
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Fox's Final Smash

It's the brute tank of Team Star Fox-the Landmaster. Surely he wouldn't bring that thing out?! Jump to hover. Tilt down to roll. And, of course, fire its cannon with the attack button. It's so big, it might be hard to turn around. But it's law-breaking power and authority is unstoppable.

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SolidSnake936066d ago

The 1 game that might convince me to buy a Wii


5 Best Fighting Game Stage Themes

Fighting games and music have a long and storied history together. Here are five of the best fighting game stage themes throughout video game history.

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Tetsujin694d ago

Tekken Tag Tournament 1 Arcade OST - Nina Williams
Street Fighter 2 - Ken stage, Ryu Stage, Vega (Claw), and Guile
Street Fighter Alpha 3 - Karin theme
Tekken 3 Arcade OST - Hidden Characters Theme
Super Street Fighter 2 - Fei Long CPS1 version (found on Hyper SF2 A.E.)
Tekken 2 Arcade OST - Kazuya and Devil theme
Marvel vs Capcom 1 - Strider Theme, Ryu, and Roll

Tedakin694d ago

There should have been at least one Mick Gordon Killer Instinct theme on here.

Rebel_Scum694d ago

Should be some tunes from the first Mortal Kombat in any list tbh.

I really like the use of Mozart’s Dies Irae in Wolfgang Krausers stage in Fatal Fury 2.

azizlksa694d ago

Volcanic rim for Street Fighter 4 is probably my favorite stage theme


5 Obscenely Overpowered Video Game Characters

Developers should always strive to make their products as balanced and fair as possible. Sometimes, video games feature a incredibly overpowered characters that just break the game.

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JSusie5820d ago

Orlandu/TG Cid in Final Fantasy Tactics
Bo Jackson in Tecmo Super Bowl.

The end.

879d ago
BrainSyphoned879d ago

Having to do a thing three times would make my list as #1

Jeriphro879d ago

What do you mean? Like doing the same task three times in a row?

BrainSyphoned879d ago (Edited 879d ago )

Ya, find three items, kill three mini bosses, go to three dungeons. Things of three is a tired video game sweet spot number.

879d ago
0hMyGandhi879d ago

For me, it's collect-a-thons. They weren't fun in Donkey Kong or Banjo and Kazooie and they still aren't fun now. Why create these wonderfully oversized, detailed worlds if you are going to just supplement gameplay with ambiguous item fetch-quests.

There are exceptions, of course, But by and large, it just shows laziness on the part of the developer.
Good article, by the way!

Jeriphro879d ago

Yeah. It is funny some of the design decisions made by developers. Another one that irks me is unskippable cutscenes, especially after you die after the cutscene and are forced to rewatch the unskippable cutscene AGAIN. I mean, who thinks that a great idea?! haha

jambola879d ago

how about not allowing cutscene skipping
that's flat out inexcusable in any game in the last 10 years

SDuck879d ago

this comments are demanding a "The 4 Horsemen of The Apocalypse of Game Design Flaws" sequel