
Why Casual Games Are Better Than Hardcore Games

SententiaS: "With the recent rise of casual games, we’re witnessing an unexpected clash between two industry sectors (casual on one side and hardcore on the other) with key figures from both sides predicting the demise of the other or of the entire gaming industry if one side is allowed to develop further. Recently we have quoted the creator of Angry Birds stating that “console gaming is dying” while on the other side of the barricade we have a loud crowd of doomsayers stating that casual games lack substance and they are hurting the industry as a whole. In my opinion both sides are completely off target."

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ultimate-remag4812d ago

u must suck @ hardcore games really bad 2 think that... much more less write an article about it... lol double facepalm...

BK-2014812d ago

No one disagree or agree with this asshole because he likes to ninja edit.

LoveNintendoWii4812d ago ShowReplies(2)
dedicatedtogamers4812d ago

I don't even think there are "casual" and "hardcore" games, simply niche and mainstream games. People who try to make themselves feel better by labeling games "casual" or "hardcore" are just insecure elitists.

BTW, Mario, Legend of Zelda, and FF7 were once considered "casual" (or the past equivalent) when they first came out.

Mr Tretton4812d ago

Those games were not considered casual back then, and non gamers were non gamers. Now, once 'non gamers' will play some Wii Sports.

Grandparents can play Wii, but they would not be able to figure out any of those games you listed.

gorebago4812d ago (Edited 4812d ago )

Lol-fest - to be fair puzzle games like tetris appeal to me but I absolutely hate angry birds.

To each their own but to make a bold declaration as loud as the title is wrong.

I'd rather get lost in a depth-filled console/pc-based rpg than be bored with a lame smart phone game that I'll be bored with within five minutes. I guess I'm just a luddite like that.

Bigpappy4812d ago (Edited 4812d ago )

Nothing is that simple. You can just say one game type is better than another. The results will differ depending on who you are speaking to. Thats why casual gamers prefer casual games, and hardcore gamers prefer hardcore games. Why must one thing always be better? What is wrong with co-existing as equally important?

SententiaS4812d ago (Edited 4812d ago )

Indeed, nothing is that simple and I am sure my article doesn't fully cover the issue. They can coexist as equally important, but it is clear both sides can improve and should improve if they wish to survive. Deciding which part from one genre is beneficial to the other if imported is the tricky part. However, it is clear that a market segment left virgin by hardcore games is now being exploited by casual games. Why and how? Well, that's the point of the whole article.

nycrekid4812d ago

Your article sucks. The day casual games are better than core games is the day I quit gaming.

Also there is no such thing as hardcore games. Last I checked ps3 and xbox don't allow x rated games.

Shok4812d ago

Nah, BUT, casual GAMERS are better than these "hardcore" GAMERS, since well, they're not rabid loyalist fanboys who crucify each other for having varying opinions and tastes in gaming.

Mr Tretton4812d ago

That's only half true, it's more that casuals wouldn't care if gaming died tomorrow, there's no passion there.

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