bad Company 2 .... IT'S FREE!!! I don't want reimbursement I would love to have back the PSN. Hopefully it's back up soon.

STGuy10404771d ago

While the service itself is free, DCUO is not. People are losing days from their paid subscriptions because of the outage.

While the attack on the network is not Sony's fault, they should reimburse DCUO gamers for the days they're losing. It's only fair. People aren't getting THAT service for free.

AKS4770d ago

Sony will give you online services of the PSN free of charge when it's back uo for your troubles plus reimburse you for any charges for basic PSN services. That should come to roughly a net balance of $0.00 for everyone on PSN. LOL.

xtremeimport4770d ago

people upset and wanting reimbursement are being stupid. yes it sucks that PSN is down, but hey..its a free service so what exactly should Sony be paying you back for? Plus users are a different story...come on, once its back up you'll forget all about it and move on.

Soplox4770d ago

I'm a PSN+ and it cost me so I expect something from SONY. And before this happened I added to my PSN $50 and I hope the money still there or I'll sue SONY

MWong4770d ago (Edited 4770d ago )

You'll sue SONY for $50, really small claims court for $50? I'm sure your $50 will still be on your account.

I pay for the PSN+ $50 and don't even expect a reimbursement. For what 5-6 days? How much is the membership like $18 (3) or $50 (12). So when I divide my membership up into months it works out to be about $4.16 and that by a 4 weeks it's a little more than a dollar.

Lykon4770d ago

I agree, I don't see the need for reimbursement. If people really have struggled to live without PSN for a few days then a short break will have done them good.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 4769d ago
Thrungus4771d ago

Sony will reimburse their users, that's just how business works.

antboltonboy4771d ago

i dont think they will and i dont think they need 2 PSN is FREE

n4gisatroll4771d ago

Ya why would they pay us anything? It's not like they decided to take it down for no reason whatsoever.

Thrungus4771d ago

It doesn't work like that, you've got to remember that PSN users purchase games to play 'online' and then expect the PSN service to work.

If users are only wanting to play online, then Playstation will lose out big time as they will then begin to play on different online services (Xbox Live).

Playstation will have to reimburse their users somehow.

Joe29114771d ago

Its free because we payed 600 dollars to start with where as xbox was 400 dollars (can't remember exactly, but the difference was online costs). It is a free service, it is a very good free service, but at this time it could really hurt sony having customers remember this experience. I'm not gunna lie, I'm not a fanboy, I don't mind getting up and switching consoles and next generation I may buy a xbox and use their pay service. If sony reimburses me, it may make me forget that this ever happened. I know it won't happen, but its all about keeping the consumer happy.

dead_eye4771d ago

@joe2911 So the PS3's blu ray drive didn't make it cost more than the Xbox360. I didn't know that the psn was included in the price of the PS3.

Sony don't have to offer anything to most psn users. I have plus service and don't feel I need compensation. DCU users should get refunds on the downtime.

I don't think Sony need to offer anything but I do think they will.

SixShotCop4771d ago Show
STGuy10404771d ago (Edited 4771d ago )

Why are people using this as a defense? Some of the services on the network - like DCUO - are NOT free.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4771d ago

You need to read the Terms of Agreements, #15.

Thrungus4771d ago

but let's get one thing straight, no-one would say no to being 'reimbursed'...

TheWeepingKiller4771d ago

Reimbursement or not, just put the thing back online already!

mushroomwig4771d ago (Edited 4771d ago )

True, at this point reimbursement isn't important, getting the service back up is.

We can cross that bridge when we come to it.

xAlmostPro4771d ago

Ok so you'd rather they put it back up knowing that certain people have access to loopholes and data information and the high risk of millions of users having credit card details stolen..

Yeah that makes sense..

I'm actually selling some common sense would you like to buy some? :)

GraySnake4771d ago

where did you get that!?

LoneWanderer094771d ago

not expecting anything, but if they do Wohooo!!!

solar4771d ago

i find this whole situation quite laughable. what do you expect having to sign into a propreitary service to access online content other than a service provider? it goes down at times.

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Rolling the Dice: Do Modern RPGs Miss the Point of Team-Based Play?

It seems it was long time ago. A bunch of friends spending hours on end playing RPG games, sitting around the table with the box of cold pizza. Excited about the story, listening to the Game Master, they were completely engaged in the worlds only visible to them and their imaginations.

Read Full Story >>
Takwin2647d ago

The GM is the programmer, and in MMOs and co-ops, you can play with others. If you want to ONLY use your imagination for the visuals, read a book.


Record of Agarest War 2 announced for PS3

Scrawl: "Looks like we know how that new Compile Heart countdown is going to end. The latest issue of Famitsu has confirmed that Agarest Senki 2, known as Record of Agarest War 2 in the US, is Compile Heart’s newest title."

Read Full Story >>
Godmars2905091d ago

1) Hope they put it on disc this time.
2) Hope this is a positive for Neptune coming over as well.

Demons Souls5091d ago

If so, that's being developed & published by Idea Factory. Compile Heart has nothing to do with it (Thank God for that).

Godmars2905091d ago (Edited 5091d ago )

Thought Compile Heart was one of the companies lending characters.

Was also speaking in general as in regards to a US of Neptune. If these guys are offing a second game, NIS or Atlus, both of whom offer quirkier titles, will put that one out.

My issue isn't - wholly - with the DL-only option, but the price. The first game should be $30. Maybe $40, and by that I mean $39.99. The only reason its $45 is the 360 disc version which has extras. Nevermind that by all rights its a PS2 game. Something that proabbly could have been done if the devs had the GOW2 engine or tools.

ClownBelt5091d ago

I approve of this god damn message.

Could have gotten my 60 bucks if they just put it on a disc.

5091d ago Replies(1)
Tripl3seis5091d ago

Another exclusive damnn the ps3 keeps on rollin wit games awesome ;)

Jack-Pyro5091d ago

Is this a half decent SRPG, porn aside, cause if it is, i might just decide to go and buy it for the 360.

Anon73495091d ago

There's no porn just some sexual innuendos but that's it.

Also it is a great game by itself, maybe not graphically but everything else is top tier.

RedDevils5091d ago

so it had some kind of "top tier" porn story jk

ThanatosDMC5091d ago

Yup, it's a decent game. I just hate that a move has to go first before any attack options.

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Bless Online Korean MMORPG Gets Server Merge

This is not the first time that Bless Online receives a server merge in Korea. An announcement was made on the official Korean site.

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2683d ago
Bismarn2682d ago

Bless must be an amazing game to be on all these platforms (according to the tags): iPad iPhone Nintendo DS PC PS Vita PS2 PS3 PS4 PSP Wii Wii U Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox One