
SOCOM 4 Hands-on Preview: A Bloody Good Time

Eric Blattberg of PSU.com writes, "I came away from SOCOM 4 impressed, eager to see more of the game. The Sharpshooter works surprisingly well; I still don’t know if it’s a competitive option for multiplayer, but I look forward to playing the single-player campaign with motion control. Luckily, I won’t have to wait too much longer: SOCOM 4 deploys for PS3 on April 19, 2011 in North America and April 22, 2011 in the U.K."

jonnyvito4830d ago

Like the sound of the Move controls!

jriquelme_paraguay4830d ago (Edited 4830d ago )

is this game good?
i never Played Socom Game... i win today my beta code from Twitter @Zipper

Pixelated_Army4830d ago

Sounds great and I can't wait.

LiL T4830d ago

I think Socom is great. It was my first console shooter ever (Just played GT b4 that, YA I KNOW) but I learned real quick that Socom gamers are pretty hardcore and it really is all about TEAM WORK. If you communicate with your team well then the game is alot more fun. Even if you are tempted to just run out DON'T sit back a sec and watch....then start pickin people off.

Domer254830d ago

Watched some streams and I'm impressed.

porgep4830d ago

I think SOCOM and Killzone 3 are great reasons to pick up Move. Looks like Sony finally has some good motion control games under its belt. Can't wait to see what else they have in store.

blusoops4830d ago

Although I agree whole heartedly I still think they need a good move exclusive to bring in the masses.

porgep4830d ago

Yeah, I'm actually hoping a game comes out that mixes hardcore/casual markets for Move -- something I could play with my girlfriend for hours on hours -- and not just play random sports games.

Dante1124830d ago

Sweet, can't wait to play this. Sounds like a really fun time.

Silly Mammo4830d ago (Edited 4830d ago )

After playing KZ3 with the Move exclusively and doing pretty well(if I do say so myself) with it, I can't wait to play SOCOM! This title has moved up to the top of my must-buy list.

t0mmyb0y4830d ago

Same here man. It's hard to go back to DS3 controller after getting used to the Move

AKA2284830d ago

Totally agree with you both. I feel like Killzone 3 with Move was a completely new experience and just added to the excellent sense of immersion in killzone. I don't think I will ever be able to go back to a Dual Shock for shooters period lol.

FFXI1014830d ago

"Since SOCOM 4 recognizes which region you’re playing in, North American gamers helm a group of U.S. Navy Seals, but gamers from other regions control other armed forces, complete with different characters and voice actors. British gamers, for example, play as S.A.S. fighters"

That's so cool, I wonder how many special forces gropus they have in the SOCOM 4.

LiL T4830d ago

That sounds great but does that mean us Canadians get maybe a C7A2, C8A2, LSW and Maple syrup grenades.

FFXI1014830d ago

I have lots online friends from cannada and one of them was in the Canadian army, I bet he'd know more.

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10 Reasons Why I Still Love PlayStation, 25 Years Later

Here are ten reasons why we still love the original PlayStation.

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naruga1643d ago

Resi 1 and Crash 1 these games go together in my nostalgia filled memory as the start of PS brand afficionando ....and objectively and curiously still remain untouched peaks in their genres ...nothing came close to them

NapalmSanctuary1643d ago

I still have 130 something games for the system.


Top 10 Forgotten Sony Franchises

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "Gaming’s past is full of wonderful memories, many of which include some of our favorite moments in all of video games and helped shape our current gaming habits. And, thanks to the awesomeness that is the PlayStation, many of these memories can be found in Sony’s franchises. But what happens when a great franchise or IP just disappears? While sometimes its just forgotten, never to be heard from again that’s not something that we here at Link-Cable can bear the thought of. So for this week’s Top 10 we are taking a look at the Top 10 Forgotten Sony Franchises and also crossing our fingers that someone with the power to bring these back just happens to stumble across this list."

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PhoenixUp2304d ago

Don’t forget Dark Cloud, Rogue Galaxy, Legend of Dragoon, Freedom Wars, Invisimals, Lemmings, Modnation Racers, Pursuit Force, Resistance, Siren, Soul Sacrifice, Mark of Kri, & Wild Arms

darthv722304d ago

To be fair, many of those are not forgotten. They just ran their course while others were not given the respect they deserved to garner a continuation. Games that are one-offs probably had no intention of making them into series but I do wish they would rethink that. Some deserve to be given a follow-up.

UltraNova2304d ago

Agreed. Maybe Sony can contract Bluepoint to remaster Heavenly Sword, see people's reaction to the game and decide wether to give the go for a sequel.

Also Lair can be remastered es as a PSVR game and take it from there.

2304d ago
Michiel19892304d ago (Edited 2304d ago )

Legacy of Kain would fit right in there, although sony has no rights to that IP as far as I'm aware.

Ah later instalments were not sony exclusive, so dont mind me sir :p

Xenophon_York2304d ago

Remaking the very first Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen would be amazing.

MWH2304d ago (Edited 2304d ago )

Maybe one day the coin will land on its edge.

Michiel19892304d ago

I'd prefer Soul Reaver but Blood Omen would do just fine as well

Godmars2902304d ago

To be fair, Wild Arms did run its course, was effectively run into the ground, going by example of last entry using characters from all games. Being an STG title on the PSP.

