
Will BF3 Console Visuals be that Bad?

A question that's been in the head of many console gamers lately - Will we get shafted with the visuals on DICE's huge upcoming shooter Battlefield 3? We've been hearing many iffy statements coming from news reports lately about how consoles can't handle the level of progression DICE would like to see. The developer has recently begun openly stating that the game will be altered for the console version, but the question on everyone's mind is how much?

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plb4773d ago (Edited 4773d ago )

They will probably just be like bc2 maybe a bit better which is fine by me. I will buy ps3 and PC versions.

Warprincess1164772d ago

It shouldn't be fine. We should be getting the same game as the PC users. We paying $10 more so we should have the better version or at-least make the pc version the same as consoles.

BK-2014772d ago

Wth is wrong with you? The PC version should always look better considering how advanced the hardware is. As a PS3/PC gamer I'd be pissed as hell if the PC version didn't look miles better than the PS3 version.

Nate-Dog4772d ago

PCs have much better graphical capabilities than consoles, I don't see why people should expect the console versions to be the same. Dice already said that they'll probably be better than everything else we've seen on consoles so far, isn't that enough?

despair4772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

The extra $10 has nothing to do with quality, its the percentage that the devs pay to Sony/Nintendo/Microsoft that they are compensating for.

Also no matter how much it should be the same game, the tech just does not allow it. And why limit the PC when you can get much more out of it, its just that the PC version has more potential than the consoles but that does not mean the console version is bad, just not as good.

-Alpha4772d ago

In order to do that, the PC version will also have to be downgraded.

Darkfocus4772d ago

I wish you could go lower than 1 bubble...

LunaticBrandon4772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

Sony/Microsoft gets that $10 not EA/Dice. They actually get a lot more of the $50 for the PC version than they do of the $60 for the console version. Bad Company 2 sold pretty equally across all platforms last I heard and it was more of a console game. It would be a wise financial decision to make the game for PC gamers and get more money. Sure there will be a few whinny console fanboys like you complaining that your outdated hardware can't handle it but the majority of console Battlefield players will be all over it. Everybody wins except for you.

RememberThe3574772d ago

OK we need to wait. I did this with Medal of Honor last year. I bitched and complained about how bad it looked in the beta and how disappointed I was in the visuals then the game launched and it looked great. DICE obviously polishes their games at the end of development. So wait for the retail version to judge the game and don't end up looking like a asshole like I did.

specialguest4772d ago

Warprincess is the same person who thought that the worst thing that resulted from the japanese earth quake was that it caused HER precious video games to delay and cancel.

Screw the homeless, missing, and dead people! Warprincess demands her game be released on time! /s

ATiElite4772d ago

With you Warprincess116 I'm starting to see why SOME male gamers are so Harsh against Some female gamers or just silly gamers in general.

You've made some really "obscure" comments lately that seem to made from emotion and not thought.

The PC has the power to do whatever while consoles don't. BF3 is a PC FIRST game. made on the PC for the PC then ported down so consolers can enjoy the experience. yes consolers pay $10 more and you guys are all mad cause your getting only 24 players, lower graphics, and smaller maps but you have to realize that this is one of many MAJOR benefits of PC gaming vs. consoles.

BeOneWithTheGun4772d ago

@357 In my humble opinion, MOH looked liks ASS.

BeastlyRig4772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

see your disagrees? one of them is me!! :)

I really hope the console version turns out well Even though I'll buy the PC version! I would wish anyone get a lesser version but the technology is there & Dice is using it so stop being a hater & teh Bitching!!

I just pre ordered portal 2 on steam for $45!! soo Dice & valve is your problem also!

@ above don't worry the next MOH is using Frostbite 2.0!

MaxXAttaxX4772d ago

How advanced the hardware is is purely dependent on what each user has installed.
Many people have PCs that can't run games any better than consoles.

captain-obvious4772d ago

shut up and make me a sandwich

womans and gaming
they'll never understand it even if they did play video games

Rainstorm814772d ago

Im a console gamer, i only play 360 and PS3 and i fully understand the PC version of BF3 being superior.

The only thing i wish is that Devs did the same on console, by taking full advantage of the hardware and making the best game possible on whichever platform, let the consumer decide which version to buy.

Bottom line is if you want the best version get it on PC if not settle for the console version, the choice is yours....

