
'Exclusives give hardware their identity,' says Zipper

"Exclusives are what give the hardware their identity," SOCOM: Special Forces lead designer Travis Steiner has told VideoGamer.com.

The Zipper Interactive man feels that without exclusives things would be rather generic.

"Exclusives are what give the hardware their identity," Steiner said. "It's the brands, right? Ultimately hardware is important, but the hardware developers and the brands - PlayStation, or the other ones - are really defined by the exclusive titles. Without that, everything would be lost in a sea of... being generic, if you will."

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Nitrowolf24768d ago (Edited 4768d ago )

I agree 100% with what Zipper is saying here. What they say is true. If there was no exclusives then what would be the point of having both consoles (PS3 & 360) when they both have the exact same games then?
And yes exclusive do get better treatment then multi-platform form since the devs are mainly focusing on just the hardware they are given.

Corepred44768d ago

Yup, this Travis Steiner hit is square on the head. But there goes all the crybaby claims of: "exclusives don't matter anymore, we have plenty of multiplatforms to play!" Which is true but like he said exclusives are why you bought the console you did.

InTheKnow4768d ago (Edited 4768d ago )

Isn't Zipper exclusive to the PS3? Isn't Zipper being panned right now as we speak because of all the bugs and poor game play of Socom?

As for exclusives versus multi-plats, all I'm going to say is the multi-plats on the PS3 far out sell the PS3 exclusives by millions and millions. In point of fact, COD, the franchise, has sold more units on PS3 than ALL the PS3 exclusives combined, JUST SAYING. Take away the multi-platform games from PS3 and Sony would be dead in the water, same for Microsoft or Nintendo.

The FACT this guy is exclusive and trying to play up the importance of exclusivity for a console shows his agenda. Insomniac, Bungie and I suspect many more devs will want their IP's on as many consoles as possible. Will that make their games less than they are now, of course not. It should quite apparent by now that the 360, all of 6 years of age can hang with the super computer and in many ways excels it.

2011 is shaping up to be the best multi-platform gaming year yet. E3 will show that loud and clear and the 360 exclusives, whether you're a hater or not will be right at the top along side all games.

As for Zipper claiming that their game is doing some thing that multi-plats are not. Those words will come back to haunt them especially with all the problems that are being reported for the game.

Here's some TPS's you can expect to here in the next 12 months

Ghost Recon E3 2010


Spec-ops E3 2010


Gears Of War 3


While Ghost Recon and Spec ops ( which look INCREDIBLE btw ) are multi-plats, Gears 3 is 360 exclusive. Is Zipper implying that Socom looks better than these games and Gears imparticulary, I hope not.

ChozenWoan4768d ago

So your saying that it wouldn't matter if Halo, Fable, and Gears where to go multiplatform. lololololololol... yea right. Who would buy an Xbox if all it's games where available on the PS3 as well as PS3 exclusives. Honestly.

And vise versa, if all of the PS3 games where on the 360, but 360 had all the exclusives, I know I would be lying if I said I wouldn't get one asap.

Or who would get a Wii if all the Mario, Zelda, and Metroid games where multiplatform. Lets get real here.

Lets face it, exclusives are the heart of a console.

DigitalRaptor4768d ago (Edited 4768d ago )

It's okay. It is a MS troll/loyalist we're dealing with here. Twisting the words of developers and making false implications,

His agenda is obvious... Praise the importance of multi-platform/ third party over exclusive content because as it stands, Microsoft aren't offering much in terms of fresh and genuinely cultured exclusive content. Quite convenient, eh?

MR LOOKINGBILL4768d ago (Edited 4768d ago )

In a way exclusives are needed for a new console launch to establish its identity. Right now Sony is on a roll for this year and next year but 2013 which will be the seventh year of the console. Will Sony continue to pour exclusives into the ps3 or shift them to the ps4. Exclusives aren't needed in the later years of a consoles life.

BlackTar1874768d ago

Please whoever is agreeing with him please explain.

Etseix4768d ago

Tell me something i dont know D:, oh right, some devs out there still dont know this, nice job Zipper

Cardenjs4768d ago

I can believe that. I think that you can have anywhere from 15 to 50 percent of your workforce divided between each port.

soundslike4768d ago

...and extend the Socom 4 beta to fix it up as not to "deface the ps3"

MysticStrummer4768d ago

I can't speak for the single player aspect of it, but my time with the beta was very smooth and bug free. Smoothest beta I've ever played, in fact. No need for "fixing". I can't wait for the 19th.

soundslike4768d ago (Edited 4768d ago )

Have fun with 30 second lag

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SOCOM 4 DLC Packs Announced - "Demolition" Free for New Players

"The SOCOM franchise is a long and storied one, and today we're very happy to announce that we're revisiting its past and bringing back what is perhaps the series' most popular mode, "Demolition". Existing owners of SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs will be able to download the Demolition Pack for $9.99 with today's PlayStation Store publish, which brings with it not only the Demolition competitive multiplayer game type but new maps, weapons and character skins as well. " -socom.com

ArchangelMike4581d ago

hmm, might have to dust off my copy of socom.

