
Is Crysis 2 the best looking PlayStation 3 game to date?

GB: "There has been a lot of talk about how Crysis 2 looks like on the PlayStation 3. I have also heard some people stating that Crysis 2 does not look as good as the Xbox 360 version. We have reviewed the Xbox 360 version and are currently playing the PlayStation 3 review code and in my opinion both the versions are absolutely similar.
Crysis 2 is also the best looking game on the PlayStation 3 yet and in order to prove this we have taken 60 screens captured at 720P.
Check them out below and I am pretty sure some of them will literally make your jaws drop."

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crystalnova20044789d ago

I still can't believe they were able to get these kind of graphics out of our current gen consoles

jriquelme_paraguay4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

imo no

i dont speak only about quality or perfomance...
i speak about the whole picture... the colors, the composition.

KZ3 is just too dirty for my taste. Is "sad"
Crysis 2 is more "happy" for my eyes and taste

Raendom4789d ago

God of War 3 and Uncharted 2 look better than Crysis 2 imo.

Uncharted 2's final level maybe doesn't push the tech the same way CryEngine is doing but the end visual outcome is essentially perfection.

All of these games prove that it takes years upon years to find the "limit" of a console.

NukaCola4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

Crysis is good looking, but it doesn't compare to Uncharted, GOW3, Heavy Rain, etc. Those game utilize the PS3 to get the most from it. The flash and flair of the game is sexy but it isn't that sexy. Uncharted 2 has some of the most realistic environments I have ever seen and I am 100% confident that Uncharted 3 will be 10x that. I can't believe this is still going on. And as it stands, I think Killzone 3 still has an edge over Crysis 2. The lighting is way better in C2, but the presentation and the action in KZ3 is incredible. I am even thinking that Resistance will eat Crysis 2 alive. It is actually running past 30frames on PS3.

Oh well these articles will pop back up when RAGE is released.

Crystallis4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

I agree, I've played Crysis 2 and it just not as polished as say U2, GOW3, or Killzone 3. But its a great looking game nonetheless.

pixelsword4789d ago

Planning to get it soon, but youtube leaves me to believe that it's... ok. :D

nilamo4789d ago

Wow so many hardcore fanboys on this site

nveenio4789d ago

Yeah, Uncharted 2 is still the most visually impressive game to date on PS3. And God of War 3 wins my award for most technically impressive. Crytek, on the other hand, might have pulled off the most visually impressive across all three platforms.

Mister_G4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

Framerate is more consistent too in Killzone 3 (from what I've seen, C2 goes at low as 18fps on both console versions!).

Can't stand games with variable frame rates. Lock it down to 30fps if you can't get 60fps.

malamdra4789d ago

absolutely no

Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, Killzone 3 an God of War 3 look better

BattleAxe4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

Click on Gamingbolt.com - then click WTF? - then click NO. Gamingbolt is run by a bunch of noobs, always looking for cheap hits for their site with what seem to be the dumbest articles on the net.

RankFTW4789d ago

I'm the biggest Sony fanboy I know and even I think Crysis 2 gives Killzone 3 a very good run for its money. I am currently playing through Crysis 2 in 3D just as I did with Killzone 3.

evrfighter4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

crysis 2 is a top contender graphics wise. definitely better than killzone

dkgshiz4789d ago

I think the character models look better in Crysis 2. Everything else looks much better in KZ3 though. Also the MP is much better.

Headquarters114789d ago

Wow those screens look flat. I can't believe reviewers actually think it looks better than games like uncharted 2

wicko4789d ago

kz3 framerate is far more stable so even if Crysis 2 did look better it certainly performs worse.

zootang4789d ago

Still trying justify only owning one console other tha the PS3? 2 years of titles trying to compete graphically with PS3 exclusives, give it a rest. Buy a PS3 already!

ChineseDemocracy4789d ago

From a graphical standpoint it looks amazing, but something's missing. The whole game just feels unfinishished, and it lacks a certain "polish"

karl4789d ago

god of war 3 uncharted 2 and killzone both 2 and 3.. look better than crysis on console..

i dont get it.. im playing the game and it looks quite bad =S

the game looks like it would look stunning on a PC

but it just doesnt in consoles..

Boody-Bandit4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

Wow are sites getting mileage out of this game or what?

Let's be honest and keep it real here, shall we?
Crysis 2 is not the best looking game on the PS3 but it is the best looking game on the 360.

Sony has several exclusives that eclipse Crysis 2 but don't let that stop you tabloid journalist from getting hits.