Simon_Brezhnev4772d ago

i havent laughed so hard in a while on this site warprincess thats a good one

Jezuz4772d ago

so DICE should gimp down the PC version to make it on par with the console version? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiighhht

JohnnyBadfinger4772d ago

Warprincess116 comment isnt that stupid. In a world where everyone is screaming to be treated as an equal, why is it so different when it comes to videogames?

because some idiots has gone out and wasted money on a "gaming rig", he deserves to have the best possible graphics??
Thats like saying if you own a Ferrari, all roads must be perfectly smooth.

You cant always get what you want in life.
And if you think that PCs shit all over consoles your the real idiot. the differences arent that huge... only real difference is less jaggies.
A perfect example of this is Uncharted 2... sure there are some jaggies (very minor), and i dont like the game at all, but not even i can say it isnt a graphical master piece.

In the end the differences wont be that huge so, if your a console owner your not gunna miss out on anything.

suntzu4204772d ago

successful troll was successful.

gypsygib4772d ago

Yeah you pay more for the game but paid a lot less for the hardware. A 360 can be had for $100 used at gamestop and new 360 slim 4 gigs were selling for $130 for 3 weeks in December at Best Buy in Canada.

The graphics card alone in a PC is cost more than a 360.

TheDeadMetalhead4772d ago

Who cares about the graphics?

What I want to know is why the HELL the console version only has 24 players.

KDubyah4772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

I was looking at a site to build me a gaming rig, or just a badass computer.
Well, the whole price thing, you're right. A computer is shit tons more.
I seen a graphics card (i think it was) that cost around $700 alone! $700!
That's more than the PlayStation 3 cost at launch! Plus the launch games.
And, there's really not much you can do with just a graphics card, lol.

PRHB HYBRiiD4772d ago

lolwhut?? crack is one hell of a drug :l ...what you are saying has no sense at all..

ProjectVulcan4772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

You bought a console. Don't complain about graphics in comparison to PC versions. It looks stupid. PC gamers have paid for the hardware and gained the knowledge needed to game on PC thus earned the right to better visuals.

Face reality JohnnyBadfinger- from the footage we have seen the PC version will be hugely superior to the console version, even without seeing the console version. Why? Simply because nothing on console presently looks close to it, not the best they have to offer, nothing.

Best case scenario a teeny eeny bit more performance might be extracted and it looks a teeny bit better than say KZ3. The chances of even that are pretty slim, going by the past DICE console titles.

Arguably the footage thus far even trumps Crysis 1 on PC. If you honestly believe that any console game is close to that as well, then you need to visit an opticians...

iNFAMOUZ14772d ago

I agree with warprincess we pay 10 more for console games, I expect the same quality even though that'll never happen as pc lol, but still give it a thought all of you!, ok ok, we pay 65 dollars per game, not including bullshit like dlc and extra shit you may buy for your 65 dollar game, right, and now pc gamers get the game 10 dollars cheaper or FREE at that! with the way piracy is now a days, do you think its fair?? anyone with a brain would say no.

Soldierone4772d ago

IF the game wants to compete with COD fans, well the COD fans are console gamers. If the console version looks noticably worse than PC (especially on PS3) then that will only hurt their sales and make things ten times harder. If BF3 on super "you gotta buy an overpriced console for this" mode looks better then you can get away with it, but not on normal settings.

Facing facts. PC gamers will jump all over like always and cause a big ruckus. Having them complain their 1k dollar computer has the same visuals as a PS3 will do less damage than all the console gamers cheering about it.

Id be on PC gamers side but I honestly cannot be so blatantly biased against consoles, its just too hard. Thats where the gold is. End of story.

Ducky4772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

"If the console version looks noticably worse than PC (especially on PS3) then that will only hurt their sales and make things ten times harder."

Errr....? O.o
Why on earth would a CoD fan care that someone with a more expensive system has a better looking game than theirs?

For that matter, when did the PS3 become such a clutch system from the CoD franchise?

It's not like DICE is shitting on the console version anyways. The only thing they're doing is not shitting on the PC version. If anything, they're being unbiased.

"Thats like saying if you own a Ferrari, all roads must be perfectly smooth."

No, this is like saying that if you own a 720p TV, then no games must be in 1080p because you don't want some idiot getting a better experience because they bought a more expensive TV.

PygmelionHunter4772d ago

Lol, based on what you said, PC games should always look better because PC gamers paid more for the platform they play on.

walken74772d ago

So, by your logic, if a game is on Wii, 360, and ps3, they should all look like the Wii version...
Epic Fail.

