
XtendPlay Review -thegamingexperience.net-

thegamingexperience.net says:"I loved the fact that I no longer had to take a break every hour to keep my fingers loose; when the XtendPlay did it for me! After awhile it started to feel like you where grabbing onto a pillow, and soon your finger begin to float to the buttons. If there was any gaming peripheral you should get your hands on it is the XtendPlay."

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macky3014783d ago (Edited 4783d ago )

That is a really mild way of putting it,..
I would rather buy a talking wall fish,.. ok that is a stretch,.. but still

Masterchef20074783d ago

lol looks extremely stange and makes the controller seem bulky

TheGamingExperience4783d ago

The bulkyness works though; it really does help too!

sethbalmore4783d ago

omg, how weak and pathetic do you have to be to get sore from playing video games? obviously for some pansy that hasn't worked a day in his life.

TheGamingExperience4777d ago

I work everyday; but when your work consists of getting carpel tunnel than yea it does tend to hurt after as I stated "LONG HOURS OF PLAY"


$10,000 XtendPlay Design Challenge

Design it, and you’ll become $10,000 richer! At least that’s what ExtendPlay is hoping for in their just announced $10,000 Design Challenge. XtendPlay is asking gamers to try out their product and then provide their input on what changes they would like made to the design and help improve on it. The design that is chosen will have the opportunity to win up to $10,000.


Nerd4Sure.com- XtendPlay Review "Unbelievably Good"

Written by Joseph Caballero - I’m sure most gamers have dealt with the dreaded “Gamers Claw”, the sensation of cramps and strained joints in your hands after an excessive amount of gaming. The only remedy, play less, but who really wants to do that? Luckily there is a product that will allow you to play hours on end without the need to take breaks because of aching hands. In fact, this very same product even fixes the many problems that gamers come across, like sweaty palms and discomfort when playing. Over the course of almost three weeks and literally hours of gaming, I took XtendPlay down through various tests. To my surprise, the results were far beyond what I had expected from the product. This review will challenge the surmise that XtendPlay can “improve reaction time”, “increase accuracy“, “increase precision”, and “enhance stability and control”. What you will find is that XtendPlay delivers what it promises, and you will find yourself playing better than before.

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brettyd4419d ago

What is the purpose of this thing? I read the review but I sound like a waste of money.

Nerd4Sure4419d ago

The purpose of XtendPlay is stated in the first paragraph. XtendPlay can “improve reaction time”, “increase accuracy“, “increase precision”, and “enhance stability and control."


HeroCast Episode 23

Harlock still out, Andy and Kimerex talk about Witcher 2, CD Projekt Red and their announcement at E3 2011, Thor and Naked Gamer Parties.

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