Dante1124581d ago (Edited 4581d ago )

This should've been in the game Day 1 (Hate the DLC trend this gen). I think it's a little too late now. Most of the Socom vets kinda just given up on S4. I mean, I like it, even still play occasionally, but the classic modes I play on seems to lessen by the day.

badz1494581d ago

WTF? I love SOCOM 4 even with the hate it receives but rewards goes to those not buying it early?? seriously WTF?

ArchangelMike4580d ago

Yeah, Zipper have got the whole thing backwards. It shold be the other way round. Peeps who already bought the game, should get the download for free; and those who purchasing new copies should have to pay for the dowmnload.

p.s. Zipper why did it take so long to bring back Demolittion in the first place???

Soldierone4581d ago

Wtf....why do NEW players get rewarded and not the ones that have stuck around even with all the hate around it? The game is even getting a price drop because of it? Give me a break.

This is where DLC starts to get irritating. Should of be in the game to begin with...

CBaoth4581d ago

And dammit, they had to include Ruins; my all-time favorite map. I was going to pass on this.

Jeff2574581d ago

I bought SOCOM 4 when it came out and because of the PSN outage I never really got into the MP. A lot of the reason why is because it didnt have the Demolition mode. But this is seriously messed up. I don't usually mind putting in codes when someone buys a game new especially if it is announced before the game is released. But this is straight up BULLSHIT. Sitting their saying if someone buys the game now we will give them something everyone has wanted since day one. But hey if you already bought the game we will make you pay to be able to play it. I don't care that they are finally adding a mode I would play I certainly won't be agreeing to this.


Agree...There are a lot of Socom players that have stuck it out in hopes that Zipper would come through and make more modes like how Socom use to be, and this is how they get repaid for being early adopters? It should be free for all as appreciation.

LOOK_AT_THIS_I4581d ago

If this doesnt show what those asshats at Zipper UNinteractive think of their loyal customers nothing ever will. Seth Luisi and company will continue to bend each and every person over who allows him to by purchasing their games

Socom was the sole reason for me sticking with the ps3 for next gen, and it is no longer even on my radar. This franchise died when David Sears left. FU LUISI, and FU ZIPPER!!!!

TheDivine4581d ago (Edited 4581d ago )

I love socom 4 ALOT but F that. I should get it free with my pro pass for buying it new or at least having ps plus. Free for new players WTF?

Edit:I guess its good they are giving an incintive to new players. We def need more players in socom 4 and its good they are trying to grow the community but they should have just made it free for all new purchases (not used) so the diehard fans dont feel like theyre getting shi* on.

-Alpha4581d ago

This is Sony's fault, not Zippers.

Sony is the one who determined the fate of SOCOM 4 and made it into what it is, Chris Roper tweeted that it was Sony's choice to do this

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4581d ago
n4gisatroll4581d ago

That is kind of a slap in the face. They wait a year to release demo...and those who got the game early has to pay but new users get it free? They are seriously better off just porting all the old maps to confrontation. Those who are left on sc would buy every dlc for it.

LOOK_AT_THIS_I4581d ago

Agree...even though Confrontation was a frankenstein socom experience, it is still miles ahead of SLOWcom 4.

I cant express how much I hate the gameplay in Socom 4 now, it is just awful. If it wouldnt have had the Socom name in it I might have given it a chance but they shit all over the franchise and community with it.

Horny4581d ago

Fuck zipper for screwing this game up, I got rid of this tps/fps inbred piece of crap two weeks after I got it. Was indenial about it sucking at first but there's no hope for this, its just not as good as other offerings. So they split the fanbase and now they wanna bring back demolition, this won't save the game.

NickTheHitman4581d ago

What happened to Socom Pro? I thought I was suppose o get this free.

n4gisatroll4581d ago

Apparently socom pro was to get exclusive stuff for free, not all dlc for free. This is sooo annoying what Sony has been doing as of late with their first party games.

SoapShoes4581d ago

They said that some DLC would be free with Pro and there will likely be more free DLC for Pro but they never said ALL DLC would be free.

I wasn't much into the multiplayer but I might get it.

SoapShoes4581d ago (Edited 4581d ago )

Disagrees must be from butthurt fanboys because objective people who didn't believe it would ask for proof... Well here ya go!

"Some seem to think they were going to get all DLC for free. Here's a link of Dunham explaining it clearly, a thread made 4 days before the game released. He said some will be free (like the first one you got) and some will be paid for by everyone (like this one). See the last Q/A in his thread.

http://community.us.playsta... "

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press:play magazin: SOCOM: Special Forces Review

After the disappointing "SOCOM: Confrontation" Sony tried to make the new "SOCOM: Special Forces" more attractive with the new developer team Zipper Interactive, a new story and by using the PlayStation Move motion controller.

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Socom: Special Forces Review | TPV

Socom 4 is the latest game to hit the market from the developers Zipper Interactive the developers previous outings include the cult favorite Crimson Skies, also the cult game MAG and all the other Socom games as well.

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Knushwood Butt4717d ago

I recommend this game. Have put a lot of time into it.

To get the best out of the single player, play it on hard difficulty or above.

Also, online co-op on hard difficulty is excellent, especially when you find players that are up for the challenge. Had some great games the other night with a great co-op team.