
Designing Slam Bolt Scrappers: Iteration 2 (of 5), When SBS was planned for XBLA

Eitan Glinert writes, "September 2008 came and went, and we had a few prototypes for what would eventually become Slam Bolt Scrappers. Now it was time to roll the parts we liked together into a mega-prototype to see if we could actually make something more fun that everyone would enjoy."

Lost? Check out yesterday's post: http://n4g.com/news/727070/...

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Cat4791d ago

Eitan stopped by N4G last week ( http://n4g.com/news/723562/... ) and partly in response to the discussion here decided to create this series.

This is the second, the first is http://n4g.com/news/727070/...

In this iteration Eitan talks about how the game was originally planned for XBLA and how to prototype a robot.

eitanglinert4791d ago

Generally when prototyping a robot I start by teaching it how to love.

Cat, thanks for posting this. I'll be hanging out in the comments as usual answering questions, kicking asses, chewing bubble gum, etc.

Cat4791d ago

Plus, we need Kon to drop by. I thought you guys were friends? Way to be a friend, Kon...

Kon4791d ago

Looks like i made a new friend. Care to share some bubbles with me?

Syko4791d ago

Damn do I win for spotting that the background was directly ripped from Sim Tower?? Also that the robot looked very Mega Man'ish...

I felt better when I scrolled down and my theories were confirmed. Boo on you for not keeping the Sim Tower background, that was pure win IMO.

eitanglinert4791d ago

Yeah, it's the robot miniboss that guards the armor upgrade in Mega Man X (yes, I'm a huge MM nerd). And SimTower was a hilariously addictive game that should have been called SimElevator.

I think it's funny that we borrowed so much stuff from other games in order to make our original prototypes - when you only have 3 coders and no artists you really have to make do with whatever you can. It's not a long term solution since you obviously can't release a game with stolen assets but it can really help code/design heavy teams in those early days.

anubis564790d ago (Edited 4790d ago )

Seriously, I was asking myself the same question too, I guess that admen or mod above with 100 bubbles has something to do with this?

Cat4790d ago (Edited 4790d ago )

Hey, guys! It's a featured diary from a developer (Eitan Glinert, visiting above) written in response to some N4G discussion last week. (you may have seen the ads around the site for this dev diary series)

Hopefully we'll have Eitan in our blogs section next, and if you're interested in the development process let me know some other devs you might like to hear from!


Announcing: N4G Indie Month Coming This July

Cat writes, "After months of planning in my über secret lair, I'm more than a little excited to share that this July we will host our first ever Indie Games Month at N4G! A month-long celebration of indie developers and games, we’re giving indies main page N4G time with demos, trailers, previews, interviews, guest blogs and giveaways."

Palitera3644d ago (Edited 3644d ago )

Everybody wins!


Slam Bolt Scrappers Review | CalmDownTom

Slam Bolt Scrappers is a strange game. Strange in an interesting way. The basic premise is that you have a building area and your opponent has a building area. You then fight over crates which can be dropped in your own building area in a sort of psuedo-tetris way. When these crates are arranged into square shapes they form turrets that shoot at the other player’s turrets. Oh! And there’s different coloured crates for different types of turrets. Also there’s ninjas and giant robots. Got all that? Good.

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Be Mine 8 Has 7 Games Of Surprising Quality For $5

Gamesta.com has yet another round of PC deals for frugal gamers. The latest comes from Groupees and their Be Mine 8 Bundle promotion that packs a ton of games for a low price. Just a buck will get you 4 games already, like the recently released Slam Bolt Scrappers. With $5 or more, you'll get Blood Bowl and more as well.