B1663r4772d ago

The answer to the question about why the console version only supports 24 players...

This gen character models have 3000 to 5000 polygons in each model. Both consoles can display something like 100k to 150k polys at 30fps, depending on what you are doing with the shaders. 24 (characters) x 4000(polys per character) gets you right in that range where all the left over polys are used for background pictures and what not (~25k polys for the playspace layer).

It is actually quite a bit more compex than that, but there is the crude math of why they limit it to 24 characters...

zackacloud4772d ago

As ps3 owner i want my games be better than xbox 360 owner

And i hate when they make the ps3 and xbox 360 such as one console

Also this feeling from pc owners about making pc games same as consoles quality

gam3fr33k4771d ago

i think you guys are missing his point. console gamers pay more. so in terms of our money's worth, we should get a better version. I think?

xtremexx4771d ago

how bout you visit trollfight.com, its where you belong

+ Show (30) more repliesLast reply 4771d ago
Schism204772d ago

Your gonna get both versions? I never understood why people buy more than one version of the same game. It seems like a waste of money if you ask me.

plb4772d ago

Because most everyone I know plays on ps3 so i will play with them there but I also want to experience PC version.

osamaq4772d ago

We neeeed a new consoles, the graphics looks absolute on those consssssssssssoles....

c'mon next gen ......

MaxXAttaxX4772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

Not enough of a graphical leap between the PC and console versions to warrant new systems yet.

I wanna see PS2 to PS3 sized differences. I'd give it at least 2 years. Then we can bring on the next generation of consoles.

KDubyah4772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

Is it bad to buy a PS3 copy and then pirate a PC copy? :P
I mean.. I'm still supporting the developers with a purchase.
Of the more costly version of the game. At least I don't buy pre owned!

I just kidding, though. But, indeed, I don't understand it either.
Then again, I don't have the money to just spend willy-nilly. :P

Soldierone4772d ago


Most PC gamers do it anyways. Just ask Crytek. no wonder devs favor consoles more and more with every release.

zackacloud4772d ago


So you didn't play ps3 exlusives ?

Don't forget that BC multiplatform game and it too hard and costly to reach to exlusive levels

There still a lot of waiting games till the end of 2012 and who knows what we will wait till the 2014 expect kh 3

My deep opinion with all the respect for fans
Xbox 360 must die to present more real games not annual games and micro must present powerful hardware for the nexr gen and have a big library of exlusives

Without software the hardware worthless also without hardware the software worthless

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4772d ago
lelo2play4772d ago

For this game, i don't care if the console version is great or not. It's the PC version I'm interested.

So please DICE, don't fuck up the PC version.

Bigpappy4772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

Remember that you are only 1 person. DICE is not making the f'ing game for you!

Oh, for those who are getting too copies: WTF!?!

omi25p4772d ago

What is the point in buying two copies of the same game?

Thatguy-3104772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

screw PC ... Consoles FTW !!!! lol

Cant believe people still play on PC though... Yes it has better hardware but how does that matter when your hardly getting good games for it.. This yr we have BF3, Crisis 2, what else?

DeathMetal14744772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

can you be any more dumb. How about the witcher 2, the old republic, diablo 3, And way better versions of the new Batman, Rage, Brink, Skyrim, COD,ect... Pc also has choice of controls kb/ M or the contrioller which for FPS is trash.

ZombieNinjaPanda4772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

Have you ever heard of Steam? I suggest checking it out sometime, it makes your comment 100% obsolete.

Just saying, genres of games exist other than FPS.

InTheKnow4772d ago

The 360 version will be better than the average PC version and if you have something like $1200+ invested in your PC you should be able to run the final game at near maximum settings.

It will be interesting to see what will happen at E3 as Microsoft has a lot invested in COD and as has been the case in the last few E3's, COD has kicked off the show for Microsoft. Maybe Sony will let EA kick off their show but I doubt it.

I know this, the demo that Activision, Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer run at E3 will look the same on all platforms NOT fantasy high end misleading PC footage like Dice is running around showing pretending that the final game will look like that. NOW they are making excuses.

There are NO 2 PC's the same and that means there will be no 2 experiences on PC the same. Dice has been nothing but arrogant and flat out ignorant about there game and now they are trying to cover their dumb asses by throwing out a disclaimer.

