
First Ten Minutes Of Shift 2: Unleashed (GameBlurb)

GameBlurb writes, "Shift 2: Unleashed is EA’s latest entry into the Need For Speed franchise and improves upon the simulation based racing that was first introduced in Shift. In the first ten minutes of Shift 2 takes us through the intro, an analysis race and a bit of car shopping."

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MicrocutsX24816d ago

Wow, this really looks better than GT5...

MGRogue20174816d ago (Edited 4816d ago )

Yeah, I agree.. Graphics look better overall.. but GT5's premium vehicles look better than Shift 2's vehicles though.

CernaML4816d ago

Shift 2 runs at 30FPS. It BETTER have superior graphics to GT5.

I was really looking forward to this game. Unfortunately, after reading GTPlanet's impressions, it apparently handles the same way as Shift 1 which wasn't really fun at all. I'll still give it a shot though.

Drjft4816d ago


Don't you think a website with the title 'GTPlanet' is probably going to be a tad amount biased when it comes to rival racing games?

Just go out and rent Shift 2 and if you like it buy it. I've been enjoying the crap out of that and GT5. They both have their merits and flaws.

soundslike4816d ago (Edited 4816d ago )


Actually go to gt-planet and read the article, its not what you think.

The guy said he had a great time racing the developers at the release party/publicity event, but clearly referenced that it hadn't improved on the physics, and specific examples where it remains arcade driving. And also why he thinks that doesn't matter as much, even though its still a disappointment.

Then look at the forums and see that GT5 is actually a SUB-section. Forza, shift, and others have their own section as well, even filled with gt5 haters. Its gt-planet, yes, but one of the most legitimate communities out there for racing games, and news on racing games in general.

FinalSpartan4816d ago (Edited 4816d ago )

that does look really cool. cockpit view is stunning. Sense of speed does look great too! The player does suck though why doesn't he follow the assist line haha which Forza invented.

jaidek4816d ago

I loved the first Shift and can't wait to check this one out. I caught some of their live show last night and was geeked to see how much customization you can do to your car. Tweakfest at its finest! :D

Kiroe4816d ago

While this may be a good diversion from GT5, it will never dethrone it. There aren't nearly enough licensed cars in Shift nor enough tracks.

Ace_19754816d ago

I would rather have GT5, there is just more meat on the bones and more time went into it. It's not going to be topped until Forza 4 , and that might not even do it. I don't even like Forza I think it sucks.

soundslike4816d ago

Yea I'd much rather play Forza than this. If xbox guys are thinking about getting this game...they should just revisit Forza instead. I can't see this lasting more than a couple of weeks for people who have played the hell out of Forza or GT5

iamgoatman4816d ago

Yeah... that was completely off-topic.

soundslike4816d ago

Can we get a video where the driver isn't completely retarded?

throttle brake throttle brake shift up shift down...ON A STRAIGHT AWAY

The driver makes the game look like its going to blue screen of death at any time.

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Top 10 Racing Games For PS3

A breakdown of the best PS3 racing games according to Rantgaming.com. Games are rated based on replay value, graphics, gameplay, and controls

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INC NATE21314247d ago ShowReplies(1)
Larry L4246d ago

I'm not impressed with much in terms of racing this gen. Graphics have been really raised racently, and it wasn't by the "two kings" (GT and Forza) in racing. Shift 2 and the upcoming Project Cars are now DOMINATING racing games graphically, GT5 and Forza 4/H do not even compare. But physics and gameplay-wise, most everything's been "off" aside from a select few. My short list would be.

#1 GT5. It's still rocking everybody in terms of gameplay and variety. It's got every kind of 4 wheeled racing almost from Karts to F1 and everything in between. GT needs to step it up graphically now though. Forza is the LEAST of their worries there.

#2 Motorstorm Pacific Rift. Just the #1 most fun and intense arcade/off-road racer ever made or ever will be made. SOOOOOO much variety compared to the bare bones (but great) first game, and a way better racing game than the 3rd game which was more like Split-Second than MotorStorm in THIS Motorstorm Fan's opinion.

#3 F1 Championship Edition. This PS3 exclusive launch game is imho still the best F1 game this gen in terms of the racing.

#4 FerrariChallenge/SuperCar Challenge. Alot of people havn't heard about these, they got VERY little attention. They sucked because not alot of cars, but it's a fact that System 3 put into these PS3 exclusives (they were on Wii too, but they weren't as advanced) the most advanced, realistic physics to ever be in a console racer. The same physics they put into their PC sim. Good graphics for the time too. Very under-rated.

#5 Shift 2. This is only here because I think graphically, it's a sneak peek at the next level in racing sim graphics. Project Cars is improving on that. But Shift 2 has HORRIBLE physics and I disliked playing it. If Project Cars can get the physics more in line than Shift 2, and have enough of a garage to have the variety in the racing while keeping the online field fairly even like GT5 does, it will truly be the next level of racing sims, and something may actually pull me away from GT5, which nothing has based on gameplay.

Also: WipeOut HD- awesome game, awesome value, it's expansion makes it an even better value, top notch quality.


Crysis 2 50% off and more in Week 2 of Origin's Best of 2011 Sale.

Origin have released a new set of 50% off game in week 2 of it's Best of 2011 Sale.

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