
Half-Life 2: Episode Two - Palgn Review Gives 9.5/10

Episode Two is full to the brim with 'moments', all of which are entirely memorable. From being suddenly ambushed in an abandoned house to the previously unseen style of action that is tearing around in a beat up old car as you protect a missile silo from a group of invading War of the Worlds-esque Striders, each is as memorable as the next.

The art design behind the game is incredibly strong. Combine forces ooze an organic meets robotic otherworldliness that elicits a discomfort that you can't quite put your finger on, especially the Advisors who we've seen only briefly before but have more of a showing here. The types of impressive set pieces for which Valve has become well known are laid out in spades. There's collapsing bridges, barn houses that splinter and collapse under Striders fire, and of course the ever present vista of a dying City 17, Combine portal forming above. All of this adds to both the awe that you feel and the sense that you're taking part in a world that is alive, a near perfect simulacra rather than invented reality.

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kamisama6082d ago

A must buy for anyone that really wants to be immersed in a great game

Baba19066082d ago

when will the orange box come to ps3 ? =(

AngryHippo6082d ago

....December sometime i think dude.

Baba19066082d ago

damn... well hope it comes soon. but looks like a must have.

picker3326082d ago

look's like the same as the rest of the hl2 games (boring & lastgen grapic)
It's maby becouse i've play'd too many hl2 mod's that is the same as hl2 game.It's look's like they only modified the map's wich is easy.
That's about it,No improved grapic & the same old lame ass ugly gun's.
My opinion!

Rooted_Dust6082d ago

Your opinion is your opinion, even if it is misinformed and off base, but I still wouldn't expect many sympathizers if I were you.


Infamous Video Game Endings That Left a Bad Taste

The most disappointing and infamous video game endings even sour the overall thoughts of a game. Most of these titles represent some of the finest entries in their respective series, marred by an ending we can't quite forgive.

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banger8863d ago

Far Cry 5....bullshit. This game had a great ending imo.

MrNinosan62d ago

There is no game called Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2, but Rebirth had a great ending imo. Felt robbed by the ending at first, but the more I've seen it and during my 3rd playthrough, I started to understand and realize a lot more that make me appreciate the ending.

Nerdmaster62d ago (Edited 62d ago )

I was enjoying FFVII Remake, even though those whispers throughout the game were annoying. But the ending was so bad that I don't even want to play Rebirth. On top of that, from what I saw on reviews, the ending of Rebirth is even worse.

Also, I'm glad to see Zero Time Dilemma being recognized as the trainwreck it is. After the amazing two first games (especially the near perfect second one), the low quality of the trilogy end is baffling. The new characters are bad, the old characters don't feel like themselves, a surprise "alien technology" pops out of nowhere, the big twist was like "eh?", and it doesn't really finish the story nor explains the loose threads from the second game.


Half-Life Soundtrack Finally Available for Streaming

The Half-Life soundtrack (as well as Half-Life 2) is now available to play for free on a number of music streaming services.

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Half-Life 2 Mod Brings Next Gen Mobility

Modders bring Titanfall level acrobatics to Half-Life’s humble gameplay

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LuzCB19871877d ago

Apex Legends set a high bar in fps mobility. I think new games are now required to have some good mobility options.