Crysis 2 is impressive but games like GOW3, Killzone and Uncharted 2 completely blew me away when I saw them for the first time, Crysis 2 didn't. Let's not forget Uncharted 3 looks even better than 2 and it will be out before you know it.

Pixel_Pusher4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

Those have to be some of the worst screenshots I've ever seen these people have no idea what the fuck there doing. lol

Vherostar4789d ago

Only people who think its the best looking ps3 game are 360 fanboys as if it was it would mean the 360 could finally be on par with ps3 graphically and its not.

ProjectVulcan4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

It does look good on PS3 but in all honestly it only runs 1024 x 768, and its performance is less than perfect. The likes of KZ3 and Uncharted 2 run 1280 x 720 and Uncharted 2 in particular, performance is absolutely rock solid. The game just doesn't drop frames...

You could argue that Crysis 2 looks better than these games, but even if that is true, you have to admit that it has come at the cost of resolution AND framerate consistancy.

Is why i admire Uncharted 2 so much. It looks the way it does, but it also does not compromise its performance one iota for the sake of the visuals.

Spydiggity4789d ago

Not at all surprising, but still bizarre that so many of you ps3 fanboys can't just admit that not only is KZ a crappy, generic shooter, but it's also a visually bland experience.

crysis blows kz3 away.

NewZealander4789d ago

well after playing killzone 3 i can say yes it looks good, but better then crysis 2? im not convinced.

i was a bit let down by killzone 3, on one hand some areas look great, like the trash level where you destroy the big robot, other areas can look pretty rough, i thought the jungle level was down rite ugly, the MLAA really takes the sheen away from the game and leaves some areas looking unfinished.

i enjoyed KZ3 but it felt inconsistent as far as graphics go, it was full of ups and downs.

Eyeco4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

i've played both ,Crysis 2 stomps the sh!t out of Killzone 3, Crysis 2 levels are much larger, varied and has COLOUR!!!!!!!!!Killzone 3 levels are much more closed, grey and monotonous.

it also has less going on in the level, its supposed to be this huge planetary war, yet theres like 5 enemies on screen, more of a skirmish if you ask me.

LOL at the fanboys in complete denial, i love the ps3 but how you can say Crysis is inferior to KZ3 is beyond me, the latter has a better art style thats about it, Crysis 2 stomps the sh!t out of KZ3 in terms of lighting, perfomance, textures, level variety etc..

gypsygib4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

Killzone 3 and Uncharted 2 look A LOT better. Crysis 2 looks good but the shadows, framerate and sharpness of the images hold it back. The aforementioned games are a lot crisper and smoother.

That being said, I'd love to see what they can do with Crysis 3.

malamdra4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )


no one is arguing that Crysis 2 has more colors and bigger areas than Killzone 3, this is about which one looks better as it is

you can say that Killzone 3 has an easier job with the graphics because of the confined spaces, or with less colors, or with shorter campaign, etc

but those are excuses, like saying that if Killzone 3 had bigger areas or more colors it wouldn't look as good as it does, but that's irrelevant, the games graphics should be judged as they are and not as they could be, and Killzone 3 looks and performs better than Crysis 2, there's no doubt about that

MaxXAttaxX4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

Thank you for proving my theory of you being just another hater.

What's wrong with the way the water in the BACKGROUND works in KZ3?
That's not the same water you're able to walk or play through, which is dynamic.

Again, you making something seem bad, when it's actually not.

What's happening to your bubbles, btw? xD

jy_mrnd4789d ago

Crysis 2 looks better IMO!

lil Titan4789d ago

*looks at Killzone 3* what game looked better now?

Objective4789d ago

Look at this river of comments... it is the river called De Nial.

HolyOrangeCows4789d ago

Crysis 2: Sub-HD, poor AA, low FPS, poor latency.

Killzone 3: HD, MLAA, steady framerate, great latency.

Crysis 2's lighting effects and semi-opened up areas don't make up for the fact that it's technically unstable and blocky.

If Killzone 3 isn't enough for you, let Uncharted 2 and God of War 3 give you a laugh over this suggestion.

paintsville4789d ago

Crysis is the best looking game on any platform. It completely crushes ANYthing on ANY platform.

badz1494789d ago

but some of the comments above are just ridiculously STUPID!

