
Sanctum review [NoobFeed]

All told, Sanctum succeeds in proving that the FPSTD mechanic works, even if it also proves that said mechanic is in its infancy. It's still a tower defense game above all else, so this is more for fans of that genre than FPS gamers. And you don't have to be great at shooters to get a kick out of Sanctum. At only $14.99 on Steam, this indie title is a diamond in the rough. It's not perfect, as more options on the top-down viewpoint could have done away with many frustrations. It could also surely use more than three levels to retain its replay value. Regardless, there aren't many new titles available for the price that will offer as much satisfying gameplay as Sanctum.

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Myst4757d ago

All I will say is this game is extremely fun and nice to hear that they are working on content for it with some being free and some being paid. They already seem to be working on a map and a different variant for one they already have which is nice.

Also the game is rather challenging to which is good it kind of makes you think though that in Multiplayer you only have two difficulties one being casual and the other essentially being sort of a hard difficulty [forgot the official saying]. Due to this I read the funniest line on the forums "This has got to be the hardest casual difficulty in the entire gaming world." for some reason it fits nicely.

Anyway I agree with this review and at the same time I wish coffeestain would move this over to PSN and Live so that others can experience the game especially if they don't have a pc or laptop to run it :D

Bob5704757d ago

80/100? That's it? That game is amazing!

ChrisW4757d ago

I would give it an 85/100... That is, until they come out with more maps, towers, and hopefully unlock that Minigun-shotgun.

buckley4754d ago

80/100 should still be considered a great game IMO


Sanctum and Sanctum 2 are free this week on Steam

Steam has announced that the tower defense/FPS hybrid Sanctum and its sequel Sanctum 2 will be free from now til next Sunday.

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Bundle Stars Indie Jam 3 Bundle Released

Hardcore Gamer: The latest Indie Jam bundle has been released, and the third installment gives you a lot of value for $5. That meager amount gets you Sanctum, ARES (a must for Mega Man fans), Joint Task Force, Nexus - The Jupiter Incident, Commandoes 3: Destination Berlin, Two Worlds: Epic Edition, Garshasp: Temple of the Dragon, and Battlepaths.

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Putting Games Into Perspective

AWESOMEoutof10's Donnie McLohon discusses the importance of perspective in gaming and how experimenting with different views can provide new experiences for players.
"I’ve come to acquire certain tastes and preferences about the games I play over a lifetime of gaming. The simple fact is that there are some things I favor over others — and perhaps always will. Many gamers are fiercely competitive and hone their skills playing online shooters; others might prefer more individual experiences and settle for a compelling story-driven game. Though it’s true what they say, variety is indeed the spice of life, I believe there’s something significant about our selective nature. And, as a recent epiphany I had playing a particular game has shown me, one of those supposedly minor predilections has a surprisingly vast amount of possibilities to explore. I’m talking about perspective."

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