
Stacking DLC - The Lost Hobo King Review | goozernation.com

Craig Will of GoozerNation writes, "The PSN/XBLA downloadable game Stacking has received the DLC treatment in the form of a new adventure titled "The Lost Hobo King." Breaking down the numbers, there are three new challenges with 12 total solutions, 10 new Hi-Jinks and a slew of new dolls including 14 that are unique. At five dollars does this add-on offer enough bang for the buck?"

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JimmyJames704802d ago

Have not played any Stacking games yet but they sound interesting.

puffkix4802d ago

I really like Stacking and the DLC. The gameplay is a refreshing break from the standard console genres. It's nice to see what developers come up with when creativity is the driving focus.

GodsHand4802d ago

Stacking was a fun game, but I can not warrant the price for the DLC, it was far to short, beat it in 10 minutes. Mind you I still need to solve the quest in different ways, and do all the hi-jinx, but that will not take long. But as for the main game itself, it could be worth the price, but being a PS+ memeber I got it free, and only paid for the DLC, so it was not too bad.

puffkix4802d ago

Yeah, I got Stacking for free and was very impressed with it and would gladly paid money for it. The DLC on the other hand just didn't offer enough content for 5 dollars...


Double Fine's Stacking is now available on Steam and comes with a 33% discount

DSOGaming writes: "Double Fine’s Stacking is now available on Steam and comes with a 33% discount. The game is priced at 9.99 euros and includes – for free – The Lost Hobo King DLC pack."

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fluffydelusions4474d ago (Edited 4474d ago )

Nice! I will probably pick this up in the future but right now it's all about ME3 :)


El33t's Pre-W33kend Post: Just 'splode, gonna be OK!

El33tonline writes:

"We’re all going to crawl into a hole this weekend and recover from another very busy week of writing, planning, thinking, perambulating and more writing, so if you’ll excuse us, we need to get caught up on a bit of relaxing after pasting up collections of news and reviews, while spying your entries for our Shadows of the Damned competition and accepting your online nicks for the wall of our rAge 2011 booth.

What will members of El33tonline be busying themselves with this weekend to achieve this mystical state of ‘relaxation’? Funny you ask, because we have a few answers for you below..."

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New Releases for the Week of April 24th, 2011

With only a recreation of 2005's Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath and Darkspore to tempt gamers, it might just be time to investigate...

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Relientk774791d ago

Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath yay! so getting this

DigitalRaptor4791d ago

Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath!

And next month Beyond Good & Evil on PSN. :)