DeathMetal14744772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

about Pc's dude. $1200 to equal the consoles 720 P at 30 FPS LMAO. @ Bear Wow you are a D-bag. Pretty sure you fail at life. Truth hurts huh little buddy.

hesido4772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

InTheKnow is not so in the know.

It has been 6 years since console launch, and they were already overtaken by mainstream PC video cards at launch (unlike PS2 at launch, which ran faster than any affordable PC). 6 years passed, and now the mainstream graphics cards are around 20 times faster if not more for most tasks, compared to mainstream vide cards of that day.

Soldierone4772d ago

Yeah those same graphics card will run you a couple hundred bucks ALONE and barely give you an advantage over PS3. PS3 runs differntly and when devs realize that, they get better visuals. I feel a bit safer buying a console that hasn't been out dated in 6 years, than a graphics card that's out dated in one.

You go spend over a thousand dollars on your PC and you still can't enjoy Resistance, Killzone, or Uncharted....and it wont run new games next year, sounds like a fair trade./sarcasm

And "consoles" (mostly 360 due to business plans) were overtaken, yet somehow Killzone 3 releasing 6 years later is competing with the best there is on PC, Crysis 2....

Computersaysno4772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

You do realise that integrated graphics on PC, i.e in every new machine, are rapidly approaching the performance of the consoles? No joke.

Intel HD 3000 on the latest Sandy bridge cores is not all that far off the chips inside PS3 and 360. One more generation from integrated graphics and it will catch and probably surpass the consoles.

Although Source engine is well known for being superbly well optimised on PC, Sandy bridge's IGP can run Left 4 Dead 2 as well as 360.

@ soldierone, please don't talk shite. Its a retarded argument that PC needs upgrading all the time, once you have a PC more powerful than a console, its ALWAYS is more powerful. In twenty years it'll still be more powerful and run those multi format games better....

It is true startup costs for a gaming PC end up higher but the benefits in games is considerable, and the games are also considerably cheaper. It doesn't take long to regain the money on every multi format game. I easily save over 200 pounds a year on buying games for PC instead of console....

You clearly have never been anywhere near a modern gaming PC. There is no console game close to Crysis or Metro 2033 on PC. KZ3 is a fine looking game, but by console standards. It doesn't touch Crysis on a decent PC.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4772d ago
superrey194772d ago

I have bc2 for the pc and ps3 and I'm impressed at how good it looks on consoles. It obviously looks sharper and a more detailed on PC but the console version holds its own. I'm confident DICE will make BF3 look good on consoles.

KotC4772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

Why would you take a step down and buy the PS3 version when you have a PC?

AaronSponk4772d ago

Flame-bait title.

BF2 looked damn good and BF3 will look better.

Killzone 3 beater? I doubt it.

But it's real-time physics and sharp visuals will destroy the console version of Crysis 2 which has been exposed being severely cut back, suffering from massive amount of pop-in, unstable frame-rate, and mostly baked graphics (unlike the PC version of Crysis 2 which really is almost everything Crytek promised).

awi59514772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

How can consoles get shafted?? If consoles cant run it the way dice programmed it of course you have to change it to make it run. This is a direct x11 game. Consoles only have direct x9 thats why crysis 2 looks like poo and is a let down. This is a next gen game made for systems right now. The longer this console cycle goes the worse this is going to get.

awi59514772d ago

Man i hope ati brings out the 7000 series before this comes out its time to upgrade my 3gpu rig. This game maybe worth the upgrade crysis 2 wasnt.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4771d ago
RedDragan4773d ago

Not bad. Just not as good as PC. I wish the media would stop repeating the same type of junk, we all know that the PC will make better looking games... so just tell us about the game because that is more important to gamers!

mistajeff4773d ago

i don't think this is a very valid comparison-- DICE said that each light source in BF3's lighting system contains more data than an entire level in bad company 2. It may still be "frostbite", but it's a new engine all together. It really comes down to how efficiently they can stream detail in and out of the consoles' limited memory.

Beahmscream4772d ago

This is one of those very few games I'm willing to spend a shit load on PC to play this game on high settings.

kyl2774772d ago

We need more of those games, all we haev got in recent years is Crysis and Metro 2033.

skorp4772d ago

This game looks to be one of those games that everybody will have to have but not everybody will truly experience.

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EA Hopes to Use Generative AI to Drive Monetization and Make Development 30% More Efficient

Today Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson provided a look into his ideas for the use of generative AI in the company's development processes.

