
Chime Super Deluxe review | TotalPlayStation

You might wish for it to be a mite bit more complex, but this is the most soothing puzzle/music fusion to hit the genre so far. Haunting melodies and mesmerizing visuals combine with solid single and multiplayer action for an excellent package.

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Multitap: Best of the PlayStation 3′s multiplayer library

SnackBarGames write:

"The PlayStation 3 has its own particular flavor of multiplayer games. First-party experiences tend to focus on family-friendly entertainment, while downloadables on the platform like to experiment with various concepts. Sometimes a developer even takes advantage of the system’s 7-controller support! (Just not that often.) Here’s the cream of the crop on the system, including some that should work for any group."

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guitarded774168d ago

Interesting list... stays away from obvious shooters and the like. SingStar and Fat Princess are great multiplayer games too.

Y_51504168d ago

It is interesting and is was not a list I was expecting. Even though I never played many of those multiplayer games, I still think they could of added Uncharted multiplayer or PlayStation all stars because those are my faves.

guitarded774168d ago

Agreed... both games have excellent MP. How about Journey too? And Demon's/Dark Souls... they both have interesting MP.

Y_51504168d ago

I don't play it often so it crosses my mind too easily. But that multiplayer on Journey is awesome and unique!

black9114168d ago

All exclusives except one game. I like.

th3n00bg4m3r4168d ago

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, Kill-Zone 2, Kill-Zone 3, Gran Turismo 5, Little Big Planet, Little Big Planet 2, Journey, Portal 2, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3, Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.


Chime Super Deluxe Review (PS3) | That Gamer Hub

"When you first turn on Chime Super Deluxe, the first thing you notice about this game is how much it closely resembles the classic game of Tetris. What is surprising is that the game is just as fun as Tetris."

-Albert from That Gamer Hub

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NowGamer: Chime Super Deluxe Review

NowGamer writes: "The original Chime was released in 2010 as an entirely non-profit title by developer Zoe Mode and charitable publisher OneBigGame. It was something of a noble prospect amid a sea of big budget, large profit launches and a turgid lack of innovation. Chime’s addicting gameplay, catchy tunes and overall finesse helped it become something of a cult classic, slow burning its way through the ranks on Xbox Live Arcade".

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