
Game Guys review: Tin Can Escape

Tin Can Escape is the latest import for the Nintendo DS from Mumbo Jumbo, which also brought us the Crazy Chicken franchise. This time there isn't a chicken in sight, but there are plenty of robots.

TheSoundDefense4801d ago

That image from the story gives me pause; it looks like really bad production quality.

Tuxmask554801d ago

Portal 2 or Tin Can Escape -- how ever shall I choose?!?


The worst video games of 2011 (Game Guys)

2011 has been one of the strongest years in recent memory as far as the quality of newly-available games is concerned. While titles such as Portal 2 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim have been grabbing headlines and praise, there have been plenty that deserve an equal amount of shunning.

4565d ago Replies(2)
gazerino4565d ago

worst thing ive ever read, not heard of any of those games!!

Mike_Tha_Hero4565d ago

Is English your first language?

Tuxmask554565d ago

I bought my little cousin the Nanda's Island game and she hasn't played it since that first weekend.