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thorstein57d ago

I wonder what the next buzz word they'll slap in front of AI to make it sound exciting next? "Generative" as if it's creating its own content. Lol.

Cacabunga56d ago

EA is already dying a painful death..

peppeaccardo56d ago

i have a better idea .. why the whole exec team doesn't get replaced by chat bots ?

just_looken57d ago

Though i agree the ai thing is already in other forms of media there have been ai translations/scripts/voice over and even full ai commercials aired on tv. Ubisoft has created a ai game creator story/vo/music except the building of the game

The new unreal engine has auto terrain creation tools

In the world of greed in which it is winning without any major blow back ai is our future.

everyone want's biden dead on the mic or a criminal instead of a woman and now we are getting ai everything because no one will stop watching/playing ai created media.

GamerRN56d ago

Maybe they should just focus on making good games?

Just a thought...

Kiryu199256d ago

Exactly EA are just pure evil. When they are beating Bank of America to be voted the worst company to work for that’s saying a lot

Good thing I don’t buy their games day one and wait for deep deep sale years after launch (the select few games I am actually interested in)

Gaming is making so much money yet the greed of these companies is never ending

CEO’s and people on board making millions yet cutting jobs to those who are actually making the products

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 56d ago
Knightofelemia57d ago (Edited 57d ago )

EA is still a shady shitty company even with or without the help of Skynet. All they will use AI for is new ways to milk loot boxes and come up with the same sports title with a different year on the label. They are one company I truly do hate with a passion. They single handedly ruined some great franchise with their death touch. ME, Dead Space, Alice Returns, Dante's Inferno.

Stuart575657d ago

EA layoffs followed by 'Generative AI to Drive Monetization'

I knew it. Wonder what AI salary looks like? Nothing.

ChasterMies57d ago

I having a feeling that most of the layoffs in the industry are based on the idea that AI will do the same job for less.

DarXyde56d ago

Very likely, yes.

Made worse by the fact that the execs aren't changing their compensations.

My deepest fear at this point is that we are now in the capitalism endgame.

At this point, we really should just burn AI to the ground. Executives cannot be trusted to do the right thing.
How are those people expected to support families if everything gets automated?

Barlos57d ago (Edited 57d ago )

And take away creativity, and people's jobs as we've been seeing. Got it.

No thanks. I want my games created by people, not AI.

CobraKai57d ago

Exactly. If or when games start becoming more AI than people, im done with gaming. AI and companies like EA can suck donkey d***k.

just_looken57d ago

Though i agree remember this is no ps3/360 era were we got up to 3 games in one generation from on developer like gears/halo/bioware/sony/ms

The people today are pro esg/sweet baby for the most part AAA gaming is imploding right now.

We should be stepping back re evaluate everything as a whole this year xmen 97 written/directed by a woman that is nuts and its also being made by a group reshaping bodies to be less sexual like wtf. A dam famous cartoon from the 90's is being rebuilt with millions spent to be worse in everyway.

Gaming/movies/tv shows made today are worse than what we had 7years ago ai won't change this but that ai is also being made by these groups so either way we are screwed.

Eonjay56d ago

Don't be of afraid of women. Sexy characters in games and movies still exist. Got my Stellar Blade on preorder!!! Everything all the time doesn't need to be sexual...that's stupid, childish and dull.

Chocoburger57d ago (Edited 57d ago )

EA doesn't want to lose their title of worst gaming company ever, always trying their best to remain the champs!
What's sad is that they have so much potential to be a decent publisher.

SSX Tricky / SSX 3
Def Jam Vendetta / Fight for New York
NBA Street
NFL Steet
Mirror's Edge
Bad Company
Burnout 3 / 4 / 5

Remember when EA used to be awesome? It's all over with now. Unpolished, if not out-right broken games these days. Endless monetization and gambling in their sports games, and let's not forget wasting hours of your life trying to unlock characters or equipment using "surprise boxes!"

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EA And Sony Layoffs, Entertainment News And More Skewedcast

Gareth, Justin, and JoeyZ look at Layoff news for EA and Sony and reasons behind the downturn in the industry and more.