GG set KZ universe on a planet with very harsh condition and on top of that, one of the city was nuked by its own President or what ever! and not all KZ levels are brownish, as the one in the headquarters/lab are not brown and they have colors and then they are certainly colors in the space ship!

in contrast, is NYC nuked in Crysis2? or is NYC always brownish in real life? saying that Crysis 2 looks better because it has colors is simply stupid! not only it doesn't run a at proper 720p, the frame rates are also horrendously unstable and is almost never 30fps!

plus Crysis 2 also doesn't have THAT many vegetation like Crysis 1. but am I complaining like some of you guys up there complaining KZ3 has no colors etc? NO, it's their decision to set the game where they want to! RDR is red/brownish as hell but I don't hear people complaining! I know because it's set on a fucking canyon so why the fuck are you guys complaining about KZ3 being set in a war thorn, industrial thorn and nuke thorn planet??

TheDivine4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

Crysis 2 looks better than kz3 imho. Its hard to really tell but the detail and colors with the huge open environments were top notch while kz3 looked great but it was too gritty and details up close like textures were not as good. Crysis 2 WOWED me. I kept looking at the parks with trees and light falling through, its friggn impressive. The facial animations were amazing but i think uncharted 2 has it beat there. This was the one of the most impressive console gams ive ever seen and it far exceded my expectations. Best fps ive played since halflife 2. I played on 360 also and never had popin or framerate dips even in heavy combat and set pieces. Which game is better is up to you but imo this campain blows kz3 away, its 3 times longer and more open. A breath of fresh air after all the 5 hr campains that are linear. Great story also far more engrossing my only gripe is no bots for multi. The last game i loved this much was alan wake and mass effect 2 right before it, amazing.

EDIT: Dont believe people saying its framerate dips, not once on my 360 has it happened and i had zero gltches. Also people knocking it for bieng like 640p or whatever, you cant tell. Take gow2 remastered in HD, still looks dated and bad textures animation exc compared to gow3, resolution isnt the most important thing. This game has better textures, lighting, details, exc than some 1080p games. Alan Wake got knocked for this while still looking better than 1080p games(one of the best ive seen on consoles also).

bluegreenman4788d ago

I think KZ3 looks great.. but crysis has more vibrance to it :)

lagoonalight4788d ago

Funny, cuz I have the 360 version of Cry2 right here as well as KZ3 which I am not playing atm. KZ3 textures as you say crush Cry2. I have a calibrated local dimming LED and there is no comparison whatsoever. Part of texture quality is resolution. You might want to actually go play KZ3 divine it would help your fanboy opinion a lot. Some of you people need to seek some fucking help. Get both consoles and then none of you would need to do this every day saving you a lot of time. Simple fact: Cry2 is NOT as impressive as any of the big PS3 exlcusives. You can add GT5 and Motorstorm in there as well as they run at HIGHER than 720p resolutions.

humbleopinion4788d ago


what you're saying makes as much sense as saying the opposite: that the only people who don't think its the best looking ps3 game are PS3 fanboys as if it was it would mean the PS3 is sub-par to the X360 graphically.
After all, from comparisons it shows that the game has the edge on the X360.

OneSneakyMofo4788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

Here's what I've gathered from reading all the comments:

Only 360 owners:
Crysis 2 is clearly better.

Only PS3 owners:
Killzone 3, Uncharted 2, God of War 3 are clearly better.

Both console owners:
Killzone 3, Uncharted 2, God of War 3 are clearly better.

Conclusion: Single 360 owners are only saying it's better because the 360 can't push out graphical powerhouses like the PS3 exclusive developers can. 360's best looking game up until Crysis 2 was Gears of War 2.

badz1494788d ago

you're truly one sneaky mofo! :-)

Active Reload4788d ago

Not on n4g, but everywhere else it is...

SonyPS3604788d ago (Edited 4788d ago )

Crysis 2 is the best looking game on any console to date, that goes for both versions.


You can't really argue that anymore when the 360 is running Crysis 2 and it looks better than the ps3 exclusives you listed. Bloody fanboy.

starchild4788d ago


Actually it is the exact opposite. The only people that are saying retarded things like Killzone 3 looks better than Crysis 2 are people that only own a PS3. Those people never have anything good to say about other platforms (you would be a good example of this) so it is obvious that they likely only own a PS3.

Other people like myself who own multiple platforms can easily see that Crysis 2 has more impressive graphics than Killzone 3.

joydestroy4788d ago

anyone that disagrees with KZ3>Crysis2 on PS3 is delusional

+ Show (42) more repliesLast reply 4788d ago
chidori6664789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

kz3's is just better because theres so many ways to approach combat sections but the mp in Crisys 2 is garbage if compared to killzone 3. its average and boring at best. im posting this hear cause i hear a lot of poeple saying it looks better then kz3. on a side note the guns look like childrens toys nest to the guns of kz3.

