
Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor - Another overly complex mech game?

It cost £130 back in the days before Guitar Hero and Rock Band made £130 games commonplace. So few copies of Steel Battalion and its 40-button, three-stick, three-pedal, four-part controller made it to the UK that most were bought by eBay scalpers hoping to sell them on.

It was unique, and we'll never see its like again. Heavy Armor is the next best thing.

The story goes that Microsoft went to Capcom with an offer: if you had the budget and resources to make any game, what would you make?

The result was the ultimate mech simulator - giant walking robots which slowly clanked around battlefields ripping one another to pieces.

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Projekt7tuning4824d ago

I would love to see the finished product.
I wouldn't mind a proper Mechwarrior title. I thought Mechwarrior 5 was supposed to be out by now?

Reibooi4824d ago (Edited 4824d ago )

I would like to see another real and proper Steel Battalion not a Kinect game.

The original came out prior to the games that made the idea of paying over 100bucks for the game and the controller it needed plausible and now that people do it quite commonly for games like Rock Band I think it's a safe bet the game would sell better with that awesome controller now then it would have then. Not to mention graphics have jumped in quality since then making the game that much more realistic.

The original wasn't for everyone no doubt. But there was something just so surreal about playing it. It was a sim for something that doesn't exist and the sheer thought of that was awesome and more then that how hardcore the game was was just cool. Yes it was brutal but when you accomplished something you actually felt like you deserved and achieved something as opposed to feeling like you just got another kill on another kill streak.

It was a really ambitious game back then and I think it could be more successful now but I guess we will never know. I can tell you that playing the new one with a Kinect will not even come close to the awesome feeling of playing the original. It's still gonna feel cheesy and stupid having to flip invisible switches and push invisible buttons.

STK0264824d ago

If this article is to be trusted, you won't have to push invisible switches, as kinect will be used for some stuff whiole most of the game will be played using a controller. I would still have prefered a massive controller like the one used for the first SB, but I guess a kinect/controller hybrid can probably pull it off.

Reibooi4824d ago (Edited 4824d ago )

Yeah I saw the bit about the controller and considering how the first game worked I would assume that this version will have the sticks used for the camera and movement and some other key things such as the Eject and probably the use of weapons.

But the start up sequence and the various other in depth bits will more then likely be using the Kinect to use invisible buttons. Really if you think about it that's the only way the Kinect can be used in the game as those are the only parts that don't need to be really accurate. And yet still I'm sure it will cause problems.

Even if everything works perfectly(which is highly unlikely given the complexity the first game had) It still won't come close to the feeling of having the giant controller and pedals the original had.

Me getting it or not depends on if you HAVE to have Kinect to play it. If you don't then I'll give it a shot just because I loved the original. But if you need Kinect I won't bother as I'm not gonna waste all that money for a game that more then likely will have problems in the control department. The only exception would be if it gets like perfect scores across the board which I don't see happening even if it worked really well.

fatalred alarm4824d ago

this looks like a day one to me, and i guess we could assume this will be the first proper core kinect game

fatalred alarm4824d ago

@ people disagreeing, is there any other core kinect game at this moment then?

STK0264824d ago

So, it does use a controller after all, count me in then.

Lavalamp4824d ago

"The new game supports Kinect, but Kinect isn't man enough for From Software's team, so expect a controller-driven mech with an onscreen 'virtual HUD' powered by motions, gestures, and head-tracking."

You mean, I can use my controller? You've just made me a potential customer. Thank you, From Software.


Why From Software's worst game is worth learning from


"Heavy Armor might be the perfect Kinect game, or at least, the most honest, because it reveals how interesting life can be when technology gets in your way. Green-lighted way back when Kinect was known as Project Natal, the game posits a near-future in which a silicon-guzzling microbe has devoured every computer on the planet, setting back the science of combat to roundabouts the close of the first world war. Deprived of GPS, drones and other decadent trappings of 21st century warfare, the Earth's nations are obliged to duke it out in gas-powered mechs or "vertical tanks" that handle as elegantly as elephants in high heels."

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Relientk773235d ago

Of course it is. You have to learn from your mistakes

Godmars2903235d ago

And the reason that it was one of From Soft's worst games is that it was tied to poor game accessory.

plmkoh3235d ago

TBH the game looked interesting on it's debut.

_-EDMIX-_3235d ago

Not something I want to remember that existed.

audiocafe3235d ago

As much as I like From's Souls games, I'm hoping they release another Armored Core at some point.

...just had to throw that out there

TheColbertinator3235d ago

Armored Core or Tenchu would be cool with me


Ignore death threats

It always seems like the video game industry can’t go a single week without handling death threats of some sort. At this point, they almost come with the territory for game developers, critics, or anyone else a select few people don’t like. However, the only way a person who receives death threats can combat them is by doing absolutely nothing.

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Top Tuesday - The 10 worst video games ever.

MWEB GameZone writes: "The things that you love the most, are also the things that can hurt you the most. Which is just an unnecessarily complicated way of saying that there are really, really bad video games out there and they'll make you feel bad.

We've compiled a list of these aberrations so that you don't ever have to play them yourself."

plut0nash3632d ago

Star Trek was pretty shocking.

3-4-53632d ago

How did that Custer game get approved ?

Different times I guess.

plut0nash3632d ago

Bills needed to be paid I guess.

CongoKyle3632d ago

I really thought the picture of the horse was a real game. Not even sure why I'm disappointed it isn't ;/ Also, Survivor? What's the real aim of the game? Survive the opening credits?

HanCilliers3631d ago

What has been seen cannot be unseen

Sillicur3632d ago

I can still remember the dissapointment i felt from Diakatana

modesign3632d ago

duke nukem forever should of made the list, a game 10yrs in developement and ended up looking like a 2000 title.

HanCilliers3631d ago

I'm with you on the Duke that Fell from His Throne

Sillicur3631d ago

Duke nukem forever is to bad to be on any list :( So dissapointed !

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