EA - Continuing to evolve our business and teams

EA CEO Andrew Wilson writes: "In this time of change, we expect these decisions to impact approximately 5 percent of our workforce. I understand this will create uncertainty and be challenging for many who have worked with such dedication and passion and have made important contributions to our company. While not every team will be impacted, this is the hardest part of these changes, and we have deeply considered every option to try and limit impacts to our teams. Our primary goal is to provide team members with opportunities to find new roles and paths to transition onto other projects. Where that’s not possible, we will support and work with each colleague with the utmost attention, care, and respect. Communicating these impacts has already begun and will be largely completed by early next quarter."

LG_Fox_Brazil64d ago

All the big ones doing the same stuff. Terrible. I just hope that all these people are able to get a new job as soon as possible, God know that it is horrible to be left jobless when you have your kids or your parents depending on your financial help

Jin_Sakai64d ago (Edited 64d ago )

2024 so far.

Feb ’28 Electronic Arts (EA) 670 (5%)
Feb ’24 PlayStation 900 (8%)
Feb ’24 Vice Media Group Several hundred
Feb ’24 Buzzfeed 16%
Feb ’24 NowThis 26 (50%)
Feb ’24 Paramount Global 800 (3%)
Feb ’24 SiriusXM 160 (3%)
Feb ’24 Snapchat 10%
Jan ’24 TechCrunch 8 + subscription product
Jan ’24 U.K.’s Channel 4 200
Jan ’24 Business Insider 8%
Jan ’24 Microsoft Gaming 1,900
Jan ’24 Riot Games 530
Jan ’24 Sports Illustrated Possibly all
Jan ’24 YouTube 100
Jan ’24 Pitchfork (Conde Nast) Undisclosed
Jan ’24 Universal Music Group Hundreds
Jan ’24 Discord 17%
Jan ’24 NBC News 50-100
Jan ’24 Audible 5%
Jan ’24 Google Hundreds
Jan ’24 Amazon Hundreds
Jan ’24 Duolingo 10%
Jan ’24 VideoAmp 20%

DATA AS OF FEB. 28, 2024

outsider162464d ago

Is it possible maybe this whole ai thing is in play?

just_looken64d ago

Another long list that skips over UPS cutting 12,000 jobs those workers as we know work without ac low pay and old box trucks but that company had to cut 12k jobs do too loosing billions of dollars year 2 year.


The greed and lack of transparency/oversight is disgusting.

Ups are still making bang but not enough for a golden boat fleet.

Remember we all use ups at some time even stuff in our stores this is going to be a huge issue gong forward i know in my area they removed half the state ups stores northern half least population got some 3rd party running packages now from minivans.

Sonic188164d ago

When I explan this I get called a troll 🤔 like wtf

thorstein63d ago


UPS is a different story altogether.

They are paying the people doing the actual work/ earning the money more and eliminating management.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 63d ago
CrimsonWing6964d ago (Edited 64d ago )

You do realize around this time this happens all throughout many industries (not just the game industry), right? It has to do with taxes for these major companies, like tax subsidies for downsizing. You want to know a little secret? Around May or so you’ll see a spike in hiring…

It blows my mind that people are oblivious to corporate workings.

Andrew33664d ago

So over 25 huge companies cut jobs every year like this and it only got noticed this time?

CrimsonWing6964d ago (Edited 64d ago )


Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Google it up if you’re uninformed of how corporations work. Only gamers seem to live in a bubble and when they see things like crunch, acquisitions, and lay-offs they act like this is the only industry it happens to and how shocked they are about it.

Welcome to the real world, kid.

thorstein63d ago (Edited 63d ago )

EA CEO Wilson's total compensation was 20 million. Let's take away 19 million (I'm sure he can survive on 1 million.... somehow).

1 million is the salary of an in the chair developer @100,000 for 10 years.

He could earn 1 million a year.

And save the jobs of 15 in the chair devs for A DECADE (plus benefits) with ONE YEAR'S compensation.

RhinoGamer8864d ago

No Executive accountability or firings I see...

just_looken64d ago

Do not worry they will take over 40mill say sorry then get hired by playstation or xbox

blackblades63d ago

I heard Japan does it better, they do layoffs like what's happening with companies in the west. The higher ups also being agreeing to to lower there own salary. These MFs like jim and Phil isnt gonna do that they want that $

Sonic188164d ago

Like I said earlier, this is happening all around the gaming industry.

Petebloodyonion64d ago

The point I feel is problematic about all of this is that focusing on Owned Ip means more sequels, remasters and more of what was selling last year.

TheColbertinator64d ago

EA is certainly among the worst,if not the worst

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