Spydiggity4788d ago

this is just simply an untrue statement...

xAlmostPro4789d ago

In all honesty no.. However it's extremely impressive and i'd happily give it best looking multi-plat

jony_dols4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

Cryengine 3's amazing first iteration on consoles is Crysis 2.

Compare how much of an improvement has been made between UT3 (one of the first Unreal 3's games) and Gears 3 or Bioshock Infinite.

Hopefully further games will adapt and push Cryengine to its limit on consoles.

I don't understand why devs still persist with Unreal, when there is a superior engine available. Imagine Mass Effect (another EA published game) using CryEngine 3!?!

NanoSoldier4789d ago

From a technically standpoint Crysis 2 is by far the most impressive game on PS3 and on Xbox 360. It is the only Game that gives you a taste of what Crysis was on PC according to Gameplay and Visuals. I'm catching myseld more often simply looking around in Crysis 2 and everything feels so dynamic and alive ... even Uncharted 2, God of War 3 or Killzone did not make me feel like that. They look great but they are very scripted too. Even a die-hard-ps3-fanboy cannot deny this masterpiece Crytek brought to consoles.

cooperdnizzle4789d ago

Um yes yes we can! And we did cause you already have 4 disagrees. And you are crazy if ya think crysis looks better than the games you mention. Killzone 3 has the best visuals in a game. And god of wars tech is unmatched this gen! Not to mention we have MGS4 a game made 3 years ago that looks just as good as some games today. And the game had like 14 hours of cut scences that were just eye popping! Heck i think MGS4 looks better than crysis! Just my opinion

Ju4789d ago

I think it is impressive in the sense it pushes a multiplatform and on the ps3 it pushes the RSX to the max. But it could do more. Maybe Crytek is taxing the SPUs with other stuff, but they still don't use a deferred renderer (at least I don't think so - not fully). Next iteration could, though. We will see it that'll ake a difference. Dice will show it in BF3.

mfwahwah4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

cooperdnizzle you need to play some more PC games on a PC that can max games out. GoW tech unmatched? Killzone 3 best game visuals? MGS4 looks better than Crysis?

Just does not make sense.

TheDivine4789d ago

Dude mgs4 didnt look that great, its nowhere near best graphics. Gow 3 had great cutscenes but ingame graphics were average. The best 360 games are close enough to the best ps3 games that i can barely notice. Reach, alan wake, crysis 2, bulletstorm, metro 2033 all look so great i cant tell the difference betwen those and top ps3 games. The only standout is un2 which cutscenes are amazing.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4789d ago
willie324789d ago

There isn't a comparison between Killzone 3 and Crysis 2. Killzone 3 is the king.

NanoSoldier4789d ago

When you say something like that there isn't even a comparison between them your comment
automatically turns into laughable fanboy absurdity

metsgaming4789d ago

no its not, its very good but not the best. There a couple games ahead of it.

lee_ten4789d ago

this game is fun, but uncharted 2, killzone 2, killzone 3, and gow3 says hi.

jimbone794789d ago

No they don't. You said "hi" for them.

lee_ten4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

yes they do. i know the truth hurts but it's true.
it hurts a lot i see. :)

jimbone794787d ago

No they don't, and I'm not deigning any truth. A game is an inanimate object, they don't talk smart ass. Why don't you sit down and try to come up with something original to respond with instead of repeating the same phrase the 1,000 people a day use on this site. I just can't stand a parrot. "This says hi", "that says hi", "They say hi". Can you think for yourself? Do you really have nothing better to say? I will say this again Crysis 2 can hold it's own with any of the games you mentioned. I'm not going to get into whats "better" because that subjective, the only point I was trying to make was the a shiny plastic disc did not say a damn thing.

hiredhelp4789d ago

Err on consoles no its not best looking game. GOD OF WAR 3 IS ;-)

mastiffchild4789d ago

Crytek have a had a REALLY good go on all platforms but for me they still fall a little short -IN MOTION- on PS3 in matching the very best exclusives.

In stills it almost matches, down to the merest details, games like U2, GOW3, HR and KZ3-to the point where, mostly, you'd see no difference.

