
PSP Go – my favourite thing of 2011? - Brash Games

I know, I know, what the hell am I thinking right? The PSP Go was a flop - and that was in 2010! Well, I didn’t play the PSP Go in 2010 but I’ve played it in 2011 and you know what, I absolutely love it.

Believe me, I could have never imagined me saying this as recently as a month ago - I had no interest in the PSP Go whatsoever and was more than happy with my PSP Slim & Lite……or so I thought anyway.

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Ddouble4826d ago

I want one too. I've seen a lot of people picking them up recently with the deals going around and i'm tempted.

FinalSpartan4826d ago

i actually like the PSP go design to NGP. NGP looks alright but abit bulky. It would be awesome to slide up and find two analog sticks.

Close_Second4826d ago

The Go is the height of PSP design. Its such a shame the NGP is such a step backwards in terms of form factor.

I use my Go for 50% gaming, 30% music and 20% movies. How in hell do I use the NGP for listening to music when you can't put the thing in your pocket with headphones plugged in?

DigitalHorror814826d ago

@ Close Second, I feel your pain! The PSP GO is an awesome piece of hardware and for the $120 that I bought it for (Brand new) I couldn't be happier. The thing I hated most about the Go to begin with was the terrible price. Now you can buy them used all over the place for about $100-110. It's crazy. I've got 6 games on mine and it's SO NICE to not have to lug games anywhere. I absolutely love it and actually, I am tempted to buy another IN ADDITION to my NGP this Christmas, which already has $100 on it on reserve. The lady at my Gamestop said she expects NGP games to be $40! The same as the new retail PSP games are RIGHT NOW!

Parapraxis4826d ago

I picked one up for 100$ last thursday.
It's a pretty solid little machine.


Pedobear Rocks4826d ago

Picked one up for $99...at that price point it is a no brainer.

Actually at that price point its like the are giving them away like candy...

ButterToast4826d ago

I love my PSP Go <3. but sony needs to start dropping prices of those digital games. I will never pay more than ~$20 on a portable game and if I am paying $20 it better be damn good! some of the games on the store need to be dropped to $10 or sony needs to have more sales. I've spent way more money on steam just because of impulse buys from really good sales. hell i was only mildly interested in metro 2033 when I bought it and I guarantee i would never have bought it if it wasn't on sale.

DigitalHorror814826d ago

I think I saw one for $50. I can't, and WON'T go 50 for a digital download. Can you imagine if the game sucked? That's 50$ blown to the wind! Thank God we've got retail physical copies on the NGP come Christmas.

ButterToast4824d ago (Edited 4824d ago )

NGP Is too big and too expensive for me, as nice as the hardware looks, I'm not paying $300 for a portable gaming device. as far as digital downloads go, I'm ok with paying normal prices for PC games on Steam, but yes $50 is outrageous for a portable game. I don't plan on buying physical media again for portable gaming but I'm glad sony through in the option.

Dart894826d ago

I bought one from my friend brand new for $110 cuz he was in need of money now time to fill it up with my games.

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Five Bad Console Redesigns that Missed the Mark

Sometimes newer isn't better when it comes to hardware. Here are five subpar console redesigns that chopped a feature too many.

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Nerdmaster938d ago

I would also add the Gameboy Micro. The Gameboy Advance SP was already a little bit too small, and the Micro which was made even smaller, was impossible to play for more than 5 minutes without destroying your hands.

abstractel938d ago

I quite liked the PSP redesign :shrugs:.

plmkoh937d ago

If it was released today everyone would be praising it.

PrimeVinister937d ago

I would definitely agree on that. The infrastructure is there for a digital-only device and physical media isn't as big a deal.

The very reasons it was rejected in 2009 are flipped on their head.

got_dam937d ago

Note to author. Make the section titles BIGGER than the text for the body of each section. It reads better.

got_dam933d ago

Lol 1 dislike. Bet the author can't take any criticism. Constructive or otherwise.


Why I Bought a PSP Go in 2021

Alex S. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "I bought a 12-year-old, digital-only system. And I gotta say – I love it."

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Knushwood Butt1087d ago

I got one at launch and still have it.
Great system and super portable.
Not so comfortable for big hands playing for long sessions though.

Have good memories of Peace Walker on the Go, pun intended.

dolfa1086d ago

I believe there is some prototype of a hand held console with dedicated GPU that can run modern AAA games too.

Eidolon1086d ago

PSP has such great games, it's such a shame Vita didn't do as well, I still use mine I bought in 2014. I still would love an upgraded handheld if just for ports, though.

redrum061086d ago

I've enjoyed my PSP a lot, too bad they're not making handhelds anymore.
That time when Skype was available on PSP was awesome.

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Atlus Confirms PSP Titles Will Stay Available for Purchase

Atlus has confirmed that their PSP titles will still be available for purchase through the PS3 and PS Vita stores, even after the closure of the PSP store on July 2nd.

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XiNatsuDragnel1095d ago

Cool! I hope more developers do this for the PSP title.

1095d ago
FallenAngel19841094d ago

When a third party publisher is more dedicated to a platform’s long term lifecycle than the manufacturer themselves

Atlus is the true chad

Darkborn1094d ago

Well yeah, Sony has to pay for overhead and infrastructure as well as maintenance and personnel for the 4 psp users out there while atlus just makes straight cash if someone buys one of their super outdated titles and that they are no longer patching or working on.

Amplitude1094d ago

Gotta wonder why they're even bothering to close the PSP store. All the games are still on the servers, and all the games are still purchasable on the pc and ps3 stores. Seems like the only thing they're doing is closing one web-based store