
Nintendo 3DS First-Day Sales Record

The first-day U.S. sales for the Nintendo 3DS appear to be pretty good. Nintendo confirmed this morning that 3DS sales were the highest of any Nintendo hand-held system in its history. The company, however, would not provide an exact number today. It will reveal first-week U.S. sales early next month.

"More details about U.S. sales numbers will be made public on April 14, when first-week U.S. sales figures will be tallied by the independent NPD Group," a representative said. "Nintendo worked hard to get as much product as possible to retailers on day one to meet demand, and we will continue with these efforts moving forward."

qface644790d ago

i thought NPD wasn't allowed to reveal sales stuff anymore or something like that?

darthv724790d ago

I will get one eventually. Right now the price is sort of keeping me at bay. I did go out on day 1 and get the DSi for $170.

I am impressed with the hardware however. Not as bad on the eyes as others would state. Then again...everyone has a different tolerance level for certain things.

Menech4790d ago (Edited 4790d ago )

I think half of it is simply over the top scare mongering to be honest.

Don't get me wrong am not about to say people having eye problems are going out of there way to lie in some fanboy attempt.

It's simple really when it's a topic on the news and then you go demo one, your not used to it and maybe you wink funny next minute you honestly believe your eyes are starting to melt.

It's like anything with humans, if there's some dangerous sort of flu flying about suddenly everyone starting feeling sick and half the time it's all in the mind.

People just need time to adjust it's no different from any other 3D, looking at a tiny screen for hours on end will hurt everyone's eyes a little regardless of 3D.

Stealth20k4790d ago (Edited 4790d ago )

^ nintendo has revealed it.

They probably crushed everything in the history of portable gaming to want to announce it after 2 days on the markeet

And what makes this even more remarkable is the price is slightly high for portables, the launch lineup isnt really stellar (good but not stellar) and this isnt a holiday which most other portables launch during.

wingman32x4790d ago

The numbers have to be good for Nintendo to be talking like that. It's a type of statement that's either true or a blatant lie, and I'm thinking it's the former because Nintendo isn't retarded.

If Nintendo had a successful launch despite the rushed announcement, subpar game lineup, and $250 price point, just imagine where the 3DS is going to be once they REALLY get the ball rolling.

RyuCloudStrife4790d ago

where are those guys that said nintendo sold only 5 handhelds at "X' store, LOL please get a life you fail at trolling.

kramun4790d ago (Edited 4790d ago )

'3DS sales were the highest of any Nintendo hand-held system in its history.'

Lets hear someones story about how they only sold 5 copies.

C'mon. One person is surely a measure of the overall picture. Right?

EDIT:I'll refer you to this article - http://n4g.com/news/730201/...

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Pure unadulterated fun. They don't make them like this anymore...especially not the triple A industry.

FinalFantasyFanatic10d ago

Back when video rental was a thing, I rented out Majoria's Mask, I never finished it though. I did buy the 3DS version before the eshop shutdown, so maybe one day I'll finally play through the whole thing, it's amazing how well these games hold up though. I briefly played Ocarina of Time for a while and it was really fun.


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