In motion, though, they fell down ever so slightly and I also feel there'as a bigger drop in SP to MP than there is on either KZ2 or KZ3. It's just not, for me, as smooth in motion as Sony's best offerings-the pop in is too much to say it beats out the comp full stop and the frame rate is choppier than the games I mentioned as well.

That said, it's so far ahead of every other PS3 multi it's very noticeable. On 360 there's no reason, though, not to say it beats out Gears2 as the systems best looker all round but with G3 mightily promising we shall see what Clifford brings to the table(if he can pull away from fighting with people who don't share his controller preference long enough!).

Great first go Crytek, amazing multi results now give FRD the leeway to bring the best shooting fun ever made to current gen consoles with TS4-king of them all!

Just thinking, however, f the few shoddy edges and pop in could be patched away by Crytek? Maybe then they'd match the best PS3 exclusives in action as well as on most screeshots. Talented guys , whatever.Just imagine if they'd worked the PS3 centric way ND/GG did?

showtimefolks4789d ago

just watch invisible walls on gametrailers

they say its not even in the top 5 best looking games on consoles

to each his own but i have seen better than crysis 2 on consoles

RyuCloudStrife4788d ago

MUST be FILLED with all these replies I am deeply sorry lol

Killzone 3 looks better

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4787d ago
cyborg4789d ago

but very very good looking indeed

realiks4789d ago

Indeed. Uncharted 2 is good looking too.

Hanuman4789d ago

I agree Crysis isn't as polished as GOW3 or Uncharted 2 but techwise Cry3 is certainly ahead of the competition.

4789d ago Replies(3)
nsnsmj4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

I don't think it's the best looking game on PS3, but it's definitely up there. I personally believe God of War III is the best looking PS3 game so far. At times, it looked like CG or similar to the animation in films. The textures, aliasing, scale--well everything, I thought were insane.

In regards to Crysis 2, it looks amazing too. Screenshots don't do it justice. Something about seeing Crysis 2 in motion, just like the first Crysis, is sometimes breathtaking. I think that's due to Crytek's skill with special effects and whatnot (i.e. motion blur, lighting, etc.).

As I said, I don't think it's the best, but it's certainly up there.

Simon_Brezhnev4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

Yeah i still think GOW3 is the best looking console game to date, but you know the fanboy journalists have been waiting for a game to look real good on 360 for like 3 years.

FFXI1014789d ago

"not the best looking ever
but very very good looking indeed"

I agree, is on the top10 on my list(PS3 games)

Ju4789d ago

I'd say it makes the top 5.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4789d ago
Sneak-Out4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

LOL, this Game looks awful on PS3 ... look on Dead Space 2 or Uncharted .. this is what we want ... Crysis 2 FAIL!

I remind what Mr. Yerli said: "Crysis 2 will push the PS3 on their Limit"

When this is the Limit, than i will kick my PS3 out of my Window

4789d ago
palaeomerus4789d ago

" LOL, this Game looks awful on PS3"

Nope. It doesn't.

NanoSoldier4789d ago

The game looks amazing on PS3.

hiredhelp4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

LOL, this Game looks awful on PS3 ... look on Dead Space 2 or Uncharted .. this is what we want ... Crysis 2 FAIL!

I remind what Mr. Yerli said: "Crysis 2 will push the PS3 on their Limit"

Unfortuantly seome devs had made this line saying they pushed the ps3. thankfully this isnt the case we wont see the full potential of the system for good couple years yet.

right as for crysis sneak-out DO you own the ps3 version have you played the full retail game.
i beleave if you think its a fail its cos you cant play crysis the way crysis is meant to be played. let me guess you go out there shoot people find you dye too many times. maybe thats why you think its a fail really. cos the engine and the detail even textures used in this game is like many have stated up there with some of the best.

unless anyone here hasnt played the full retail game and only the multiplayer build. i suggest if you gonna hate on it without playing it. shut the hell up.


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4789d ago
Edito4789d ago

Im sou tired of this BS headlines tsc the Best PS3 Looking title to date MY ASS have lost ur memory??? Uncharted 2, Killzone 3 and God Of War 3 released on PS3 don't forget that CRYSYS 2 lol it's good but not the best of the best...

BattleAxe4789d ago

Arguably I'd even say that Uncharted: Drakes Fortune and Heavenly Sword looked better too.

Hanuman4789d ago

Lol, you said Heavenly Sword and uncharted...There's a world of differences between those games and Crysis 2.


Also Uncharted is really nowhere near as goodlooking as Crysis 2.