Could always revive the western/steampunk setting.

_-EDMIX-_2303d ago

I know right! I'm still waiting for someone at Sony to make the Getaway 3 lol

I always wondered what the PlayStation 3 version was going to be like.

SuperSonic912303d ago

CTR Remake please. Best kart racer ever made by Naughty Dog

Rangerman12082303d ago

Finally someone mentioned Soul Sacrifice, Siren, Legend of Dragoon, and Freedom Wars. Those games are in desperate of a new installment. Especially with Folkore.

Sitdown2303d ago

Lemmings is a PlayStation franchise? I would say Battle Arena Toshinden.

frostypants2303d ago

Lemmings was a franchise waaaaay before even the PS1 saw the light of day. Nobody's forgotten it.

thisismyaccount2303d ago

and ALUNDRA .. dunno if it´s a Sony IP or not.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2303d ago
GBG_Jason2304d ago

I'm not sure single games would be considered franchises. If you want to say Heavenly Sword is one, I'd also put Enslaved on the list. Loco Roco is in the same boat as Patapon. But things like Tomba are certainly missed.

GBG_Jason2304d ago

Never mind me, you are absolutely correct.

Kleptic2304d ago

yeah, it was the Ninja Theory (same dev as HS), just not a ps3 exclusive

Michiel19892304d ago

It was a good game though, I wouldnt mind seeing a sequel at some point

Yui_Suzumiya2304d ago

There was going to be a sequel to Enslaved. Unfortunately it never left the drawing board. Hopefully someday it will be realized.

jznrpg2304d ago

Enslaved was super undervalued, loved that game

UltraNova2303d ago

....and in dire need of a Remaster!

FallenAngel19842304d ago

How can you all something a franchise if it only has one installment?

At that point it’s just an IP. You can only call it a franchise when there’s multiple installments.

SamPao2304d ago

you should look up the definition of a franchise.
If there is more than just a game, say merchandise its already a franchise.

_-EDMIX-_2303d ago

I understand what the Fallen is trying to say, simply saying how could you suggest a game with only one installment as a franchise in regards to a series in terms of multiple games.

Even though, yes franchise can be considered what you stated in this context that's not really what's being talked about.

SamPao2303d ago

yet still its what he was talking about. Maybe nexttime you should say "series"...

SurgicalMenace2304d ago

Legend of Dragoon? Sly Cooper?

Araragifeels 2304d ago

Sly Cooper is not forgotten. They even making a TV show, I am hoping they Remake the first 3 games from scratch like Ratchet & Clank did.

2304d ago
Araragifeels 2304d ago

@DJK1NG_Gaming I didn't mention the movie because probably got cancelled since Ratchet & Clank movie flop and Sony might not take another chance but Sly Cooper is having it own TV series.

FallenAngel19842304d ago

Sly Cooper is getting a television series. Sony hasn’t forgotten about it

2304d ago
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Games to Play if You Miss SOCOM

Last year I wrote an article titled, The State of SOCOM. I discussed my
love and history for the beloved third person shooter that helped pioneer
online multiplayer on consoles. It has been six years since we last had a
new SOCOM game.

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LOOK_AT_THIS_I2480d ago

Baffles me as to why they have not done anything with this franchise. Seeing as how it was #1 on the official PlayStation poll.

With all the trash put up weekly on the App Store why has nobody done a clone of this yet. I've been playing Defiance as my go to 3rd person since 2013 but still nothing like that old school Socom/Socom 2 up all night gameplay.

ONESHOTV22480d ago

the only game on that list that's like socom is wild land if you want socom type games then you will have to invest in a PC

USMC_POLICE2480d ago

You are looking at the view point I.e 3rd person view. Rainbow six siege is probably most like socom aside from H-Hour

Majin-vegeta2480d ago

Army training grounds its F2P.

ion6662480d ago

Insurgency Socom mod perfect adaption. Play it

C-H-E-F2480d ago

RAINBOW SIX: is the closest you'll get to Socom.

Also, in response to @lookatthisi

They let go the creators, and I think socom is a game that's hard to clone even the creators had a hard time making Socom 2, Socom 3.

LOOK_AT_THIS_I2479d ago

No way man. The devs at Trion made Defiance. I know different genres different games but this could have very easily turned into a war game rather than a kill the mutants/aliens games. Ghost recon actual gameplay is about the closest to the old Socom feel due to the squad format and team commands but it was still clunky at times. Using the wheel was cumbersome to command teammates and strategies on how you approcahed a scenario.

FFS you could control your teammates with a microphone in the ps2 days. You can't tell me that it is that hard when people throw up mods on the pc all the time that mirror the original games using random game engines. These are professionals with money/tech that most people don't have access to.

(Seth Luisi was the problem at zipper, he tried capturing ghost recon/cod fans with Socom by slowly turning the Socom series into Frankenstein GR/COD lite games)

C-H-E-F2479d ago

Getting that feel, that rush being the last one alive, Rainbow Six is the closest I got to that feeling since Confrontation. And we all know that was a horrible Socom, but looking back at it, SC was a great game just had a horrible release.

I didn't play defiance, but ghost recon is and was trash.

InTheZoneAC2479d ago

A lot will defend Seth saying he was a puppet, but his inactions or actions didn't help. He helped ruin the franchise.

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