New Asphalt 3D screenshots

New Asphalt 3D screenshots for 3DS.

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The worst games to launch alongside Nintendo consoles

Games Asylum "The Switch’s launch line-up may have been slim, but at least there wasn’t a ‘day one dud’ lurking alongside the likes of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Bomberman R. Damning praise, we know, but there’s truth in those words.Previous Nintendo consoles haven’t been quite as fortunate as the Switch, with plenty of clutter arriving alongside such system seller as Super Mario 64, Luigi’s Mansion and Zelda: The Twilight Princess. It’s easy to see why publishers think they can get away with it. Console launches generate a huge buzz, and so it’s easy for day one adopters to get caught in the hype and pick up two or three games on a whim"

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matt1392645d ago

The army men series was great.


Asphalt 3D: It came from the bargain bin | Nintendo Nation

We gamers love a bargain. They give us a chance to try new gaming experiences, ones we would have deemed too risky at RRP. Or, in some cases, try more flawed software when the price is right. After all, surely we’d be more satisfied having purchased a flawed game for less, even if it doesn’t change the underlying issue that it’s a bit, well, rubbish.

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What not to buy your kids: 3DS edition

Every year, countless parents buy their children the wrong games. This Bitmob series hopes to remedy the holiday blues by recommending what not to buy.

jacksonmichael4552d ago

Haha... I thought from the title that this would be a "Don't buy your kids a 3DS" article.

THR1LLHOUSE4552d ago

My parents bought me Asphalt when I got my regular DS for Christmas however many years ago...Too bad they didn't see an article like this...

SybaRat4552d ago

But what if you hate your kids and want them to move out of the basement?

SpitTake4552d ago

why would you tell parent to buy their kids Resident Evil Revalations

gamingdroid4552d ago

I'm thinking Mario or something similar would be much more appropriate and more fun for the kid.

Caligula4552d ago

Well, I still think of myself as a "kid" and would certainly love Revelations to be bought for me.

gamingdroid4552d ago (Edited 4552d ago )

Thinking of yourself as a kid or acting like one doesn't make you one!


NYC_Gamer4552d ago

any good gifts for little cousins?