You can obviously see these games were made in the PS3's early years.

hiredhelp4789d ago

Heavenly Sword sweet games one the best looking and playable game in the early stages. shame had go multiplatform.

Overmind4204789d ago

This game looks silly good. I know the graphics make the most headlines, but expect this game to contend for "Game of the year".

Focker4204789d ago

Stupid AI, poor pacing, and poor story. The only thing the game has going for it is the graphics. Definitely not a GOTY contender

frostypants4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

The multiplayer looks too marginal (in terms of gameplay) for a GotY FPS.

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The Crysis Trilogy Joins EA Access Vault

Featuring the complete nanosuit experience, The Crysis Trilogy has now joined the EA Access vault as a title that's free for those that subscribe to the EA service on Xbox One consoles.

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Games1st1394d ago (Edited 1394d ago )

Just in time for those that got the month trial.

DrDeath1394d ago

Wait? There is more than one? lol


Here are Star Wars The Force Unleashed, Crysis 2, RAGE & Resident Evil 2 Remake with Ray Tracing

YouTube’s members ‘Digital Dreams’ and ‘Jose cangrejo’ have shared some videos, showcasing Pascal Gilcher’s Reshade mod – which adds Ray Tracing/Path Tracing effects – in some really old games such as Star Wars The Force Unleashed, Crysis 2, RAGE and Resident Evil 6.

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traumadisaster1778d ago

I'm still learning how to look for the differences. At first I was focusing on shadows for some reason but I don't think that changes much, is it reflections that change?

rashada071778d ago (Edited 1778d ago )

It is supposed to be simulating how light actually works- so yes if light is reflecting off a surface accurately it should show reflection or an effect that matches what you are looking at in the environment. Next time you play a game look at a puddle of water there may be just a "baked" in texture that if you aren't paying attention seems like it is reflecting but it isn't. I would say though if the light is reflecting more accurately I would think that would give more accurate shadows as well.
I am still not 100% sold on it- it looks okay but I can't get over the hardware price jump for better reflections..

Taz X141778d ago

While games won't look immensely better, it opens up more possibilities overall. Understandably, the price jump is huge. But, that can be said for being at the forefront for any new technology. I'm currently using a 2080ti and while I've played a few games that enable it, the gpu also plays everything else incredibly well so it's not like you're buying this tech for ONLY that option. Enthusiasts will pay top dollar to check out the newest things, but this will eventually become an everyday consumer and by then they'll have optimized and become a lot cheaper.

warriorcase1777d ago

Ray/path tracing can be used how the developer wants it to be. Tracing can be used to calculate shadows/lighting, reflection and even audio, where audio waves are calculated on the bounce off material types to simulate enviroment and echos accuratly.

Should also keep in mind that this ray/path tracing system is different and less accurate option from Nvidias RTX branded type. McFly's is a reshade that layers over the top of the game and therefor the quality will vary drastically. For example you can see nice reflection in the Star Wars demo here but it then introduces colour clipping with the light saber. On a video of GTA 5 for example it was incorrectly projecting a reflection of a red car onto the road which caused a very faint red glow on the ground around the car.

If you want to see a good example of a game developed with ray tracing reflection and lighting in mind then you could look up the youtube video of "Control - Exclusive E3 RTX GAMEPLAY Trailer".

DigitallyAfflicted1778d ago

It supposed to add more realistic light Not actually more light effects and explosions

traumadisaster1778d ago

I hate to say it but I’m fine with fake lights, shadows, reflections. I just kind of like the effect, it’s also great it saves resources for other things.

I’ve been checking out some original Xbox games on x360/x1x and the engine has fake light streaming in through a stained glass window, and I love it even though I know it’s not real time lighting. Heck it even shifts as I move about.

I’ve about convinced my self rt and hdr just doesn’t work for me. Before hdr I would even complain damn why are the headlights killing me they are so bright.

I notice most frame rate, then jaggies, then resolution; with the last two interchangeable depending.

Other day watched an enthusiast rave over 4k and the poor guy was in 1080p. I played the same game the night before and thought wow this is clean, I wonder if it’s 4k, but knew differently and I thought wow even resolution is not always important. The next day he apologized and was surprised he could be fooled.

RaidenBlack1777d ago

EA should have released the Crysis Trilogy Remaster for this gen.

FGHFGHFGH1772d ago

How come the lightsabers don't give off any light? Even in the EA star wars game the guy uses it to light up a dark cave. I guess if it is using frostbite it will support rtx cards.


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